View Full Version : NSW Racial tension.............
11th December 2005, 11:22 PM
Well, what do I say............1 or 2 transparent steps forward, 20 to 30 years worth of back steps for society..
Is this a result of the "MTV" generation, which are incapable of any independant thought process?:confused:
Anyone know what lead to the lifesavers getting bashed in the first place?
Aint it amazing how the 'Mob' mentality takes hold, guess it works real swell on mushy, malleable minds.
Ladies and Gentlemen, your thoughts please....
and please, let's keep it a live and healthy debate
E. maculata
12th December 2005, 12:00 AM
Weird wierd weird, must feel funny for the older generations, don't know what to make of it all:confused:
12th December 2005, 12:45 AM
Aint it amazing how the 'Mob' mentality takes hold, guess it works real swell on mushy, malleable minds.
Mob Mentality depends on whose in the mob
I think a lot of people are sick and tired of reading " a man of middle eastern apparance"
Are these the only ones causing problems or does the press grab a story where they can use that line to sell papers
Is there a real them and us attitude out there where groups of ethnic youths feel so alianiated from mainstreem Australia that they travel together in gangs , for what ever reason and take offence at anything and everything and resort to violence
To me it seems that the problem is based on the way some people have been raised , and there is now a backlash where "average" Australians are no longer going to put up with , or be tolerant of behaviour that , " is un-Australian"
I myself judge each person as I find them, and treat them occordingly
This is a great way to live but with the changing times in which we live I must say that when I approach a group of youths of any nationality on a street I am weary to say the least, keep my distance don't make eye contact and watch my back .
Now for the big Question how long before this thread is moved
12th December 2005, 12:56 AM
Is this a result of the "MTV" generation, which are incapable of any independant thought process?:confused:
I doubt it. Mob rule has been around since Cain and Abel had kids. Mobile phones and a bit of alcohol brings ignorant louts out of the woodwork. Sad to see such open hatred in Australia.
12th December 2005, 08:09 AM
this thread will be moved (I betcha!) :D
this is the unfortunate effect of marrying cousins and reducing the size of the gene pool you can select from...
the most unfortunate is that redneck man is at least as devolved as middle eastern or jewish fundamentalist man. pack of wankers the lot of 'em:mad:
to fix it :
1) martial law
2) mandatory military service
3) zero tolerance
make me lord and bow in aquiencense!!!!!!!!!! Now!!!!!!:mad:
12th December 2005, 08:15 AM
I would have thought the best way of relieving racial tension, would be by belting a . . . . . . . . (insert derogitary ethnic term of choice here).
12th December 2005, 08:49 AM
Bodgies and Widgies anyone? What about Skins and Mods, or Locals vs Drop-ins, Carlton Crew vs Collingwood boys?
Isn't this a case of same old same old? Idiots in a pack enjoying bashing others from a position of strength.
the most unfortunate is that redneck man is at least as devolved as middle eastern or jewish fundamentalist man
The most unfortunate?
Why is that Zed, did you expect more from those carrying the white-skin genes?
I'd have thought that 5000 "good old Aussies" setting out like a pack for the "wrong skinned ones" would be an indictment on the Aussie culture - if we want to go for broad generalisations that is.
12th December 2005, 08:57 AM
It's pretty ugly stuff alright with more to come no doubt. One of the reasons I'm glad we moved away from Sydney. Right or wrong I wouldn't like to be an anglo living in Bankstown like I was 4 years ago.
12th December 2005, 09:13 AM
Just saw another news report on it.
Seems like the crowd, or parts of, got into random smashing of cars and property last night.
Reinforces the idiot theory.
12th December 2005, 09:26 AM
According to the SMH:
A group of about 60 men of Middle Eastern appearance and armed with baseball bats smashed the windows of parked cars about 9pm
You can bet that as soon as they heard about it, there would have been a heap of them on their way to 'get revenge'. They will consider it to be open warfare now.
The difference between this and the old Widgies v. Bodgies etc is that the only 'club colours' are the colour of the skin and plenty of people are going to get caught up in it through no fault of their own.
Greg Ward
12th December 2005, 09:34 AM
Some cultures integrate in time, some may never do.
Religion has a lot to answer for.
50 years ago, the catholics and protestants threw stones at each other, to marry a catholic, you had to convert etc.etc. that problem is of little consequence.
50 years ago, the Chinese were seen as alien, now from the number of mixed race couples I note, there appears a great deal on positive integration with the asian races as a whole.
Integration through marraige with moslem families (as far as I know) now appears to suffer from the old catholic problem, must convert to this religion before marraige, therefore social integration is greatly restricted, leading to the devlopment of a separate non-integrated society.
The jewish religion also has a similar problem with the hassidic jews, but small numbers of any minority group make them 'interesting' but not a social problem.
How to fix?
Education and intermarraige is the only way, but I don't see it happeneing soon.
12th December 2005, 09:54 AM
No Greg, religion has nothing to answer.
The people who espouse extremism, have all to answer, and they are so far from the mainstream of all the major religions that one may as well forget it.
