View Full Version : Doing inlay on a two pack finish

11th January 2022, 11:11 AM
Hello, making a guitar stand for granddaughter, I decided to inlay two 40mm mother of pearl disks in the timber. Recessed an exact hole with a 40mm Forstner bit OK, correct depth.

Decided for the stand to have a black glossy two pack finish, to be done by a nephew with all the gear, so filled the recess with masking tape in a neat circle. Trouble is, when cutting the masking tape out after it was covered in two pack finish, it took some of the adjacent black finish away with it. As seen in the attached photos

Can anyone please advise the correct way to go about doing inlay with a workpiece that is to be finished with a two pack glossy black finish?

i had been thinking of doing the same and inlay on an urn for our late 16 year old dog, but having second thoughts now.

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