View Full Version : whats cheaper? paving, concrete or bitumen for driveway??
30th June 2024, 10:14 PM
currently got a paved driveway/parking around 500sqm, if i was to replace it, what would be cheapest? paving, concrete or bitumen ?
6th July 2024, 06:10 PM
depends what you condsider cheaper....
if done PROPERLY i'd probably think bitumen is going to be the cheapest. but I think it terms of longevity concrete will out perform the lot and so may work out "cheaper"
if you want it really cheap
rip up the pavers
get the area graded/flattened
get a whole bunch of this stuff (or a cheaper equivilant)
bulk fill it with pebbles
11th July 2024, 08:42 PM
ok cool. yeah dont wanna pebble it. be years away but always on my mind what way to go.