View Full Version : Price check/whats it worth subforum

28th September 2022, 01:09 PM
Hi everyone.

I noticed this forums does not have a "price check/whats it worth" sub forum. I know another forum that has this as part of its market place section and works quite well.

I know the old addage of "the market will determ its worth" or "its only worth what someone is willing to pay" but i think being able to put up some items prior to listing them for sale could be useful, especially

This may help some people who only join to sell estates, vintage machinery and modern machinery rather then creating new threads in specific forums like i have just done in the band saw section.

Is it something worth considering?

It would need to come with some rules like

The Price Check forum is, as its name suggests, for price checks. You are not permitted to sell, offer, bid, or sneakily get around these with "You've got PM" - infractions result in an immediate 24 hour ban.

28th September 2022, 01:42 PM
Hi everyone.

I noticed this forums does have a "price check/whats it worth" sub forum. I know another forum that has this as part of its market place section and works quite well.


Did you mean "does not have?"


28th September 2022, 02:13 PM
Yep, fixed it up. Thanks Bm

29th September 2022, 09:03 PM
I can second that motion…