View Full Version : quiet around here

29th March 2022, 08:26 AM
Is there a way to track numbers over a given period of time.
I am wondering if things have gone a little quieter on this forum lately, or is just me in retirement spending more time here.

29th March 2022, 09:25 AM
It seems a bit quieter than usual - my experience is this tends to happen when the forums go down, but it seems to have been quiet even before that.

Reading a book at the moment called "calling BS" . It includes a section about the negative side of mobile phones, computers, social media and forums etc.
As well as disseminating endless amounts of BS, another negative thing it discusses is the time wasted by who constantly use using these facilities. I guess this applies to me as much as anyone and I'm pretty sure it does impact on my productivity. I've been thinking about going cold turkey for a while and see what happens.

I've got a long list of projects like house repairs and things to do for SWMBO piling up.
If I disappear for a while you'll know why. :)

29th March 2022, 09:26 AM
It wouldn't surprise if things were busier during the covid lockdowns, or that things are quieter now that everybody is doing their best to get back to 'normal'.

29th March 2022, 09:41 AM
Another of my pet excuses about why I might be less productive than in the past is related to the fact that the more stuff you accumulate the more can go wrong and unless you pay to have things repaired then this starts to soak up more and more time.

By way of example yesterday I sent time trying to fix my 3D printer and looking for leaks on my compressed air line - neither of which are fixed and need more time
I also sent some time sorting out glass and a back for a picture frame for SWMBO who found the frame during a verge pickup scrounge.

The other thing that soaks up time is SWMBO has not been able to drive for about 12 months so I'm still driving her everywhere.

On the positive side, because of COVID and my comorbidities etc I'm sort of self isolating (not even seeing the grandies) so staying out of all shops.
I do buy a fair bit on line otherwise if I want something for the shed I look it up on line (part numbers etc) and even print off a picture and details and give that to SWMBO to take into the store to select, pick up and pay for it. Being an ex-librarian she's very precise about things, so far all purchases have been spot on.

29th March 2022, 10:49 AM

If you go to the home page of these Forums and scroll to the bottom of the page there are a number of statistics which might help if you wished to compare numbers of users, both members and guests.


Chris Parks
29th March 2022, 12:09 PM
It is pretty obvious that the forum is going through a period of change, most of the names that posted here for many years no longer do so or if they do it is only occasionally.

29th March 2022, 01:30 PM
I have also been thinking its gone a bit quiet. Could be down to all sorts of things as after all this last couple of years have hardly been good. Every time you think you can stick your head up then more c&@p is winging your way. Cost of living is not helping either putting wood in the luxury bracket. Top that off with never ending high humidity making you think twice about even starting a wood project. Found green mold on one of my wooden planes the other day.
Anyhow lets hope for better times and I feel sure the forum will pick up again.

A Duke
29th March 2022, 01:53 PM
It is pretty obvious that the forum is going through a period of change, most of the names that posted here for many years no longer do so or if they do it is only occasionally.

Old Father Time is stalking us all!

29th March 2022, 03:11 PM
Is there a way to track numbers over a given period of time.
I am wondering if things have gone a little quieter on this forum lately, or is just me in retirement spending more time here.

Don't worry I am still here :U

30th March 2022, 07:23 AM
I'll put my hand up as someone who used to post more, but has been quiet of late. I still read most days, but find that I'm just more exhausted at the moment, physically, mentally and emotionally. It will no doubt pass, but in the interim I still enjoy visiting and being a member of this refuge on the internet.

It was like this in Feb '20 when Matt started the "What's on our bench" thread, which was a great way for people to engage without too much effort, so it is cyclic.

I think the forum is a little like the ocean swell; periods of low high activity will inevitably be followed by low activity, and vice versa. I hope the swell never stops.

