View Full Version : Old table

24th January 2006, 07:41 AM
Below is a pic of table I am hoping to start as a project. It is 1920-50s I think, and though not really valuable I really like it and want to do it justice.

I have tried rubbing inside top of leg with meths, the finish does not become sticky, neither does nothing come off inside leg except dirt. I am assuming this means it has a coat of varnish, or could it be something else?

It is just the top in bad condition, legs are good, cannot see any crazing

I'm slowly reading through all posts in forum, in hopes of learning, so any helpful advice in mean time would be appreciated.


24th January 2006, 07:53 AM
Give turps a try and see if that has any effect.

9th February 2006, 08:31 AM
Yep terps did it!
However the stains still appear faintly in wood. Will those faint stains need to be removed or will wax/oil or whatever I need to do disguise them.

If I need to remove the faint marks do I carry on with terps and 0000 wool or is there something else that will lift them out:confused:


9th February 2006, 08:56 AM
They may disappear with your new finish but I wouldn't go to heavy on it with anything greater then the turps and 0000 wool as the veneer may be thin.

Give it a try with your finish on a small section.

Hopefully some of the experts here will jump in with more help cos I'm just a DIYer.

10th February 2006, 12:55 AM
It could be a varnish or polyurethane, as poly was sold in the 50's.

I have question for you,I might be missing something, when you say Turps do you mean spirit turps (white spirits), or do you mean either the gum or wood turpentine?

My reason for asking, is, if the meth (alcohol) did not effect the dirt or finish, but yet the "turps" did, that would be very strange, because alcohol (meth) is so much more potent of a solvent in comparision to the spirit turps.

10th February 2006, 06:58 AM
Maybe the Terps here in UK is potent stuff:D

I used 0000 wool and terps. I think it was a thin layer of varnish that has now been removed.
By the time I cleaned up all damaged area it was the whole table top. Now I am worried if I continue rubbing with terps or meths and wool to get the remaining stains out ( I guess some stains have gotten deeper in grain), I might do more harm than good. ~I have tried rubbing meths on stains but they dont shift:confused: Was hoping there was some miracle trick someone might know to get the stains out. I really do not want to continue until I get the advice of someone who knows the best way forward.

10th February 2006, 08:10 AM
From what I understand, the spirits terps is the same as our (usa) mineral spirits?

A technique you may want to use, is to add about 10% of Lacquer Thinner or acetone to your terps. This will give it more bite.

As always, test a small area.

10th February 2006, 08:15 AM
Some of the guys here will help out, They are always on the turps???????