2nd November 2022, 12:54 PM
I am worried about raising the grain on Honduras mahogany if I use denatured alcohol to dissolve shellac flakes.
The Church
24th November 2022, 02:33 PM
Hi Acadnut
My favourite youtuber, Stumpy Nubs, says in his most recently released vid, that you most certainly can use high grain alcohol (aka moonshine) to dissolve Shellac Flakes.
I don't know if either liquid mixed with shellac flakes will raise the grain on you Honduras mahogany as I have not worked with it to date.
25th November 2022, 12:54 AM
Yup, I've used Everclear (here in the US) for my shellac and it works great. I don't still use it because it's more expensive than the denatured alcohol I can get at the DIY stores.