View Full Version : ? washing machine stand/support

25th March 2025, 11:57 AM
anyone put their washing machine up on a support, stand, cupboard?
just wondering how they go with all that rock'n'roll

Wimmera Jack
25th March 2025, 03:38 PM
Made mine with 4 x 2 pine bolted together. Solid.
Using a spade bit I put four recesses in the top for the feet to sit in.
It has never caused any problems, and certainly no "rock n roll"


25th March 2025, 04:33 PM
When we renovated the wife wanted ours up at a better height, we had a shelf installed at 500mm in the built in cabinets.
Vibrations throughout the house were always evident when on spin and something was out of balance, any maintenance was always a pain as you needed to build a support stand to get it out and work on it.

The other week is leaked due to a split in a hose, we decided to get rid of the shelf and it now sits on the floor, it is a lot quieter now even when it is out of balance.
I would consider a small stand again but it would need to be really solid as a starting point and not made from something that would get damaged with a water leak.

26th March 2025, 12:09 PM
We were strongly advised against setting our front loader on a stand when we first changed from a top loader. Of course if you engineered something out of welded rhs, bolted to the floor and with a stainless steel top with a lip (so the machine didn't vibrate off) that would be different. You can do almost anything with the right engineering solution...:;

29th March 2025, 12:44 PM
thanks for the feedback on these.
there were a few, new assembled, unused but 2nd hand and cheap on FBMP which prompted my interest.
the one with the drawer offered extra storage which peaked my interest.

sold now, so the temptation has passed.