30th March 2022, 09:16 AM
AS lance has mentioned, I read these pages at the beginning of the day while I have my first coffee. This pattern has been going on since 2009. For the last 6 months or more the subjects written about don't "grab me" as much as they did. The Black Dog has certainly been around more often than I like too. The wet weather is another factor in the mix of stuff percolating through my brain. My concentration is also affected and that makes me stay in front of the TV (bored with what's on) instead of doing things in the shed. I struggle with all these symptoms because the brain is telling me I could do "this" or "this" or even "this" but if I go out in the shed to start I lose very quickly any incentive. The brain is rolling through all these things all day and by nightfall I give myself a little less beating up because its night and bed is next. When I wake up I feel just as tired as I was when I went to sleep......and then the next day comes and.....I will do the brain game again.

Its not like I have nothing to do. On my list is The Jeep Restoration Project (I have finished the body work and the chassis) and have been waiting for a mate to put the motor together when he finishes his convalescence after Hip surgery) I have recently acquired a Wadkin JTA Disc Sander/Bobbin Sander restoration, then there is tidying inside the shed to make shelves etc to to store stuff that I can see and use without having to mount a search.
There are a few smaller jobs that will use the Wood Lathe and some metal jobs which will use the Metal Lathe.

As you can see I am not spoiled for choice of tasks/jobs so I am really not "looking" for something to do but I just don't seem to be able to get the brain in the right place to carry out a job/task.

Its pathetic isn't it. But this is how my days go. Better days ahead? Boy I hope so

30th March 2022, 09:38 AM
I usually login and check new posts with my morning cuppa. It’s been too hot to do much in the shed and the lawns need mowing on a very regular basis. Living in a farming community means no near neighbours to complain about the noise, it does mean more yard work. I’m usually a bit of a hermit and some would say antisocial. As such Covid hasn’t been much of an issue and online shopping has been my preferred option for quite some time. Waiting for deliveries can be a bit of a drag. A couple of companies are excellent in their turn around times, some not so. Cost of freight from overseas is now beyond my modest budget. I will get a $250 handout from the recent budget, but by the time that is converted into $US not much buying power there. Nothing in the budget about wood prices. Maybe we should start a woodworkers party. Although we would probably ended up with power vs hand tools factions, with independent hybrids. Talking about hybrids, with the recent increases in petrol I can’t afford to drive my now. Not that I have anywhere or reason to go.

I would post more but in all honesty I have nothing worthwhile to say. I do have 5 stray kittens in my shed and mother cat has just had another 5 in a hollow log in the yard. We can now handle mum and she will be desexed when the kittens get older. We will give her a home and find homes for the new kittens. The older kittens we can’t catch or trap, they are too smart for us.

Cheers Bucky

30th March 2022, 11:17 AM
"I would post more but in all honesty I have nothing worthwhile to say."

True of me also, although it's never stopped me before...

Since my strokes everything takes 10x longer and I've all these new things to get through, medical stuff and (shudder) dealing with the government...so hobbies get pushed down the list.

30th March 2022, 02:15 PM
I'm working on something for my 10yo daughter at the moment.

As she has insisted that its not only painted, but also bright pink and white i can't bring it on myself to post it on the forum..... [emoji16]



30th March 2022, 03:25 PM
Seems to be a bit of a theme here, I too am struggling a bit with the world at the moment. The 2 places I find peace are at work (driving my truck on my own down the highway) and in my shed. I am spending way more time in the truck than I would like, but honestly I cant even buy half the stuff I want to, in order to continue with some projects. So getting up at 1.30 in the morning and jumping in the truck seems like the easiest way to deal with the world at the moment. So in my ideal world I would have a lot more to post. Having said that I will post up a few progress pictures in my projects thread of the MFT workbench I have on the go.

Cheers Andrew

30th March 2022, 03:35 PM
The good news is my 3D printer is back up and running.

Now I have to print a new filament roller holder as yesterday I managed to drop the original and it snapped at the thread.
I'm printing a new one out at twice the print density so hopefully that will making it a bit stronger.

The issue with the printer was one of levelling and Z axis offset - I think I can trace it back to when I accidentally got my right hand caught between the print head and one of the vertical supports CRUNCH!- the printer gave a big shudder and yes it did hurt (bruise) my hand and it was not the same after that and just kept getting worse and worse. Anyway all reset and working!

