View Full Version : EEE-Ultra Shine - SECONDS

3rd February 2024, 01:59 PM
We currently have a heap of EEE-Ultra Shine Seconds for sale at 72% off regular price... ie: $36.30 is now $10 per tub.

The EEE-Ultra Shine being offered for sale are all seconds as they have been heat affected during the cooling process. This does not effect the products ability to work exactly as it should. However because of the problem we won’t be selling it to our distributors. It will only be available online through our website.

Direct link to order some... >CLICK HERE (https://shop.ubeaut.com.au/product/eee-ultra-shine-seconds/)<

The information on the :aro-u: lid pretty much says it all.
There may be a cracked surface and a very thin layer of white wax below that surface due to the being heat affected because of an unusually slow cooling process.

This layer can either be discarded when you get it or mixed in with the aid of heat. As stated above all EEE-Ultra Shine offered for sale in this section are seconds as they have been heat affected during the cooling process.

Full details on how to heat and remix the wax are available on the EEE-Ultra Shine Data Sheet (https://www.ubeaut.com.au/pdf/no10.pdf) at the top of 3rd column.

Please rest assured that what you buy will work exactly the same as the full priced unaffected EEE-Ultra Shine but at a 66% discount (almost 2/3) of the regular price.

Postage not included in price...
However, 1 tub = $11.66,
2-3 = $15.95, 4-10 tubs $20.08,
11 or more tubs will get you FREE POSTAGE. So $399.30 worth of EEE for only $110.00

Cheers - Neil :U

3rd February 2024, 02:46 PM
Great timing Neil. I was thinking about ordering some soon anyway. Just placed an order for this and a couple of other items. :2tsup:

3rd February 2024, 03:26 PM
Order placed ;)

4th February 2024, 04:01 PM
Mistake made in original post... now updated to show correct discount of 72% off the current price of $36.30 not 66% which was off a 5 year old price. :doh:

Sorry about that. :B

27th August 2024, 11:38 PM

But more may happen some time in the future. Sometimes stuff just happens.
Hopefully not but who knows... Murphys' Law often reigns supreme at the factory. https://www.woodworkforums.com/images/smilies/actions/doh.gif

Cheers and thanks to all those who took up the offer.

Neil https://www.woodworkforums.com/images/smilies/happy/biggrin.gif