What religion are neo-nazi's anyway? I thought they were anti-all religions, so maybe that is the problem. If there was no religion, they wouldn't have a soapbox!!
On the other hand, why is it that these poor wronged ethnic dears, feel that they can right those wrongs by smashing cars at random, and basically buggering up innocent people's property. Oh that's it isn't it.... they're protesting about the right to live in peace and harmony.
Why don't we just provide a paddock and guns for them, and let them go for it??
Bloody multiculturalism...... what's wrong with being Australian??
If you want to be Lebanese (or insert other nationality of choice here), that's fine, come and visit your Australian relatives at Christmas.
P (It's nearly Christmas, hope you've booked the flights back.
12th December 2005, 10:29 AM
First off let me say that I (like the rest of you all) treat people on an individual basis, thats a prerequisite for a forum such as this.
Lets not get confused here, extremists, racists, bigots etc are in every society not just Australian (regardless of what you hear in the media).
What is happening now is nothing different to what happened with the migrants after WW2 and their children, then with the Vietnamese etc.
I disagree that Religion has nothing to answer, it does. Religion is meant to teach people tolerance, understanding, compassion etc, if people are allowed to preach violence in churches, mosques etc or use the Bible or Qur'an then these extremists (who are the minority) are less likely to get a foothold because their ability to "suck in" moderates will be impaired.
What many people don't know is that Christians and Muslims have the same ancestors, so are we really any different ?
I saw a doco on tv last night about how the Normans ruled Sicily with their Muslim, Christian etc population. I believe it worked because there was a simple philosphy, life is good when you all work together, don't and i'll beat the living c@#p out of you.
Now apparantly we have progressed from that time. Why is it then that we as "brothers and sisters" still cannot see past this "Smokescreen of Religion" and see the humans behind.
To sum it all up, violence of any sort is unnacceptable and if you want to live in this great country of ours (whoever you may be) then live by our rule of law etc.
E. maculata
12th December 2005, 10:32 AM
I wish we could all live life like an episode of "it ain't half hot Mum", insert heavily accented voice stating "We Aussies":D
(just for us old guys who actually remember the sar'nt major)
12th December 2005, 10:35 AM
I don't think it has anything to do with religion. What you have is a very closed and protective society into which these gangs of 'youths' have come making noise and creating a scene. The local blokes don't like it, and so they have clashed. It has built up to a point where there has been violence and revenge has been sought by both sides.
Various other parties have hijacked the situation for their own ends: neo-nazis, political parties, the media. It's not white Australia vs. muslim Australia but that's what they all want us to think it is.
Midge has the best solution: don't read the paper and don't watch the news ;)
12th December 2005, 10:49 AM
This is a gross overreaction by a frightened population. The terrorism fears whipped up by the media have helped to build the pressure to this point. Does anyone really believe that the lifeguards getting bashed caused this? It may have triggered it, but the media caused it, and now they're going to feed off it for months.
Sydney, no - all Australians, should be ashamed of themselves.
Greg Ward
12th December 2005, 11:12 AM
It's a little naive to blame the media.
Social integration is not occurring, the causes are many, but religion precepts are a main factor, as 'certain religons' prohibit intermarriage, which over a few generations in the past has generally solved the problems of most new immigrants.
The first generation is generally a write off as they pine for what they have lost. The second can blend if they try and the third generation generally doesn't understand what all the fuss is about.
But when you have any religion stopping all generations from blending with the general populace, fostering social groups that are prohibited from mixing, you create ghettos and the problems that arise from these.
And so we reap what we sow.
12th December 2005, 11:21 AM
Integration through marraige , and
...therefore social integration is greatly restricted, leading to the devlopment of a separate non-integrated society.
Or to view it at its illogical misrepresentaion:
"come in, we are enlightened enough to not worry about the colour of your skin, but we'll breed your culture out of you."
Or, "here's your visa, now hand over your women."
An enlightened viewpoint that would sit well with any bearded patriarch.
Mate, I think that a quick way to achieve your integration is to start to include some of "whatever group you want to integrate" into your social circle.
Who knows, you just might find that they are normal human beings like the rest of us, muddling along trying to find a way.
The easier option, of course, is to insulate yourself, wrap up in some us/them fears, and chuck another deadlock on the door. I think that is called zenophobia?
An overreaction to the post I know, but try looking at it from the "outside looking in", or in other words - are you telling me my culture needs breeding out in order for my kids to belong here?
12th December 2005, 11:23 AM
I'm flabbergasted by that post. Do you really think the solution to the problem is to marry all the little brown boys off to all the little white girls? That sounds awfully reminiscent of a certain policy of a previous government in this country. Breed them out of existence, eh?
There is nothing religious about a car load of lads from Bankstown heading over to Cronulla for a bit of fun. It's gang behaviour through and through.
There were something like 5000 people at Cronulla yesterday. Do you really think they were all there because of an SMS message?
