View Full Version : black horse

14th January 2001, 07:07 PM
A guy was driving along a deserted country road when suddenly the car dies. It's dead.
He gets out, pop's the hood and looks around the engine bay, hasn't got a clue.

Suddenly there's a voice behind him, 'check the fuses'. He turns round, nobody there; it's deserted except for a black horse in the field next to the road.

'Funny', he thinks but checks the fuses anyway, sure enough one of the main fuses had blown which he replaces.

He drives on and stops at the next pub.
While he munches on his counter meal he tells the barman the story.

The barman says, 'was there a black horse in a field nearby?'
'Yes' says the driver.

'Well' says the barman, 'it's your lucky day. Normally the white one's there and he knows bugger all about cars'.