View Full Version : AV saying certificate expired.

18th January 2022, 10:14 PM
Hi, first time I have had this for the forums but my AV is reporting that the sites security certificate has expired. Text of notification below.

Online Threat Preventionopera.exe attempted to establish a connection relying on an expired certificate to cdn.woodworkforums.com. We blocked the connection to keep your data safe since websites must renew their certificates with a certification authority to stay current, and outdated security certificates represent a risk.

Just passing this along for investigation.

19th January 2022, 12:58 AM
Hi Mal

What were you trying to access.cnd is the prefix for photo storage.
woodworkforums.com is the secure forums address.
We don't have any expired security certificate that I know of.

I am posting this in Opera (latest update) and not a problem. No messages about expired certificate, etc. The lock is showing in the address bar and all's well with the world.

Bit more detail about what gave you the message would be of help.

Did you click on a photo?
Did you click on a link?
Did it come up when you tried to login?
Has it happened again or was it a one off thing?
Was it something else you did that gave you the message?

Cheers - Neil :U

Has anyone else had this problem? :?

19th January 2022, 02:07 AM
Hi Neil,

Win 10 on auto update, Opera on auto update so believe it would be most current version, Bitdefender Internet security updated automatically 2 hrs prior, was last entry into BD notifications before the first BLOCKED notification.

Selected woodworkforums from Opera speed dial, auto login from saved credentials, seemed to load the normal forum frontpage but just as it resized for my screen, bitdefender started to rack up warnings, received 4 in total, went into Bitdefender to check what sites it was trying to block and it showed the message above 4 times. At this point, I had not clicked on anything in the Forums, just the woodworkforums button in the Speed dial.

I cleared the Bitdefender notification panel, left Opera and restarted it, reloaded the site and it did it again 4 times. Went back into Bitdefender and copied the message to forward to you, deleted the 4 notifications, and exempted the site identified from further blocking, then posted the message above to advise that Bitdefender seemed unhappy.

Then proceeded to do my usual prowl through the forums, looked at a number of threads etc without issues, left and moved to metalworkforums and repeated without any issues.

Summary, it happened twice from a fresh instance of Opera, loading woodworkforums from Speed Dial, each time blocking access 4 times before I got to click on any links in the forums.

Just now, I went into Bitdefender and removed the exemption, then reloaded forums in a new tab and it did exactly the same thing again, so it seems to be repeatable for me.

I'm don't know what you run for AV, but I have a five user license with a spare seat I am willing to make available for you if you have a spare computer to load to and test to help track it down. Happy to provide credentials for it via PM if that helps you.

Sorry to create a headache.


PS Lock showing on address bar with me as well.

19th January 2022, 12:04 PM
Hi Neil,

Came back to it just now, same procedure, now getting a single BD popup saying the same thing as the browser is finalising loading the sponsors adds. Could do a screen capture/step recorder sequence for you if it might help you.

Again sorry for creating an issue.


19th January 2022, 01:19 PM
I know what the problem is and have spent since 10:15 this morning until now working on deleting all the bloody cdn prefixes from pics there was a heap in the sponsors banners. Still a few to go. They are extensions put on by amazon which replace the prefix of www. with cdn just so people searching Amazon can find pics they want.

There are still a number to go but fingers crossed they should all be gone by later this-arvo. Just about to start searching through the last of the side bar ones now.

Cheers - Neil :U

19th January 2022, 02:27 PM
OK looks like all are now gone and everything should return to normal. I doubt they were any sort of security risk.

Our old website was called a security risk as it was http instead of https, even though the only part of the site that could pose a risk... the order form, was fully secured and encrypted. Everything else was just pics and word. No login no personal data, etc.

Anyway log out and have another go if there is still a problem it may take a really deep exhaustive search to find the rest. :yawn:

Cheers - Neil :U

19th January 2022, 10:30 PM
Thanks Neil, I have logged out, cleared all cache etc from the browser, logged in again and it did exactly the same as this afternoon, i.e one popup. I have made a rough screen grab video and PM'd a download link and explanation to you. Since it seems peculiar to my particular setup, it's not a high priority as I can set up an exception for it in Bitdefender to ignore the issue completely, just wanted to let you know in case it was a more significant issue.

Thanks again


20th January 2022, 02:24 PM
Was blocking every time it loaded the forum front page (initial load, plus every return from a subforum) last night, have come back twice today and the issue has gone completely. Appears that you might have found something and rectified it. I just went into BD settings and verified that there was not an exemption set last night, so definitely seems OK now. Thanks again


22nd January 2022, 02:53 PM
'twas a couple of old expired sponsors banner skulking in the Wooden Boat Forum wot done t' dirty deed.

All fixed now and no more CDN hanging on anywhere in the forums. 506553

Thanks Amazon... NOT! :~