Greg Ward
12th December 2005, 11:31 AM
We should all be proud of our heritage, but that doesn't mean that we should be proud of the tribal nature of our history, or force our children to bow to the rules of the culture that reflects the often false memories of our own history.
12th December 2005, 11:41 AM
OK, I don't agree with the idea that people should be prevented from marrying someone of a different religion if they want to. Also there are plenty of traditions that we hang on to with all hell to pay if anyone challenges them.
But what is the ultimate goal of 'integration'? It is to wipe out the other culture - basically a form of genocide.
I still don't think any of this has much to do with what happened yesterday.
12th December 2005, 11:43 AM
Human beings are evil and we hate each others. We use whatever is easy for us to insult and hurt each others.
White man says “You bloody Asian” and Asian says “You bloody racist”. There is no difference. How convenience!
Lets face it, it has nothing to do with race, religion or whatsoever. We just love to use them as an excuse.
12th December 2005, 11:46 AM
The most unfortunate?
Why is that Zed, did you expect more from those carrying the white-skin genes?
Read what I wrote Clinton1...!! to clarify I said all rednecks (etc) are wankers...
To answer your question ; No, No I dont expect more... are you trying to pick a fight ??
12th December 2005, 11:56 AM
It's a little naive to blame the media.
Greg, have a look at the blatant lies being told by the media, the selective reporting, the images carefully cropped and the images used out of context, then tell me again it is a little "naive".
The integration talk is rubbish by the way. Italians, Greeks, Asians, Brits, Slavs and just about every ethnic group have had problems at some point. The difference here is the concerns surrounding recent terrorism problems and the portrayal and hype surrounding them that the media delights in.
Channel 'X' recently showed footage of a muslim youth stating "we will never integrate into Australia". This caused some uproar and was offensive when seen on tv. However, the complete statement was (to the effect of) "we will never integrate into Australia while these barriers exist". He was, in fact, referring to the difficulties of Muslim youths integrating when facing prejudice from "white" Australians. The full interview showed the youth as intelligent and thoughtful, Channel X cut it in a manner that should be a criminal act.
This happens every night, and the focus is on ratings for advertising. There is no responsible reporting here anymore, and it is becoming a problem. The ABC and SBS are better, though they often err too.
12th December 2005, 11:58 AM
the word "unfortunate" got me to interpret it in a way that you have made clear is not correct.
Apologies. My mistake.
E. maculata
12th December 2005, 12:04 PM
Mmm, racial intergration, mixed marriage, blending of cultures....OMG where would it all lead us.
Imagine if you will.
Scotsman+Japanese Wife= my maternal Grandad married a good aussie lass(daughter of a prime minister no less:o & 2nd gen immigrant Kiwi) of Anglo extract=my Mum
Scots+Polynesian/Fijian Housekeeper=my Paternal Grandfather married a Irish catholic lass=my "father"
Irish + Anglo + Chinese + Anglo + Scots & some other ringins :) thrown in = SWMBO
SWMBO + Me= our kids, good looking and smart:D no matter what their genetic history, interestingly enough darker skinned than I, but bearing less fijian features than I, no racism in my house, anyway who the hell could we single out for vilification:confused: .
Etnic blending has occurred since man could move from one locale to another, look at the Scots, gee don't they bear a resemblance to the vikings:eek:
The Irish were the UKs' blackfellas', maybe the middle eastern & north african traders played a part there;)
What happens happens it's called life we all will "blend" eventually, I reckon it's great, no great issue to me happened generations ago for our mob, no big deal we're just your average modern Aussie family:cool: .
12th December 2005, 12:09 PM
Nobody is suggesting it's a bad thing - but I think it's a bit much suggesting it as a cure for all our problems. All well and good if people want to do it - but what if they don't want to inter-marry - what are we going to do then? Force them?
12th December 2005, 12:21 PM
Part of my families culture was to burn, rape and pillage...............albeit a few generations ago.
I hate the 'culture' explanation for all wrongs done, and I have used this on occassion to make my point.
E. maculata
12th December 2005, 12:23 PM
nah Darren it's cool I never thought you meant it negatively, realised what you where trying to point out, although I do reckon a lot of people including the media & the different governments have never accounted for free will and LOVE, ie; why did in 1938-9 my little convent educated strict catholic upbringing Nan marry a large heathen darkskinned man from the south seas with no future(ha ;) ), against her families & communities' wishes, cause she loved him, and did till the day he died.
I'm sure glad she did, should be more of it.
E. maculata
12th December 2005, 12:26 PM
Part of my families culture was to burn, rape and pillage...............albeit a few generations ago.
Nordic Swine!:p
You lot were truly barbaric, not us, we just ate people after a good fight:eek:................apparently:o
Greg Ward
12th December 2005, 12:43 PM
I agree the media had much to do with yesterday, but the problem has existed for years.
The tribal history of beaches in Sydney is ongoing. The 'westies' were the enemies of the surfies in the past, so little has changed.
When the Chinese, Greeks and Italians first ventured here, they were reviled and killed in some cases.
