View Full Version : Hole Saw Sander

6th January 2006, 10:22 AM
Seems like a good idea for Intarsia and other things


How easy is it to find adhesive backed sand paper here?

6th January 2006, 01:49 PM
G'day Oges,

To glue the sandpaper to my 16" faceplate sander I use Bostik Contact Bond, it's great stuff.

Don't think it's practical to glue the sandpaper on a hole saw, but velcro glued to either surface on a stuffed up holesaw might be the answer.

I have used the quick changing sanding drums in the drill press when I've a had a fair few holes to sand out, otherwise a bit of s/paper wrapped around a chunk of dowel.

6th January 2006, 04:04 PM
Yeah I have a set of drum sanders on order at the moment, think I will just wait for them to turn up

John Saxton
6th January 2006, 10:36 PM
Hi Brett,have'nt used holesaws as a drum sander(the idea has merit) as I have a set of drum sanders on hand and get my adhesive backed paper from a specialty outfit here in Bunbury.


6th January 2006, 10:44 PM
Try double sided tape to attach sandpaper to the holesaw.

9th January 2006, 01:12 PM
There is some stuff called "jack paper". It is essentially double-sided sticky paper. It comes in a very big size (I think A1) and can most likely be got from any art shop.

It is good stuff, but has a finite life as I have found out to my dismay! I tried to use some the other day and it had lost all its stick. VERY good early on though...
