View Full Version : New left offset basin and existing vanity drain position in slab right hand side

8th January 2024, 10:35 PM
Have gutted a bathroom, and plan on using where the existing waste positions are. I'm wanting to have an offset basin that sits left side on top of a freestanding vanity.
The current waste position would sit right side. Is it possible to have drainage pipe after S bend etc, route down, than underneath/behind kickboard area to the right where the existing waste position is in slab?

As in similar to how I've drawn the red line on the image.

9th January 2024, 06:50 AM
As per your red line , that seems perfectly feasible. The ‘s’ trap under the basin to go down maybe better to be a ‘p’ trap so the pipe can go to the back wall of the vanity to maximise space, then elbows etc to join up to existing.

16th January 2024, 10:42 PM
As per your red line , that seems perfectly feasible. The ‘s’ trap under the basin to go down maybe better to be a ‘p’ trap so the pipe can go to the back wall of the vanity to maximise space, then elbows etc to join up to existing.

Thanks. That's great to hear, I was expecting a no you can't do that. What's the difference between a P and a S trap?

17th January 2024, 05:59 AM
An s trap looks like an s and goes down through the floor and a p trap looks like a p and heads the outlet towards a wall. All I was suggesting was to maximise space under your cabinet to direct the pipe to the rear of the cabinet then use elbows to direct it down and across to connect to your existing,