The real problem is the 'fear of the other' which can only be addressed through education and social mixing, best done at school with the children as first generations are too stuck in their ways. This should be a state aim, but the increased prevalance of single religous based schools will sadly make integration even more problematic.
The media loves the beat-up and ferments this, with the ABC being just as bad as the others, perhaps worse as they pretend to be 'for all Australians' when they stand for 'those of left wing inclination that tend to think like we do'.
It has taken the Chinese around 5-6 generations to reach its current state of social integration following the immigration of large numbers following the finding of gold in the 1850's, the Italians and Greeks are reaching the 3-4th ........the NSW state premier is Italian, our Governor is Lebanese.
Hopefully as time passes and the recent arrivals of African,'middle eastern' Vietnamese and eastern European immigrants reach that important third generation stage, that generation will also feel at home here as well as remaining proud of their long cultural histories.
My family history? German, British, Irish, Chinese, Swedish..... who knows what else and who cares.
With around 5-6 generations under my belt, I have no real feeling for my ancestry. It's Australian.
12th December 2005, 12:56 PM
The real problem is the 'fear of the other' which can only be addressed through education and social mixing, best done at school with the children as first generations are too stuck in their ways. This should be a state aim, but the increased prevalance of single religous based schools will sadly make integration even more problematic.
OK now you're making sense. Definitely - social mixing so that we can understand each other, not assimilation so that the one becomes the other.
12th December 2005, 01:34 PM
I agree the media had much to do with yesterday, but the problem has existed for years.
The tribal history of beaches in Sydney is ongoing. The 'westies' were the enemies of the surfies in the past, so little has changed.
Too true
I'm an anglo, but grew up 40-50 years ago in the area where many of the 'people of middle eastern appearance' live now. We used to go to Cronulla because it was handy to get to by rail. Even then, there was a small group of locals who thought they owned the beach and would look for a blue with outsiders. Fast forward a couple of decades and the sons & grandsons of these nongs try the same stunt on some other nongs who identify themselves as a particular ethnic group that's not afraid of a fight, add a bit of alchohol, and what do you expect.
The whole time this has been going on, the police have done nothing to stop the bullying & anti-social behaviour that's been going on by both sides, until it grew to big to ignore. I'm not sure whether it's because they were under-resourced, lazy or subject to political pressure to keep it under their hats, but I suspect that it's a mixture of all three. Sooner or later, someone inevitably says, perhaps with some justification, if the police/government won't look after our safety, we'll do it ourselves.
12th December 2005, 01:48 PM
The fact of the matter is that the police are afraid of dealing with the Lebanese gangs. I lived in the Bankstown area for 6 years and have seen it first hand. They are not pleasant and the police do not frighten them one bit. A copper mate of mine had his name removed from the electoral roll after a death threat from one of them.
The problem with what happened yesterday is that the behaviour of all those idiots on the beach overwhelms the underlying problem. There is a criminal element at work in those gangs: the gang rapes, drug pushing, theft etc. It's all a real problem. It has nothing to do with race, they are just bad people.
Yesterday's events just give people like Keysar Trad the excuse to say "look, it's not our problem. You're kids are racists, deal with them. Another example of discrimination against the muslim community". Instead of saying "OK, we have a problem with gangs in the Lebanese community and we need to deal with it" it once again becomes 'our' problem.
I repeat, these are bad people, not victims. I don't have any sympathy for anything that might happen to them.
The sad part is that all the rest have to suffer as well. I wonder how many of the people that were chased and beaten yesterday were just ordinary people like you and me wanting to go for a swim. That's the bad bit. I feel sorry for them and I can understand them being p!ssed off with 'Aussies'.
12th December 2005, 04:47 PM
My only comment is that this situation has been brewing for quite a while for a variety of reasons. What's the cure.....I don't know.
All I know is it scares the crap out of me.
12th December 2005, 07:31 PM
The Media done it!
The filthy swine media played everyone for suckers. They get told about a stupid sms from stupid people, fed it to the public so it grew a thousand fold, more stupid people tell more stupid people and stupid politicians and stupid police get on the stupid television and give it more publicity so that even more stupid people get involved.
Then the filthy media turn up, insight the stupid people to do stupid things, report it so that the other lot of stupid people who respond and the filthy media have thier stupid story.
Then the next day, after all the stupid people have made the stupid story the filthy media go back, tut tutting away about how bad the stupid people are.:mad:
I think this was really
S T U P I D!
Toolin Around
12th December 2005, 07:59 PM
Greg, have a look at the blatant lies being told by the media, the selective reporting, the images carefully cropped and the images used out of context, then tell me again it is a little "naive".
The integration talk is rubbish by the way. Italians, Greeks, Asians, Brits, Slavs and just about every ethnic group have had problems at some point. The difference here is the concerns surrounding recent terrorism problems and the portrayal and hype surrounding them that the media delights in.
