View Full Version : Stripping table legs

2nd February 2006, 09:08 AM
I have a set of Australian red cedar table legs, which have been partly stripped, but with considerable residual paint in the grain. Should I remove on the lathe or continue stripping?

2nd February 2006, 09:37 AM
What you see in the timber might also be plaster of paris filler, which was regularly used on cedar.

Easiest to stick them in the lathe on slow speed and sand it out.

Cheers - Neil :)

PS Slow speed because they are never round and will most likely bounce all over the place.

2nd February 2006, 10:29 PM
At the risk of conradicting our esteemed administrator;) , I'd first try using a bit more stripper. The less wood you remove the more character (ie dints, bruises etc) you retain.