View Full Version : Panic buying

6th January 2022, 06:37 PM
Any body else considering panic buying, in tools an materials, in case we get Lock downs again.

Tho the Fearless Leader said that would never happen, he has history of telling porkies that one.

Just trying to be a good little Scout and be prepared.
I don’t need toilet paper, I spent 6 months in Indian “learning”[emoji6]

Cheers Matt.

6th January 2022, 09:59 PM
I don't know that we are going to have an official lockdown again. We are, however, going to see random shortages all over the supply chain and services. Mainly because of many Many MANY more people coming into contact with Covid and being required to isolate for the specified time. I personally know three people here in Queensland that have come down with it (all vaccinated) since January 1st. The good news is that they are not very sick. The bad news is that none of these are in the official figures so the official figure of 10k and change today in QLD is probably off by at least half. That discrepancy is a guess by me, but a fairly educated guess.

The company I work for is requiring everyone to work from home for the foreseeable future. Given how hard-core they were on everyone returning to the office in the new year (before we knew about omicron), this is quite a statement

A lot of people (myself included) are cancelling plans and events. I have declined two invitations to events and cancelled two others. Even though I am vaccinated, if my personal health history is a guide, I'm likely to be quite unwell.

Assuming that I am not alone in a voluntary lockdown; I'm not sure the economy rebound we had will be sustained. I sure hope I'm very very wrong.

7th January 2022, 08:24 AM
I wasn't until now, but sounds like a good excuse to buy some new tools to me.

7th January 2022, 11:42 AM
Any body else considering panic buying, in tools an materials, in case we get Lock downs again.


It would be foolish to believe the situation will change in the short term and lockdowns are the order of the day.

7th January 2022, 03:12 PM
Anybody want to buy 3247 rolls of Costco brand toilet tissue?


7th January 2022, 03:32 PM
Went to Woolys to buy our fortnightly groceries. I had received this morning an Email from them telling me that some stock was missing from their usual displays due to freight driver problems with staff. Well the fruit and veg had stuff missing as well as some fresh meat lines. When we got to the back of the store guess what......huge empty shelves where the stocks of loo paper should be. Why do people panic???

A Duke
7th January 2022, 03:41 PM
They get the ****s.

7th January 2022, 03:44 PM
I'm not sure on the tools and materials but some twits are hitting the grocery stores hard with warehouse and delivery issue.... :C :~

7th January 2022, 08:51 PM
Daughter works in retail for a national store.
A number of staff are unavailable. Today being a Friday the store is normally open 9 - 9pm. It closed before 5 due to staff shortages.

7th January 2022, 09:03 PM
Daughter works in retail for a national store.
A number of staff are unavailable. Today being a Friday the store is normally open 9 - 9pm. It closed before 5 due to staff shortages.

Another example of the consequences of conservative/business decision makers ignoring the reality that public health precedes the economy. Failure of leadership will result in people in making their own decisions.

7th January 2022, 09:11 PM
Profits before people.

People can be replaced.


Sir Stinkalot
7th January 2022, 09:18 PM
Not sure about panic buying but I will need some more Titebond before my local supplier puts the prices up:

“Adhesives have increased by up to 25% and Polyurethane Adhesive by 30%.”

Damn heat in the garage cooks it [emoji28]

7th January 2022, 10:28 PM
Profits before people.

People can be replaced.


I unfortunately have too agree.

One of the big reasons I work for only one person, my self.

Cheers Matt.

Pittwater Pete
8th January 2022, 01:10 AM
In my experience, shortages are real. Raw materials for production like; board, timber hardware, glues and two pack paints. Not only are they hard to get but prices are a lot higher than 12, or even 6 months ago. Delivery times have blown out significantly to upset production schedules. It’s getting a lot harder to price jobs accurately and also to ensure you can either have the materials on hand or order them to complete a job. As you know, there is no final payment until the job is complete. That effects cashflow and then reduces your ability to pre-order materials that are in short supply. It’s a vicious circle.
The second input to business; labour, is taking a massive hit too. If you don’t have staff off with Covid, then they are off with suspected Covid or a close or casual contact and need to isolate. That’s a lot of lost production time.
That leads me to the third input to production; fixed costs. These are not necessarily fixed but are the costs that include; rent, insurance, leases etc. Those bills keep coming and are getting larger too. They don’t go away if you are not producing anything.

It may be here for a little while still. Hold on tight people.

Current modelling predicts that the Omnicon wave will peak by mid February, then slowly reduce. But it will still take a while for supply chains to catch up. How long; it’s industry and product specific. I wish I knew.
And who’s to say that there is not another “spanner thrown into the works”

All the very best to you all.


8th January 2022, 08:44 AM
Current modelling predicts that the Omnicon wave will peak by mid February, then slowly reduce. But it will still take a while for supply chains to catch up. How long; it’s industry and product specific. I wish I knew.
And who’s to say that there is not another “spanner thrown into the works”

All the very best to you all.



That prediction is a little disturbing given that here in QLD cases reported per day have escalated from 500 to 5000 to 10000 today over the course of a week and that may only be the reported cases if markharrison's comment in post #2 is correct! NSW and VIC are already way worse than this I realise. The peak is maybe a month away? Supplies are not going to get any better!

