27th December 2005, 02:40 PM
27th December 2005, 04:50 PM
It was also suitable for women while they were camping, backpacking and holidaying where there was no access to toilets, or if they had bad backs, he said.
"Women can urinate standing up, anywhere that a male could with a more dignified and less exposed way than squatting because you can't find or wait for a toilet," Mr Campbell said.
We'd still have to drop our daks! ... unless we wore modified Y fronts/crutchless nickers and jeans with a longer fly, and then be seen to be paying that part of our anatomy a great deal of attention ... I'll just duck behind the nearest gum tree thanks! :D
27th December 2005, 05:09 PM
"It is coated with a high-tech plasma film developed by the British Army which repels fluid meaning women can pee, flick once to dry and stuff it in their handbag,"
Flick once? :confused:
You know it has to be a least twice, anymore and , know. :o
Al :D
28th December 2005, 10:43 AM
bwuddy hell wat next