View Full Version : timber floor tint/stains
18th December 2005, 06:03 PM
Hi everyone. Newbie here. I am laying vic ash flooring and was wondering if it is possible to get the pro floorsander/polisher im using to tint the finish to give it a slightly darker look. Not too dark like jarrah but just slightly darker than the original vic ash. thanks in advance everyone.:)
18th December 2005, 08:30 PM
How dark do you want it?
You do realise that the floor will darken with age?
Regards, Trevor
19th December 2005, 07:05 AM
I was just thinking a little darker. Not a jarah dark. How long will it take to notice a darkening effect from age. cheers.
19th December 2005, 07:29 AM
It depends on the amount of light, aspect, traffic, furniture location, throw rugs, etc, etc, etc.
Usually about 3 to 5 years.
Yellow goes gold.
pink goes red.
Red goes blood red
Spotted gum goes beautifully Spotted Gummy :D .
Vic ash starts out as crap, and will remain crap.
Is it too obvious that I don't like Vic Ash :D .
Regards, Trevor.
E. maculata
19th December 2005, 09:48 AM
Spotted gum goes beautifully Spotted Gummy :D .
Vic ash starts out as crap, and will remain crap.
Is it too obvious that I don't like Vic Ash :D .
NO I would never have guessed, & here I was thinking you hated only Brush Box, at least you showed some taste in that post.;)
BTW Trevors' advice on darkening is right, just he doesn't like VIC ASH apparently:rolleyes: .
19th December 2005, 07:02 PM
Its not your fault you used Mismate, or some over mix of Vic hardwoods, but it will stain very nicely with the right product and the right pro doing it.
The std product to use is Feastwatson Proof tint, this is mixed with there base which is applied to the raw timber, pior to final coating (poly or Tung) being done.
As for the colour proof tint can be mixed any way you want, go to the hardware and grab a few bottles and start samplying away just rember to mesure the qty out for futre refernce.
The cost of staining will generaly add $15-20m2 to the sanding cost somaybe you could have got a nice Nth NSW hardwood from up glock's way for the same price.
20th December 2005, 06:59 AM
ok, so vic ash is pretty eccononical to use, can anyone suggest a slightly darker/redder timber that is in the same price bracket? Most (all) darker timber seems to be a lot more expensive and beyond me having just bought a place and funds arent flowing freely:) . Cheers
11th July 2006, 12:08 PM
Did this question ever get answered? Whats wrong with Vic Ash anyway?
My builder has allowed for 2 coats of polyutherane on my Vic ash floor and also the staircase. If its going to be light then I will need to stain it (this hasnt been allowed for). What will be the cost of the staining per meter squared? Maybe its cheaper to just get a darker wood and then just polish it and not stain it?
I have baltic pine in the old part of the house so I want the colour to be similar (this floor hasnt been done yet either).