View Full Version : DIY waterproofing

8th May 2024, 09:43 AM
hi folks, we have changed the vanity in the kids's bathroom and built a seperator half wall thing between toilet and shower and need to waterproof the new bits. What is quick, easy, and dries fast in the waterproofing DIY space? needs to be good with tile cement (Dunlop wall tile adhesive).


8th May 2024, 12:45 PM
hi folks, we have changed the vanity in the kids's bathroom and built a seperator half wall thing between toilet and shower and need to waterproof the new bits. What is quick, easy, and dries fast in the waterproofing DIY space? needs to be good with tile cement (Dunlop wall tile adhesive).


Well if the adhesive has been already chosen I would follow the Dunlop advice and look at their range of products.

8th May 2024, 01:10 PM
Well if the adhesive has been already chosen I would follow the Dunlop advice and look at their range of products.

well, yes. that would be a smart way to proceed. it would have taken me six years of sundays to up with that solution and, for that sir, i am grateful.