View Full Version : On a lighter note......
13th December 2005, 07:08 PM
We took our son to the airport yesterday so he could catch a plane to Vancouver BC. ( anyone seen the Pepsi ad on tele, "to the airport"? :D )
The love of his life has been over there as an exchange uni student since August.
He will spend 7 weeks OS, they have heaps of stuff planned.
They plan to be in NY Central Square for New years eve.
He will also celebrate his 21st birthday while away.
Al :)
13th December 2005, 07:38 PM
What's he going to get you?
Canada - home of Lee Valley . . . New York - Lie Nielsen . . . :D
13th December 2005, 07:42 PM
Good on him, hope he has a ball. Our bloke, now 37, celebrated his 21st on the beach of a Greek Island.
13th December 2005, 11:15 PM
and mine has just done a poo.:D
14th December 2005, 12:23 AM
Aint it grand to see the young 'uns stetch their wings to see the world. It does make Christmas table a bit lonely though. (am I allowed to say Christmas?)
14th December 2005, 06:58 AM
and mine has just done a poo.:D
Babies are delightful little darlings aren't they.........I've heard them described as "Eating, sleeping. s..t machines". :eek: :D
14th December 2005, 07:45 AM
Thanks for sharing Wongo, I needed that.............
Wood Borer
14th December 2005, 08:20 AM
Perhaps he has a keen interest over there Al:D
14th December 2005, 11:58 AM
Good on him, Al. You realize that this entitles you and your beloved to squatting rights. You are allowed to visit him at the crowded hovel he will rent, thump on the wall to quiet the nocturnal noises coming from the bedroom he will be sharing, (and there will be noises, take my word for it) sleep on the floor surrounded by unwashed socks and underware (male, female, and some belonging to people neither you nor he know) and publish in scientific journals the details of the new life forms you have found growing in the fridge and unwashed crockery. Have a good time!:D
14th December 2005, 01:11 PM
( anyone seen the Pepsi ad on tele, "to the airport"? :D )
If you look closely, Zed is driving the taxi :D