View Full Version : Shellac & Kauri finish large surface..

13th April 2023, 12:12 AM
Hi, im just looking for some advice on a wall i've installed in a large warehouse space. Its a 16m2 area i clad entirely in Kauri timber, which i sanded up to 320 grit and then shellaced.. Because it was such a big area doing a finer grit sanding was just to much work, and doing the shellac in 3 coats has taken some time too..

It looks great but from certain angles with the light you can see that some of the boards are really glossy and other boards are more matte, probably to do with the variations in tightness of grain, an how lazy i was on certain boards with the sanding..

So, what im hoping to do is perhaps buff it, i was thinking with a wax of some sort to even it out, (Carnauba) or something to even it out anyway.. any recommendations?

wood spirit
15th April 2023, 08:40 PM
Considering 320 grit. Probably more of an absorption issue - your solution is probably the go - unless you want to go another coat beforehand.