Channel 'X' recently showed footage of a muslim youth stating "we will never integrate into Australia". This caused some uproar and was offensive when seen on tv. However, the complete statement was (to the effect of) "we will never integrate into Australia while these barriers exist". He was, in fact, referring to the difficulties of Muslim youths integrating when facing prejudice from "white" Australians. The full interview showed the youth as intelligent and thoughtful, Channel X cut it in a manner that should be a criminal act.
This happens every night, and the focus is on ratings for advertising. There is no responsible reporting here anymore, and it is becoming a problem. The ABC and SBS are better, though they often err too.
I agree. I think that instead of refering to them as the media or journalists... a more appropriate word(s) in this day and age would be smut peddlers. Keeping you informed is the last thing they are trying to achieve.
Studley 2436
12th December 2005, 08:35 PM
I wonder what was going on on talk back radio. If it was bad on TV I can only imagine the mess of accusation on talk back.
The mob was anglo Australian. I am not sure how many Lebanese were involved but it sounds as if they were massively outnumbered. Some were just people who were in Cronulla to work in cafés or because they wanted to swim and enjoy the beach.
Violent miscreants deserve to be charged and jailed. Decent people of any background should be able to go about their lawful business.
It was during 1999 when I was living in Sydney that a Lebanese mate took me out to a night club for a drink. It was in Hurstville he introduced me to his brother, brothers girlfriend and one other. They basically turned their backs on me. All my ancestors were from England and that was in the very early days of the South Australian colony so it was a new thing to me being judged on race. However in the past I have met many people with different backgrounds and having an introduction always meant that they were prepared to find out who you were and something about you. Actually it usually was a case of this guy is prepared to talk to us let's make him welcome. Italians in particular are good at making people feel really welcome.
My point in saying all that is that I think there is some greater division for whatever reason than I have seen or experienced with other immigrants Asian or European.
I do believe in integration in the sense that this is Australia and these are the rules here. Such as the rule of law, respect for property, basic respect and courtesy for others. You can worship your god in your way but everyone else is also free to make their own decision about their god and their own worship. No one has the right to impose their view of god or religion or politics on anyone else. The rule of law stands above religion however, in that you can't break the law because your religion says you can.
12th December 2005, 08:46 PM
The real problem is the 'fear of the other'...
Another problem is a love to hate. Some people love to hate, love an excuse to hurt other people - usually from a position of power, ie surrounded by mates, or even just being bigger than the people they pick on. As a student I was attacked in the street by a group of young men out for a good time, and to them that meant finding someone alone, and beating them up. I still can't understand it.
As for religion, religion doesn't have anything to answer for. It is the people who use it as a banner to justify their own opinions and actions that should be held responsible. (A bit like money - money per se is not evil (in fact I quite like money, when I can get it :p ), it is the love of money above respect for others that is evil).
I also agree that there is a "fear of the other" or a "fear of the unknown" that motivates some people. Labelling people, eg "He's a Seppo", dehumanises them, makes them more like an object (he's just a table) than a person (with a name, and a family, "he's john milosevic smith, brian's brother") and therefore easier to treat with disrespect or disdain.
The media do tend to sensationalise things and the problem is that the only information we get is prescreened by them, so we really have no idea what to compare it with.
Good stuff about the laws here Studley
12th December 2005, 08:53 PM
I do believe in integration in the sense that this is Australia and these are the rules here. Such as the rule of law, respect for property, basic respect and courtesy for others. You can worship your god in your way but everyone else is also free to make their own decision about their god and their own worship. No one has the right to impose their view of god or religion or politics on anyone else. The rule of law stands above religion however, in that you can't break the law because your religion says you can.
Hoobloodyray. Well said. Sorta like this board.
E. maculata
12th December 2005, 09:57 PM
Hoobloodyray. Well said. Sorta like this board.
Just wadda ya tryin to say there big fella?:p
12th December 2005, 10:27 PM
Bring back the White Australia Policy.......Enoch Powell ,RIP.
12th December 2005, 10:30 PM
And his quote was, this is only a quote:
'If you want a nigger for a neighbour, vote labour'
See how long this factual piece of information lasts.
12th December 2005, 10:31 PM
I agree. I think that instead of refering to them as the media or journalists... a more appropriate word(s) in this day and age would be smut peddlers. Keeping you informed is the last thing they are trying to achieve.
Not smut peddlers, they are media sales people. The only two purposes of all media - TV, Print, Radio et al, is to raise their ratings/circulation thus increasing their rate for ads and 2) to advance their proprietor's political philosophy or business interests - this is a poor second
They print/broadcast what we want to hear.
12th December 2005, 10:33 PM
An absolute shame on Australia .
12th December 2005, 10:38 PM
No different to the media in general on a worldwide basis, they have their standards to belittle themselves to.
12th December 2005, 11:00 PM
Bring back the White Australia Policy.......Enoch Powell ,RIP.
Errr....were not all the people in the riot "white" in the terms of that ridiculous piece of garbage????
:confused: :confused: :confused:
Studley 2436
12th December 2005, 11:08 PM
I was just wondering if we can put the mob on survivor island for a stretch
12th December 2005, 11:12 PM
Errr....were not all the people in the riot "white" in the terms of that ridiculous piece of garbage????
