View Full Version : Qualifying Period.
20th January 2006, 03:38 PM
A few recent threads have prompted this.
On another forum, not woodwork related, that I am a member of, you have to be a member for 90 days before you can view or post in the "Buy Sell Swap" section.
Do you think we need something like that here?
20th January 2006, 03:50 PM
View - No.
Post - possibly but we are moderated so the Big 'R' can step in if needed. 90 days would be too long though.
doug the slug
20th January 2006, 05:10 PM
Im curious as to why you have raised this, termite. Does it bother you when someone's first post is in buy sell swap, or have there been some bad experiences there that im unaware of?
If so maybe more than a qualifying time period may be good, sufficient reputation points??? anyway, I dont understand the problem yet so no real point in me looking at a solution is there?
20th January 2006, 05:13 PM
Al :)
20th January 2006, 05:16 PM
Depends who is flogging what.
Axe man can fix the rest.;)
20th January 2006, 05:18 PM
Just asking for overall opinions, I'm sure there are valid reasons for and against.
20th January 2006, 05:22 PM
Just asking for overall opinions, .
Then why didn't you say so in the first place !
I prefer blue. :D The bib 'n brace type. ;)
20th January 2006, 05:52 PM
Blue action back for me.
20th January 2006, 05:55 PM
My days of qualifying have long gone. In days gone by I used to pull up the lights in my old XE and drag others off. :D
20th January 2006, 05:59 PM
and drag others off. :D
dragged them off what ? :confused:
20th January 2006, 06:03 PM
dragged them off what ? :confused:
G'day Gumby,
Bugger you're a hard bloke to come back with a good one liner.
But I always left two fat black lines. Once I forgot to change gears and bounced the valves - oops! :o
20th January 2006, 06:07 PM
I've never thought about it.
Why would we need one? :confused:
20th January 2006, 06:25 PM
Why would we need one? :confused:
G'day CraigB,
No mate, you need more than one valve under the bonnet. :D
20th January 2006, 06:33 PM
Yep, Gumby has definitely earned his signature. He's King of the Hijack. :D
This was basically the idea of starting a more or less useless poll, to find out who would get the s...s with it first and do a decent job on it.
Hail King Gumby. :D
20th January 2006, 06:45 PM
Yep, Gumby has definitely earned his signature. He's King of the Hijack. :D
This was basically the idea of starting a more or less useless poll, to find out who would get the s...s with it first and do a decent job on it.
Hail King Gumby. :D
In the presence of greatness, send greens. :D :D
22nd January 2006, 04:42 PM
So if I wanna buy the blue action back overalls, I gotts go naked three months first. :confused: That can't be all good.
22nd January 2006, 04:48 PM
That can't be all good.
For any of us..
Al :eek:
22nd January 2006, 06:13 PM
Philistines, khaki for woodies, blue is for those "other" types. ;)
22nd January 2006, 10:34 PM
me personally love Tanksuits withthe zippers in legs and arms .... have to be dyed black and worn at motor events in the middle of winter involving hot cars and lots of mud and lots of good time
if the overalls are Kaki they must be containing a cute looking Tank driver ... Hubba Hubba ....
hehhe now that i have expressed my veiw i think ill go make coffeee cya u lot Jules
30th January 2006, 09:33 PM
It will keep out all those bloody foreigners trying to flog crap to us such as In..a,,C...a etc etc.
You know the ones:
"Best quality from large manufacturer",Etc Etc.
Skew ChiDAMN!!
31st January 2006, 01:19 AM
Philistines, khaki for woodies, blue is for those "other" types. ;)
I'm stuffed if I know what category I am then. Between the glue, finish, paint, tar and oil stains I've no idea what colour mine are... and don't remember back to when they were new. At least they match all my other clothes.
Great camo for when ya don't wanna be found in the shed during coffee break though. ;)
31st January 2006, 09:37 AM
I don't think that the waiting period is required.
It might be one of the things that get people into the site in the first place.
If a post is REALLY inappropriate, it can be axed.
If it is only inappropriate in the normal sense it can simply be hijacked until the post no longer has any meaning - just like any other post! :p
ps I wonder if this site keeps on coming up on FBI watch lists or something considering the amount of hijacking that occurs...