View Full Version : Winner Autosol Rust EX

31st July 2023, 07:38 AM
My new panel saw was delivered 2 weeks ago, although it was covered but it did rain on the day and water got to it, the saw costed a small fortune and I waited 2 years for it so I was a little frustrated with the stain, its like you bought an Lamborghini and on the first day it rained and you cant get off the water stain. the semi retired technician who came to site to commission the saw said to use Scotch brite but it didnt quite work, I did a bit of research online and it seems the only way to get the stain completely off was to sand it.


I know there must be a chemical solution that I can use before I go down the destructive sanding path, went to Bunnings to have a look and found this Autosol Rust EX, it looks promising, cost $19, thought I give it a try, took it home, followed the instruction, lightly scrubbed with sponge, and the results are immediate. I cant find the traces of the stain even if I am staring at where they used to be.

The instruction says to wash it off with water, I used a dry cloth to rub it off, could use Simple Green?

Dont leave it on for too long though, it will create a layer of very thin and very light rust, comes off very easily but take note.

The blurry stuff on the table top is Silbergleit


Mr Brush
31st July 2023, 11:17 AM
Interesting - looks like Bunnies NZ stock it, but Bunnings Oz don't?

1st August 2023, 05:29 PM
Interesting - looks like Bunnies NZ stock it, but Bunnings Oz don't?

that’s odd. Bunnings here are owned by Bunnings Australia.

well I am sure you guys can find it somewhere. You are a lot more industrious than NZ

Mr Brush
1st August 2023, 05:56 PM
....we're a lot more rusty too !! :D

Mr Brush
1st August 2023, 06:00 PM
Bunnings here have a habit of discontinuing the most popular products. Recently I needed a tint for some decking sealer I was using, and Bunnings kept every colour in stock except the one I wanted. Eventually I got it in on "special order" at Bunnies, much to the surprise of the manufacturer who said it was their best-selling colour (a light grey). Same thing happened with Rustins Wipe-On Poly finish a while ago. Bunnings works in mysterious ways, its' wonders to perform....

1st August 2023, 11:34 PM
The plot thickens, Autosol in Aus don't even have Rust Ex on their website. There is a product called Metal Life Saver which has the same description/blurb as Rust Ex, looks like it's sold under a different name. Total Tools and Autobarn carry it as well.

Mr Brush
2nd August 2023, 10:19 AM
Thanks for that - it does indeed look like the same stuff. I'll pick some up to try next time I'm at Autobarn. Cheers

6th August 2023, 09:52 PM
Autobarn is owned by Westfarmers who also own Bunnings. :doh: the plot thickens

Mountain Ash
7th August 2023, 08:01 AM
The original post got my attention and I too did an online search. I happened to be at my local Total Tools last week and bought a bottle of the MLS. Used it on the weekend, after wire brushing parts first. Works well