View Full Version : Road spy

11th January 2006, 10:23 AM
I saw on the news last night that a new company had started up in SE Queensland. People subscribe to this company and send and receive messages (For a fee) about the locations of speed cameras and RBT setups.
Isn't that obstructing police or something like that? I know someone moved a speed camera sign 20m and was charged with something like that.
And you don't have to really clever nor pay for the privilege of avoiding speeding and drink driving fines, just don't speed / drink drive.

11th January 2006, 10:32 AM
A radio station in Sydney has listeners call in to report speed cameras and they let others know during the traffic reports, the police are apparently happy with this as they believe it will help slow motorists down (atleast the short time it takes to get past the camera anyway :rolleyes: )

However they dont do report for RBT's as they say if you are stupid enough to do that, then you deserve to be caught.

Personally I see too many police cars on the freeway when I do drive to work on occasions, so I stick to the limit (even in the annoying 90 zone). I got better things to spend my money on.

11th January 2006, 11:03 AM
What gets me is trying to do the right thing and stay at the right speed but becoming distracted by traffic and easing over just as you pass a camera. Likely to get hit for a fraction over as well. Do we just watch the speedo and forget the traffic???? Also being abused by everyone trying to muscle past we sitting on the legal limit. Just love it when someone flies past when the camera is just ahead because they cannot sit behind you.

Road is too busy to use criuse control as well as you are forever going in and out of criuse.

Don't mind paying if I am intentionally speeding but it's the little lapses that annoy me as I try to drive to the law.

Mind you lost 5 licenses learning my lesson as a teenager.

11th January 2006, 11:21 AM
Mind you lost 5 licenses learning my lesson as a teenager.

Fast learner there Benny?

11th January 2006, 12:54 PM
Fast but didn't learn. Grew up in the bush but kept finding the Ararat or Horsham Candy cars hiding in all sorts of places, plus bikes cry out to be ridden fast.
170 in a 70 zone cost me both car and bike in one go................

Kev Y.
11th January 2006, 07:11 PM
I saw a television interview once, where a senior police officer (not danp) said that the police had been know to call in the locations of "speed cameras" just to get people in the targeted area to slow down!

In a different slant on things.. a few years ago I was staying in melbourne for a few days - doing a training session with vic wood - an was traveling from my accommodation in Ringwood to Vic's place in Burwood.

Went past a school, in the peak morning traffic, at a constant speed of 3km per hour, and saw a speed camera car in the car park of the school, monitoring the traffic:eek: :eek: , now I defy anyone to convince me THATS not revenue raising!

11th January 2006, 07:18 PM
Fast but didn't learn. Grew up in the bush but kept finding the Ararat or Horsham Candy cars hiding in all sorts of places, plus bikes cry out to be ridden fast.
170 in a 70 zone cost me both car and bike in one go................

My BIL got pulled up on the Ararat/Beaufort Rd doing THE TON.
Asked why?, he told the cop he was slowing down.....

Al :D

Auld Bassoon
11th January 2006, 07:51 PM
There's a very similar service in the UK called, I seem to recall, Road Angel.

It's a form of GPS device with a downlink from a database of known danger areas, speed cameras, etc.

Would I use it - does a bear go poo in the woods?

11th January 2006, 08:36 PM
There's a very similar service in the UK called, I seem to recall, Road Angel.

It's a form of GPS device with a downlink from a database of known danger areas, speed cameras, etc.

Would I use it - does a bear go poo in the woods?
My Navman has a similar thing. It uses POI (Points of Interest) files. Won the database off eBay about 6 months ago (cost $9) and I get free updates usually at least one a fortnight. It gives me an audible and visual warning of fixed speed and red light cameras Australia wide. Great tool for when you forget about the camera and you're just keeping up with the traffic. :D :D :D

11th January 2006, 11:13 PM
I saw a television interview once, where a senior police officer (not danp) said that the police had been know to call in the locations of "speed cameras" just to get people in the targeted area to slow down!

In a different slant on things.. a few years ago I was staying in melbourne for a few days - doing a training session with vic wood - an was traveling from my accommodation in Ringwood to Vic's place in Burwood.

Went past a school, in the peak morning traffic, at a constant speed of 3km per hour, and saw a speed camera car in the car park of the school, monitoring the traffic:eek: :eek: , now I defy anyone to convince me THATS not revenue raising!

Local copper here did much the same thing after complaints from local residents complaining of cars speeding down the street past the school. 25 people were booked, all locals and some that had complained.:rolleyes: :D