I might have to scavenge in the "wood tip" at work. Trouble is it is predominantly second grade pine.



8th January 2022, 09:11 AM
We don't panic buy as such - however being a good Boy Scout, well Cub for a while, the "be prepared" motto stuck.

We also constantly face cyclones in FNQ so those of us who have been around for a while tend to build up the grocery shopping list with tinned foods & other staples (pasta, rice, flour, dehydrated veges / meals, powdered milk etc) even the old Spam and tinned corned beef from Aug through to Nov; then run them down from April through to July. Dunny paper as well! You can still enjoy great meals like a good hearty fried rice (rice, reconstituted dehy veges & Spam etc) or corned beef fritters with some good old 'mater sauce etc when the chips are really down. Sadly many are on very tight budgets an do not have the luxury of being able to prepare. We are amused, but also saddened, by the panic buying of perishables when a TC is on our door step!

Being a surveyor who worked in quite remote areas for a couple of decades has honed those skills. :D

I tend to do the same with wood working / turning consumables - always have on hand plenty of sand paper, finishes, commonly used drill bits, spare saw blades, even plenty of PVA & CA glue and CA accelerator to avoid those embarrassing "$hit I've run out" moments at the most inconvenient times! But occasionally the supply interruptions are longer than anticipated - my favourite CA accelerator stocks are almost depleted!! Damn! :(

Pittwater Pete
8th January 2022, 03:05 PM

That prediction is a little disturbing given that here in QLD cases reported per day have escalated from 500 to 5000 to 10000 today over the course of a week and that may only be the reported cases if markharrison's comment in post #2 is correct! NSW and VIC are already way worse than this I realise. The peak is maybe a month away? Supplies are not going to get any better!

I might have to scavenge in the "wood tip" at work. Trouble is it is predominantly second grade pine.



Even with these high, and quickly growing numbers, the good news is that getting Covid is not hospitalising most people. I feel for those that are though.

It will all pass in time, we just need to ride it out and look after each other the best we can in the meantime.

Be well.


8th January 2022, 04:04 PM
Victoria as 51,000 cases at present.
So cases numbers are definitely getting up there.

Cheers Matt.

8th January 2022, 04:05 PM
My son and SIL work at a local IGA (he's an excellent employer).

They had two big supply trucks not turn up this week, but still have managed to keep everything on the shelves... even the On Special magnum ice creams, which are my favourite :) (4 for $4.90!)

This will sound harsh, but we live in absolute luxury when looking historically and at other countries.

Only this Christmas, we had the close family over, and the FEAST we put out on our very tight budget was mighty indeed. I made the comment of "if this were 200 years ago, kings themselves would not have had such splendour".

I think this is true.

Being put out by not being able to buy all the things we need, immediately, at the local shops, is not the end of the world.

A little... deprivation... will make us more appreciative of our good times.

I'm also reminded of a journey I had when 25. I went to Chile, Peru and Bolivia on an extended trip.

I hiked through the Andes and over some of the most hell-forsaken desert and majestic mountains one could conceive of. Part of that trip was the western end of the Amazon. I often went through places that the only language was Quechua. These people were POOR.... really POOR. They had almost nothing. Most were famished and I'd say some kids starving. It was a harsh, harsh lesson on gritty in-the-dirt survival.

Each time I went through a settlement (village?) I ensured to give the kids some little breads, some cocoa "chocolate" (its AWEFUL) and some coca de mata leaves (a local thing). I'd stock up on these in towns before travelling out. Besides being nice, this ensured we were not attacked and robbed either by the locals or the shining path chaps. The other travellers, especially USAmericans, were attacked and robbed all the time. Some were killed (USA esp). A little generosity was vastly appreciated.

When I finally arrived back in Oz I was astounded by the wealth. The absolute availability of everything. I'd forgotten the incredible luxury we live within and have grown accustomed to (in fact, I was revolted by it).

I still rankle when I see in the papers, online or news about Australians in "hardship". Those in hardship here have no concept of hardship. (I admit, I still see it in terms of want, greed, stupidity and entitlement).

Its with this in mind that I say that a little deprivation wouldn't do us any harm. It may even remind us of the privilege we enjoy.

10th January 2022, 07:24 AM
Not sure about lockdowns but there is certainly a case for grabbing what you want asap due to supply chain problems.
I need a new cordless drill and want one using Li-ion batteries. (My old one has Ni-cads and, while the drill is OK, the batteries are at the end of their life and will only accept a minimal charge). I've found the one I want at the price I want but, while they are listed at my local tool shop, they are out of stock and likely to remain that way for some time due to supply problems.
So, yes. Grab it while you can.

10th January 2022, 01:29 PM
Not sure what this may mean, but on AliExpress and AliBaba (industrial) there are a great many vendors no longer selling on it.

Id say about 1/3rd of my bookmarks no longer point to the business/s.

10th January 2022, 03:53 PM
Anybody want to buy 3247 rolls of Costco brand toilet tissue?
shipping from CA might be a little bit exy