View Full Version : Finish vs Chatoyance

4th June 2022, 07:06 AM
Hi everyone
This is Paolo, from the PZC Chatometry – A standard system to measure wood chatoyance (http://www.chatometry.com) team... just to share some results we are collecting with our chatoyance measurements with different finishes.

Finishing Maple:
Finishing Maple – PZC Chatometry (https://www.chatometry.com/finishing-maple/)

Finishing Curly Maple – PZC Chatometry (https://www.chatometry.com/finishing-curly-maple/)

Finishing Okoume:
Finishing Okoume – PZC Chatometry (https://www.chatometry.com/finishing-okoume/)

Epoxy on different wood species:
Epoxy resin – PZC Chatometry (https://www.chatometry.com/epoxy-resin/)

Sanding vs raw veneer:


I hope this info can be useful to the community.
Any suggestions for further testing are warmly welcome.


4th June 2022, 09:42 AM
Thanks for all the info on chatoyance
I'd like to know more about the "blonde" and "Red" oils you refer to in your testing.

5th June 2022, 12:36 AM
These are local brand oils, with a relatively low cost. However, their packaging provides no information at all about their content. The "blonde" oil does not alter colour, while the "red" oil leaves a reddish hue.
I believe that the red hue is responsible for the higher visible chatoyance, and any other dye would work as well...

5th June 2022, 08:27 AM
Thanks for all the info on chatoyance
I'd like to know more about the "blonde" and "Red" oils you refer to in your testing.

Red Oil - Constantia Organic Finishes (https://constantia.com.au/product/red-oil/)

5th June 2022, 09:00 PM
Red Oil - Constantia Organic Finishes (https://constantia.com.au/product/red-oil/)

I don't know, mine was a very cheap oil (~5$/L) from a general housebuilding store, not specialized quality wood stuff...