View Full Version : LPG - Falcon

30th January 2006, 10:55 AM
Thanks to the latest 'enlightened' decision by the Family Fraud, I now have to travel over 20km each way to take my daughter to school - something I'll be doing five days out of every ten. As I drive a Falcon and can't afford to feed her at the best of times, my thoughts have turned, as young men's thoughts often do at these times, to having a chat with Chainsaw and Ballbearing ... or putting the Falchoon on gas.

LPG seems to be winning.

I've had LPG on four vehicles prior to this so I know the ins and outs and problems and benefits of the conversion.

But if anyone has any experiences or thoughts on fitting LPG to an AUII Falcon Station Wagon, please share them, especially the brand of unit (I've had good experiences with IMPCO in the past but is that the best for my brute?).

Early research suggests that the only style of layout available for the AUII is with the tank in the spare wheel well and the spare wheel clogging up one side of the luggage area. Any experience with this? (I've always had the tank behind the seat option and tend to prefer it).


30th January 2006, 11:41 AM
Nothing to do with fuel tanks but on my Land Crusher I have installed an oil injection system for the upper cylinder, costs about $75 and I use two stroke oil, not the expensive upper cylinder lube.

30th January 2006, 12:31 PM
Mate - Family Fraud, Chainsaw and Ballbearing? What the? :confused:

Have you thought about trading for a Falcon that runs straight LPG (factory standard)?

A mate has a 2000 model and raves about it. He previously had dual fuel and reckons the dedicated LPG is a vast improvement.
Considering the cost of conversion, trading to straight LPG might come out pretty even, or better.