The compressor itself seems to be OK.
The next section that goes from the compressor to just inside the shed and consists of
- 300mm of HD Hose,
- A solenoid that auto vents the tank
- a solenoid that auto vents the fined 5m of finned copper coils
- ~1m of galv pipe
as a combined lot leak at the rate of about 0.25 psi per hour.

Now I'm looking at the non-hose section inside the shed. I've disconnected the hoses and lets see what happens.

Now I'm headed for a nap.

30th March 2022, 08:22 PM
I’m finding this thread a little ironic, an no disrespect,but this thread has gained a bit of feed back,about the lack of feedback.

I myself, like others have said, and it seems to have started about the same time the world went sideways a few years ago now.

A bit flat, I’m struggling to find motivation,yet have plenty to do.
From a personal point of view, my own plate is very full at the moment, but I lack an appetite.

It was just the other day I was looking at our local “High street” thinking wow everyone looks flat.

It seems too me since the pandemic hit us, an upset the status quo, we seem too have fallen off the horse.

Cheers Matt.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro

30th March 2022, 09:15 PM
This subject comes up every year or two even before covid. Someone posted that people had left in favour of Facebook groups last time. Not being on FB I can’t confirm or deny. I think age has probably taken it’s toll on a lot of woodworking experienced members - either health or they’re possibly retired and travelling ? Some interesting younger members popped up awhile ago but their Instagram pages seem to be where they post what they do now. Probably making a few bucks out of it? Is there less woodworking tool innovation latey than the last decade ? That used to always get everyone going.

Reddit and Instagram get most of my woodworking internet time.

Anyway I guess that’s thank you and goodnight. I’ll be back to check up on the chisel group buy thread periodically!

30th March 2022, 09:19 PM
I’m finding this thread a little ironic, an no disrespect,but this thread has gained a bit of feed back,about the lack of feedback.

I myself, like others have said, and it seems to have started about the same time the world went sideways a few years ago now.

A bit flat, I’m struggling to find motivation,yet have plenty to do.
From a personal point of view, my own plate is very full at the moment, but I lack an appetite.
It was just the other day I was looking at our local “High street” thinking wow everyone looks flat.
It seems too me since the pandemic hit us, an upset the status quo, we seem too have fallen off the horse.

I wonder if a lot more people have contracted Covid and do not even realize it and now they're still recovering.
I agree about being flat - but I've been feeling that way since 2017 when I was diagnosed with sarcoidosis.
Usually Sarcoidosis leaves you short of breath but the only other listed symptom for this I've experienced was tiredness and I was at one stage having 3-4-5 naps a day.
During my last check in Sept last year the doc said that tests indicated that the sarcoidosis burning out and sure enough I am now down to 1-2 naps and sometimes I dont even have a nap - just a rest with a book or audio book but I dont actually sleep.

I'll find out more in a couple of week.

30th March 2022, 09:20 PM
The "Toymaking" and Model Making" used to be well patronized but over the last few years has almost died in the backside, all except a very few regularly contribute, very sad indeed.....

30th March 2022, 11:38 PM
The "Toymaking" and Model Making" used to be well patronized but over the last few years has almost died in the backside, all except a very few regularly contribute, very sad indeed.....There was a plane making competition recently, maybe if someone knows a charity, preschool, etc... that might want them, then a toy making competition could be next?

Might need a few pointers to plans for people like me who have never tried, but it could be fun and provide some motivation to others.

31st March 2022, 07:43 AM
There was a plane making competition recently, maybe if someone knows a charity, preschool, etc... that might want them, then a toy making competition could be next?

Might need a few pointers to plans for people like me who have never tried, but it could be fun and provide some motivation to others.

G’day Taz,
I’ve just recently finished a HotRod for an auction to raise funds for the SuperTee Organisation
Children's Charity | Medical Garment for Sick Kids | Supertee (https://www.supertee.org.au/)

Plus I did a Farm Truck for the local community clubs Easter Egg Guessing Competition fund raiser.
Both projects are on the forum in the “Toymaking Section”.