:confused: :confused: :confused:
To quote Pauline "please explain "
12th December 2005, 11:39 PM
To quote Pauline "please explain "
The white Australia Policy was intended to keep out the yellow peril; the hoardes from Asia, and our Lebanese friends were among those who were encouraged to settle here.
While the White Australia policy may have embraced a primitive belief in Arthur Caldwell’s words that ‘two Wongs don’t make a White’, it was essentially based on a legitimate fear by the Australian working classes that hard-won living standards would be jeopardised by massive immigration from Asian countries with vastly lower standards overall.
No Asians involved on the weekend as far as I have heard, and whether we like it or not, (and I do) we are an Asian nation, or were last time I looked at an atlas.
European immigration on the other hand, was encouraged as a way of making up the population base with appropriately coloured people.
And as for Enoch Powell:
Powell was noted for his oratorical skills, and for being a maverick who cared little about what harm he did to his party - or himself. On Saturday April 20th 1968 he made a controversial speech in Birmingham, in which he warned his audience of what he believed would be the consequences of continued unchecked immigration from the Commonwealth to Britain. Because of its allusion to Virgil saying that the Tiber would foam with blood, Powell's warning was christened the 'Rivers of Blood' speech by the press, and the name stuck.
One feature of the speech was the extensive quotation of a letter Powell had received detailing the experiences of one of his constituents in Wolverhampton, an elderly woman who was supposedly the last white person living in her street. She had repeatedly refused applications from non-whites requiring rooms-to-let, which resulted in her being called a racist outside her home and receiving excreta through her letterbox. Despite combing the electoral register and other sources, the editor of the local newspaper Clem Jones (a close friend of Powell's, who broke off relations with him over the controversy) and his journalists failed to identify the woman. It is alleged that the National Front fed Powell with black propaganda, which he failed to recognize as such, although it has also been claimed that the woman actually lived in Nottingham. The speech was delivered while the 1968 Race Relations Bill (later Act) was making its way through parliament, which was to make the colour bar in housing illegal.
I'd be pleased to back up my garbage statement further if required!!
:D :D :D
12th December 2005, 11:48 PM
I agree the media had much to do with yesterday, but the problem has existed for years.
The tribal history of beaches in Sydney is ongoing. The 'westies' were the enemies of the surfies in the past, so little has changed.
When the Chinese, Greeks and Italians first ventured here, they were reviled and killed in some cases.
The real problem is the 'fear of the other' which can only be addressed through education and social mixing, best done at school with the children as first generations are too stuck in their ways. This should be a state aim, but the increased prevalance of single religous based schools will sadly make integration even more problematic.
The media loves the beat-up and ferments this, with the ABC being just as bad as the others, perhaps worse as they pretend to be 'for all Australians' when they stand for 'those of left wing inclination that tend to think like we do'.
It has taken the Chinese around 5-6 generations to reach its current state of social integration following the immigration of large numbers following the finding of gold in the 1850's, the Italians and Greeks are reaching the 3-4th ........the NSW state premier is Italian, our Governor is Lebanese.
Hopefully as time passes and the recent arrivals of African,'middle eastern' Vietnamese and eastern European immigrants reach that important third generation stage, that generation will also feel at home here as well as remaining proud of their long cultural histories.
My family history? German, British, Irish, Chinese, Swedish..... who knows what else and who cares.
With around 5-6 generations under my belt, I have no real feeling for my ancestry. It's Australian.
Chinese, Irish, English, Italian, Romany Gypsy, nephew maried a Lebanese Christian, why hell I even have Wards in MY family. I don't vilify anyone otherwise I'd have to throw rocks at myself..and I hate pain....:D:D:D:D:D:D
12th December 2005, 11:57 PM
Bring back the White Australia Policy.......Enoch Powell ,RIP.Crikey 46150 (is that your old service number perchance) you've even managed to offend me with that foolish comment.
Studley 2436
13th December 2005, 12:13 AM
No Asians involved on the weekend as far as I have heard, and whether we like it or not, (and I do) we are an Asian nation, or were last time I looked at an atlas.
Midge Australia is it's own continent. There are seven. Africa Europe Asia North and South America Antarctica and Australia. Nothing much really to do with the subject but
13th December 2005, 12:22 AM
Not smut peddlers, they are media sales people. The only two purposes of all media - TV, Print, Radio et al, is to raise their ratings/circulation thus increasing their rate for ads and 2) to advance their proprietor's political philosophy or business interests - this is a poor second
They print/broadcast what we want to hear.
