View Full Version : oil based stain and varnish

3rd January 2006, 11:44 PM

just wondering, has any one here tried using oil based stain and varnish in one as a finish? The tin states that when you apply the stain your also applying one coat of varnish at the same time. Problem is when i apply it by brush it turns out streaky and spotty and some parts of the timber doesnt soak in as well. Im thinking maybe its more reccomended for spraying rather than brushing it on?

Im keen to hear your thoughts :)


Ps I've read all the previous post, just wanting to get some recent updates as they were more then 2 years old :)

David L
4th January 2006, 03:24 PM
Yes Joseph I used it a few years ago with the same result. Iwas unable to get a good coverage without leaving brush marks particually in side a cupboard, ended up striping it off and declaring nevvver to use it again.

Auld Bassoon
4th January 2006, 06:06 PM
Hi Joseph,

My experience with this stuff is as per your own and David's: in short awful.

I suspect, though, that like most staining or finishing, surface preparation is everything. It's just that I tend to get a bit impatient - and then spend double the time, first in fixing the stuff-up, then doing it (or trying to!) properly:o

I've been experimenting with some Feast Watson Floorseal finish over both water- and oil-based stains on the current project, and have to say that the results are looking quite good - by my standards, anyway;)


5th January 2006, 12:20 AM
Check out Penetrol Paint Oil

A very good product, dries clear and you can add it to the stain / varnish if you choose, it does help in getting a uniform coat sometimes as well.

5th January 2006, 12:26 AM
Thanks for the help guys :) I have to agree with all of you, this stuff is really terrible! I think from now on i will stay well clear from it. ;)