View Full Version : Advice on invisible decking fasteners

9th February 2006, 10:35 PM
I'm planning to build a 40SqM deck on the rear of my house and I've been doing quite a bit of reading recently about the best way to fix hardwood decking boards to the joists.

Nails seem popular (cheapest), screws less popular too (more expensive I suspect).

Recently I have read about the many types of invisible fasteners which seem popular in the US but not so in Australia.

My question is ....Why ? are they a bad idea, too expensive, not suitable for Australia ?

I like the finish the invisible fasteners provide, but am skeptical, because you guys don't seem to mention them. I have read about Dektights ? but not much else.

So can you guys (& girls) give me some information on the merits or otherwise, of any invisble deck fasteners available in Australia.



9th February 2006, 10:41 PM

Invisible fasteners seem to be appearing slowly. They are still very expensive, and I suspect not quite suited to the hardness of our timbers, nor to the amount of movement we get.

My thoughts, based on nothing more than intuition and trying to find a system that will work.



journeyman Mick
9th February 2006, 11:14 PM
I've used them on two jobs, excellent finish but very slow, about 3 times more labour to lay a deck,


10th February 2006, 09:13 AM
I've used them on two jobs, excellent finish but very slow, about 3 times more labour to lay a deck,



Can you give me some details on the costs, the brand and the supplier.

I'm not too worried about the extra time it takes, as I'm doing it myself, and I think the results will make it worthwhile.


journeyman Mick
10th February 2006, 11:26 PM
all the jobs were 5+ years ago, can't remember the costs, some were bought from Cairns Hardware, some from Rankine's Timbers Stratford (Cairns) may have been different brands too. Sorry I can't be of any help, but it's a while back and a lot of hardware has been bought since then (hell, I can't even remember what I bought last week :o )


11th February 2006, 10:14 AM
In my "Australian decks and pergola construction manual" there is a whole page dedicated to using the deklok fasteners which are invisable and made in Aus. Pm me and I can send it to you.

11th February 2006, 01:19 PM

I have the 4th edition of that book, but can find no reference to DekLok in it. Do you have this edition.

11th February 2006, 02:01 PM

I suspect that DekLok was in use a few years ago but has had its day, as I can find no-one that stocks it in my area. I also read that its a bugger to use with hardwood decking, ie lots of bent fasteners.

So my quest continues, I am looking at a product called EB-TY which is a biscuit shaped fastener with an in-built spacer, which is screwed to the joist with SS screw. Looks good, but I also think it will be expensive.

Has anyone had any experirnce with it ?


11th February 2006, 02:22 PM
here is a link to ebay,


he quotes $4.65 l/m for brazilain hardwood which includes your fasteners,
this link,


gives a price as well.

12th February 2006, 08:48 AM
it seems they are made by national nails still but through their parent company and they have renamed them "stealth nails" There is a informative website as below.
I think they are made in brisbane still.
regards Steve

12th February 2006, 09:31 AM
I have defenitely seen one made here in melbourne and they sell the decking to go with it with a rebate down each side in aussie hardwood and with a slight curve on top to aloow drainage but for the life of me cant remember the name, I think they are in regional vic ballarat or bendigo rings a bell, wish I could be more help.

14th February 2006, 05:38 PM
mdab, I saw deklok's at bunnings a couple of days ago, and hadnt seen them previous to this, so maybe check bunnings for stock, they come in pails of 500 from memory for $100 - thats one for each joist attachment point. they give a space between joist and deck, and consistant spacing.

for contact

give em a call and make sure they are OK with the timber species you are using for the deck. (have heard they bend with really hard stuff like jarrah and turpentine)

15th November 2006, 08:27 PM
There are some appearing now called tigerclaws saw them at a trade night at Mitre 10 Melbourne, pretty expensive but seemed like a good idea. You hammer it in on every joist and then screw into place, it also acts as a spacer, it grips both sides of the board when yo do the next row of boards so would prevent any warping. A nice finish.

15th November 2006, 08:38 PM
pretty funny, that this thread comes back up today, as this afternoon I bought a box of the deklok's from bunnies - 500 for $40-00, they are running them out and will no longer sell them. As it happens the things are made in the US, where hidden fasteners seem to be more the go than here, and the brand is dekfast - so here's hoping that I'll be able to get them to work with tallowwood!

16th November 2006, 04:32 PM
I only saw this thread today.

I solved the problem by making my own fasteners out of galvanised angle iron. I screwed long lengths of the iron up underneath the decking boards, both to the sides of the floor joists, and to the underside of the decking boards. Yes, it took a long time. Yes it was a bugger of a job. But also yes it looks fantastic with my 140mm wide boards and will last a long time.