Once upon a time you could read a newspaper and get a reasonably balanced view of the world because journalists simply reported the news. Then for some reason they decided it was fun to editorialise in an effort to get the readership to accept one view or another. These days the media (print in particular) are little more than mouthpieces for a particular political bent - primarily right-wing conservative. If you study the staff lists of almost all politicians, Federal and State mainstream political parties you will see an apalling preponderance of former media maggots. These are the same people who served their time "reporting" the news as their political masters intended us to see it. The current problems in Cronulla are being fuelled by the bias of the media and driven by politicians worried about the polls. The term, "of Middle Eastern appearance", IMHO is being trumpeted deliberately by the media at every opportunity in order to build a wedge in our community. Historically, wedge politics has been the most powerful weapon in the armory of conservative governments - and to be fair on a few occasions - progressive or sociallist governments.
Whenever the Howard government begins to look bad in the opinion polls something like the Cronulla issue is beaten up to divert our attention from the real issues of the day. For example, it is conceded that someone (who may never be found out despite an inquiry) in the Coalition parties at the Federal level ramped up the old previously reported and forgotten issues of Bob Gerard's tax problems which diverted everyone's attention including the Beazley mob from the IR changes and VSU issues which deserved far more debate and scrutiny than was allowed. Those two pieces of legislation and the sedition legislation were rammed through the parliament after the Senate leader Robert Hill put 57 gag motions in force (expl: a gag motion is a method employed by the government in debate to end or bar debate on legislation). Something which has never happened in 105 years of Federation. But, what are we focussed on?? A contrived race riot (which John Howard blithely denies) cum drunken brawl on a cruddy little beach in Sydney. Its pathetic. No-one seems to care that our parliamentary institution and constitution are being trampled on by a government with far too much power. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:And to think I was going to stick to WW.:(:(:(
13th December 2005, 12:26 AM
oops! I think I just commited SEDITION!!!! Better hide in the shed.:eek::eek::eek::eek:
13th December 2005, 07:06 AM
Midge Australia is it's own continent.
Yes it is, but in the context of my comments, there are half a dozen Asian Cities closer to Darwin than any Australian one.
Australia is located NEXT to Asia, and a bloody long way from Europe!
:D :D :D
13th December 2005, 08:20 AM
a bloody long way from Europe
Only geographically though. There's very little in common between Australia/NZ and the rest of this neck of the woods politically and culturally. Hey, if we're an Asian country, how come Mr Mahathir doesn't want us to go to the summit?
Anyway, more retaliation last night. Reports of another SMS circulating calling all 'Lions of Lebanon' to strike back at the 'Aussies' next Sunday. Might be time to call in the army. Or the National Guard (do we have one of those?).
I'm glad I don't live there any more.
13th December 2005, 08:47 AM
Pretty simple solution if our politicians had even the semblance of a backbone.
Pass some temporary emergency legislation providing police the power to arrest and charge anyone in the southern beaches area carrying offensive weapons, refusing to disperse etc. Draft in an enormous police presence from other areas and institute a zero tolerance policy. Arrest and charge all the thugs regardless of ethnicity, not too gently either. Problem would be to keep the lawyers away and make any sentences stick.
The old Riot Act would probably work too.
The interesting thing about these riots as opposed to the recent French version is that judging by their cars, the Lebs are not financially disadvantaged, so whats the issue?
Surfies and beach bums have always been territorial in Oz. Try catching a wave at any Sydney beach if the locals have deemed it their patch - white, black, yellow you'll still cop a hiding. So this has contributed, years of the Lebs being dissed at the beach. The other factor seems to be the enduring ME or Muslim attitude towards women - particularly at the lower end of the education and socio economic demographic. Any girl in a short skirt is a slut, a girl on the beach in a revealing swim suit is Jezebel. Taught by their Leb born parents and Muslim precepts, the young Leb men constantly shout, firstly, offers to 'service' the girls, then, upon refusal, torrents of gross sexual abuse.
We all know young men of any group are 'young, dumb and full of cum' so resentment grows amongst the young Lebs cause they aint getting any from these percieved 'sluts'. The Anglos dont like their girls being so treated and on it goes. Add the current generalised community suspicion of all things Muslim, and many ME's feeling marginalised, and we've got the environment for whats currently happening.
Like the Italian and the Greek immigrants of the 60's it'll all go in a generation.
13th December 2005, 09:15 AM
White Austrian policy?
You bloody idiot it would not work. There were “Red American Indian policy”, “Yellow Asian policy”, “Black African policy” and “Black aboriginal policy”. None of them worked.
You bloody idiot!!:mad:
13th December 2005, 09:19 AM
gday everyone
i had a bit of fun yesterday in a shop, i look like your average aussie irish convict desended yobbo. while i was in a shop the fella behind the counter and a few custermers were having a winge abought lebbos and how they shouldent be in "our country" and saying some fairly nasty things when they asked what i thought. the look on there faces when i told them that my wife is lebonese and therefore my son is half lebbo was brillent. my wife recons that becouse he is mixed irish and lebbo he will grow up to be a mad bommer that couldend be stufed and will go to the pub instead.
13th December 2005, 09:37 AM
You bloody idiot it would not work.
I'm sorry to say, Scott, that the policy did exist in this country until the 1950's - and you are proof that it did not work, for which we are grateful.