On the plans side, I collect toy plans, my current database is about 16GB, though never really follow plans much these days doing scratch built projects. Also offer assistance to all and any seeking ideas for toymaking.
Cheers crowie

2nd April 2022, 01:01 AM
Below are a few very basic stats.

Average daily threads and posts:

Av Daily

1Mar - 1Apr 22
6 x 2day

1Feb - 1Mar 22
24 x 3days
9 x 4days

1Jan - 1Feb 22
9 x 2days

1Jan - 1Feb 21
29 x2days

1Jan - 1Feb 20
33 x 2days
13 x 3days

1Jan - 1Feb 19
7 x 2days

1Jan - 1Feb 18

Back in the heyday before Renovate Forums and Metalwork Forums were split off to their own sites The entire forum was averaging between 14,000 to 21,000 Poast per month. Since then, the biggest monthly Post count was 7,923 in August 2013.

There have always been some wild fluctuations in numbers of posts/threads etc on here including in the heyday where the posts could be down 10,000 on those of the previous month.

The loss of many thousands of photos back around 2013 also caused a loss of posts for some time.

Anyway, the last few years have been similar to what they are now with a fluctuation of few hundred posts up or down per month. Our moderation is stricter now and we are not being hit with thousands of spammers per month anymore that he had to endure in the past.

The biggest drop in numbers came after we introduced the Thanks, Likes etc links as many members found it easier to hit the link rather than to respond to posts with a comment.

Hope this is of some interest and shows a little of what has happened.

Cheers - Neil :U

2nd April 2022, 07:00 AM
Perhaps I should say "Thanks Neil" in person to bolster the numbers instead of just clicking "Thanks."


2nd April 2022, 08:45 AM
thanks Neil, quite interesting.

Guess I need to spend more time doing other stuff instead of 'visiting' her 5-6 times a day.:rolleyes:

2nd April 2022, 09:11 AM
Perhaps I should say "Thanks Neil" in person to bolster the numbers instead of just clicking "Thanks."



Yvan :)

2nd April 2022, 09:24 AM
We used to post a lot more on Fridays :D:D:D

2nd April 2022, 09:33 AM
Below are a few very basic stats.

Average daily threads and posts:

Av Daily

1Mar - 1Apr 22
6 x 2day

1Feb - 1Mar 22
24 x 3days
9 x 4days

1Jan - 1Feb 22
9 x 2days

1Jan - 1Feb 21
29 x2days

1Jan - 1Feb 20
33 x 2days
13 x 3days

1Jan - 1Feb 19
7 x 2days

1Jan - 1Feb 18

Anyway, the last few years have been similar to what they are now with a fluctuation of few hundred posts up or down per month.

Thanks for the data Neil.

I started to plot a few graphs but then realized they are not necessary.
My reading of the numbers is as follows,
Comparing the average number of threads between Jan 2018 and Jan 2022, with the average of Feb/Mar 2022, there is a 29% reduction
A comparison of posts between the same two periods, the reduction is clearly more than "a few hundred" - more like a "1200", which is also a drop of 29%
Both are consistent with what I'm experiencing.

However I'm not exactly comparing apples with apples and to be fair we need to see the data for Feb and March for 2018, 19, 20 and 21. It may be that kids going back to school etc at those times always leaves many folks with less time to post at this time of the year.

Forums still have many fans but from what I can gather younger people are starting to (or for some time have) favour other forms of social media. I even know a few older pharts who are starting to dabble in these other forms. My son thinks forms are clunky even though he spends a fair bit of time on Redit.

Chris Parks
2nd April 2022, 11:14 AM
Getting back to the point I made and from a long term poster POV those who used to post on a regular basis has noticeably changed and you only have to look at the post counts to see that. There was a group that came together in Sydney for some years that used to meet on an irregular basis for a BBQ or other reason and just about all those do not post here any longer or if they do on a very irregular basis. Things change and fora use on the net has changed due to the take up of FB etc. I suspect a lot of those who no longer post here have a passing interest in reading but their ned to post has gone away. My participation up to now has been for business reasons and I will be more a reader than a contributor from now on.

