View Full Version : Finishing Masterclass?

Auld Bassoon
27th December 2005, 06:56 PM
G'day all,

I don't know how many members of this forum suffer from the woes of finishing, but I know that I certainly do!

What I was wondering is this: is there a finishing guru (apart from Neil, whose excellent book I have), that could run a (paid) masterclass in finishing over a weekend in Melbourne?

I was thinking along the lines of:

lacquer/shellac/varnish finishes - the pros and cons, and appropriate methods of application
Brushwork, pad applicators and, perhaps, spraying (which is a whole other subject I realise)Any comments, suggestions or takers?


1st January 2006, 08:08 PM
Gidday Steve:)

Have you checked out the various video resources................Theres some great videos out there on finishing check out tauton press online and the like I have 1 or 2 and reckon their fantastic!!!!

Also TAFE libraries can be a great resource for video on finishing etc etc due to all the trade students.

Their well worth the look and unlike a workshop you can rewind the tape n watch them as much as you like.

..................Hope this helps

REgards Lou:D :D :D

Auld Bassoon
1st January 2006, 08:12 PM
G'day Lou,

I've looked at Taunton press and such, but nothing there seems any better than Neil's book.

Must check out the TAFE libraries though.


PS has Wagga W, etc cooled down a bit? - what is it with the name repeated anyway?

2nd January 2006, 06:56 AM
Check out Holmesglen TAFE
They used to run a finishing course - one night a week for about 6 to 8 weeks in the same building where we did routing course recently with Richard Vaughan.
I did their course a few years ago and found it helpful

2nd January 2006, 12:38 PM
what is it with the name repeated anyway?
Never call Wagga Wagga Wagga, so the song goes:D :D
Wagga, or also called Wogga is actually spelt Wagga Wagga which is the local Aboriginal word for too bloody hot, who would want to live here:D
Be wary of some of the course offered by Adult Ed or whoever, my wife did one some years ago on french polishing to hone her skills, it turned out she could out polish the 'master'.
Not saying they are all like this but you do feel a bit dudded after parting with a handful of readies.

2nd January 2006, 04:55 PM
So is it ok to call Lang Lang Lang
but if you do that will you then have to call Laang Laang Laang

Auld Bassoon
2nd January 2006, 07:25 PM
Wagga Wagga which is the local Aboriginal word for too bloody hot, who would want to live here:D

Hi Iain,

Given the temps over the past few days (not today though:p ), they may have a point. I still don't understand the repeated word though. It's like saying "Hot hot" when just "hot" or "too hot" will do. A bit like the use of multiple question marks or exclamation marks really. Adds no value.

Pedantry reigns:D


2nd January 2006, 08:59 PM
Bob, Woy Woy, Diddah Diddah Creek, Daddah Daddah Creek, Buln Buln, I'm sure there are others, maybe they had a stuttering problem problem:rolleyes:

2nd January 2006, 09:08 PM
Arrrrrrrrrrr Geeeeeeezzzzzzz never thought this would cause such a contraversey...........................Steve ya just got to much time on ya hands;) better start filling that melon a yours up with your own custom tools designs & fine furnature pieces:D :D :D

You can even double name them in honor of me and this thread:p

Steve Steve's block block plane plane has a real ring to it don't ya think:eek:

Just to relieve the agonising headspace you must be in to be pondering such mondern day obscenities and abominations of the written word

.................Wagga Wagga is an Aborigional Word meaning Town of MAny Crows.

Not being an anthrapolagist I can't clarify the nuiances around double wordings in the Courie Language..............Steve don't go to far into that head of yours its to dangerous to go in their alone:p

Regards Lou:)

2nd January 2006, 10:15 PM
You can even double name them in honor of me and this thread:p

Regards Lou:)

Shouldn't that be "Regards Lou Lou" ?? :D :D :D :D