View Full Version : Opinions, Island Cooktop with under bench mounted over vs Island Freestanding cooker

5th September 2023, 07:57 PM

I know some will not be a fan of Island mounted cooking appliances but that is what I will be doing, either island cooktop with under bench mounted over or freestanding cooker.

What I would like to know is out of the two what would your preferences be? I've always been more a fan of freestanding cookers due to being able to remove and replace easily but would that look odd in a kitchen island vs the separate cooktop and under bench mounted oven?

8th September 2023, 10:58 AM
Cannot see how a Free-standing system can look good. ....but that's just my opinion.

Side bar - Have you thought about how you will extract the cooking fumes? tis why cooktops generally hug the walls for ease of installation (and cheaper) Rangehoods.

8th September 2023, 11:11 AM
Further to getting power/ gas to the appliances you need to consider exhaust fan methods and options

In general with island benches people favour a cooktop and separate oven because they give a streamlined look and your bench top maintains it full shape
Feestanding units usually have a hob up stand that is designed to be up against a wall so not nicely finished to see from the back

All comes down to personal preference

8th September 2023, 01:55 PM
In an island I'd install a cooktop and underbench oven, to retain the full benchtop aesthetic. If one on top of the other, make sure they are made for that arrangement, as you'll likely need to choose a shallow profile cooktop, especially if gas

10th September 2023, 11:49 PM
Thanks guys, I was thinking the consensus would probably be that. I will go with a under bench oven and separate cooktop.