2nd April 2022, 12:32 PM
. . . . . Things change and fora use on the net has changed due to the take up of FB etc.

I think this nails it.

People I know who only got onto the internet in the last few years are more likely to look for answers on youtube or elsewhere. People who have stuff to show off are increasing more likely to use instagram or snapchat or similar.

2nd April 2022, 01:52 PM
We use to gather in caves an grunt at each other.

Then we gathered in mud shacks an mumbled at each other.

Then we developed the ability to communicate an expressed our ideas in stone buildings

Then some Dude showed us how to express our self in print on paper.

Then we had this contraption called a phone thingy we’re you dialled numbers an spoke to someone far far away.

Then some bloke in Australia invented this computer thingy called Internet or something,
So we could email people an look at people nude.

Then we could talk on the internet thingy with people some dressed some still nude.

Unfortunately it’s just Evolution, an we all hate change as we get older even this Young one.

I for one quite enjoy YouTube,

Cheers Matt.

Chris Parks
2nd April 2022, 02:52 PM
Yes, the online opportunities have increased hugely since the forum format replaced newsgroups. The one big advantage of the forum format is that it has historical searching and archiving built in where FB etc does not or so I am told because I have never used FB apart from one very short lived interest in a single group. I found it very hard to use so never went back.

2nd April 2022, 03:59 PM
Just as a side issue Chris,
I sorely miss the gatherings of the woodworkers from the Sydney Woodwork Show to Katoomba, Camden,Jerilderie and Horsham...
For me it's about people and personal contact and connection plus woodwork, toymaking!
Cheers Peter

2nd April 2022, 09:05 PM
Well, the way I saw it, and this is just my perspective on it, influenced by my being a former soldier who has seen and experienced stuff that nobody should ever have to go through and the inevitable associated mental health problems, the nature of the forum took a big turn around the time Covid lockdowns started.

We had just been through the bad bushfires and extreme weather events at the end of 2019. Everyone on the forum was suddenly an expert in climate change and natural disaster management and these topics were debated robustly with some people being downright obstinate in their own opinions. Then the Covid lockdowns started and suddenly everyone on the forum became infectious disease management experts overnight.

To be honest I actually enjoyed the lockdowns. The biggest shock to me was discovering what everyone else called lockdown was what my normal lifestyle was - only leaving home for essential supplies was pretty normal and everyone having to keep a metre and a half away from me was an unexpected but welcome bonus. It was very easy to manage my PTSD in that environment.

At the same time however, once people started to feel the effects of the lockdowns and their lack of social interaction in real life, I found that the discussions on the forum, particularly in the non-woodwork sections became very confrontational and some members were not their usual amicable selves. I felt reluctant to post much anywhere in the forum during much of the middle of 2020 (apart from throwing in the odd "hand grenade" post and running away). I finished my workbench build in that period of time and posted very little about it in the forum because I was pretty much over how people were acting.

I probably would have totally lost interest in the forum by the end of 2020 if I had not been invited to join in the plane-making challenge. It was a great initiative by a few good members who wanted to get something going to help people find a distraction from the problems of the world. The plane making challenge seemed to have the desired effect in uniting the participants in a common purpose and the mutual support was just amazing. By the end of the Plane making challenge the forum seems to have gone back to something like its former self.

Yes, it is still a lot quieter than it used to be, and to me at least it is back to being a friendly place to visit.

3rd April 2022, 07:05 PM
Then some bloke in Australia invented this computer thingy called Internet or something,
So we could email people an look at people nude.

The internet wasn't invented by an Australian. It started as a cross site network between USA military and academic sites.

The World Wide Web, which is a protocol that runs on servers connected by the internet was invented at CERN in the late 80's.

If you look back through the forum's history there were "experts" here arguing about climate change and all manner of things long before the recent events. There was a time when I engaged, but now I just filter it out.
