View Full Version : Replacement product for POR15 GlistenPC/2k urethane

clint miller
2nd May 2022, 09:43 AM
Hi guys, I've been using POR15 2K urethane (formerly Glisten PC) for the odd refinishing project I do. Mainly wooden traditional bows (recurve and longbows) and rifle stocks. I used it on a set of canoe paddles I made and refinished an old plywood water ski restoration job.

It seems that POR15 no longer make it so I'm looking for an alternative finish.

MUST be- Rock hard finish, durable, scratch resistant, UV stable, clear, flexible (think of the bow limbs bending) and chemical resistance after curing. (haven't found a solvent that harms GlistenPC)

Is there anything that will suit my needs?

One guy on a firearm forum said he used Crytalac brite tone (Single pack water based finish) with good results but can't find much info on its cured properties.

There's got to be something else out there....