13th December 2005, 10:04 AM
Once upon a time you could read a newspaper and get a reasonably balanced view of the world because journalists simply reported the news.
If you hadn't started this post off "Once upon a time" I might have taken the bait, but clearly it's a fairy story, just like the bit about getting a balanced view from a newspaper ever.
Then for some reason they decided it was fun to editorialise in an effort to get the readership to accept one view or another. Governments started that, it was called censorship, and propoganda. Then the journos made an art form out of fiction.
TThe current problems in Cronulla are being fuelled by the bias of the media and driven by politicians worried about the polls. Whenever the Howard government begins to look bad in the opinion polls something like the Cronulla issue is beaten up to divert our attention from the real issues of the day.
Do you really expect anyone to believe that John H has got a few of his Lebbo mates to go a belt up a few cars to take our minds off the world??? Give me a break!!
rammed through the parliament after the Senate leader Robert Hill put 57 gag motions in force (expl: a gag motion is a method employed by the government in debate to end or bar debate on legislation). Something which has never happened in 105 years of Federation.
Gag motions are a fact of parliamentary debate, after 24 straight hours debating the one subject, I'd be looking for more than a gag motion. Must've had a very lightweight 'ram'.
No-one seems to care that our parliamentary institution and constitution are being trampled on by a government with far too much power. I may be mistaken here, but the object of a political party is to be elected with an absolute majority, when that happens it forms a government. "Far too much power" is what happens when the government has one more seat in the senate than the opposition... that's the way it's supposed to work.
One of needs to give up reading pinko ratbag propoganda, and buy the Australian.
:D :D :D
13th December 2005, 10:15 AM
White Austrian policy? You bloody idiot it would not work.
Actually Scott, I sort of disagree with Silent, it may not have worked, but it left a big scar on our society, that remains today... as exampled by the idiot post.
It was an incredibly shameful time in our history, but in the context of the post-war propaganda that prevailed, one that can perhaps be understood. What I have trouble wiht is many people in their 60's who are still wary of the Asian hordes who will sweep down from the north and take us over, forcing us to work in their paddy fields.
The "Two Wongs don't make a White" remark was brought home quite painfully to me in a nearby Asian Country, by a gentleman with your surname who was bitterly cut by it, as he was a visiting student here at the time and suffered some recriminations. It gave him great pleasure 40 years later to make a point of NEVER dealing with Australian consultants. So yes it did have an impact!!
All we can do is leave those who believe it had validity, to fester in the putrid muck that must be their decaying brains.......
If you want to know what I REALLY think, you'll have to PM me!!
:D :D :D
Andy Mac
13th December 2005, 10:24 AM
This whole thing brings shame on Australia, and by association all Australians. Most of the time I'm fairly desensitised to what I see/hear on the news, but this affair brought me very close to tears.
Why can't we just accept that all of us, bar about 2-3% of the population, are all immigrants...its just a matter of how recent. We are all Australians, and together we make up the nation. Leave the racist tripe back in the country you came from. It doesn't reflect well on us throughout the world.
13th December 2005, 10:41 AM
The thing that really concerns me about most people's reactions to this is that the gangs of thugs from Lakemba are being turned into innocent victims of racism.
The way I see it, the problem exists on both sides of the fence. The crowd at Cronulla went over the top but don't believe for a minute that the same thing could or would not have happened if a few carloads of wax heads had headed out to Lakemba on Sunday instead.
They're all as bad as one another. It's nothing to do with racism. If you believe that these Lebanese gangs were just going down to the beach and sitting around having a picnic when they were set upon by a bunch of nasty racist Aussies then you have the wrong picture. Innocent people do not carry knives and they certainly don't smash car windscreens with baseball bats.
For anyone who doesn't know, gangs are a major problem in the south west and have been for several years. I lived on top of it and it's probably a major contributing factor to my wanting to get my family out of Sydney. Anyone who lives there could see something like this coming.
The problem is that it is no longer only the gangs who are involved. Muslim Sydney has taken it as an attack on them and so the fun begins.
13th December 2005, 11:37 AM
I for one am not ashamed. I've done nothing wrong.
When I was at Transit I was dealing with the Springvale nips, the Oakleigh wogs the Full Blooded Islanders the Cambodian Clowns and the Broady Lebs. Not many Aussies in those groups I can tell you. They are their own names, by the way (before someone gets offended).
I have heard a great many people commenting on their "Italian Premier" and their "Lebanese Governor" Etc. Surely those people are Australian. Of ethnic heritage maybe but they are Australian.
IMO this is the root of the problem. I am Australian, an ancestor of mine came out on a boat. My best mate, he's Australian, his father emigrated here from Lebanon, His mother from Syria. He is one of the nicest people I have ever met and if you ask what nationality he is, he proudly says Australian.
These people who tell you they are "Lebanese" or "Italian" or otherwise, IMO are bluntly refusing to be integrated.
I couldn't care less what religion they chose to follow. As long as they don't push it on me and respect my decision to follow no religion.
I'm with Silent, Religion has nothing to do with this issue. It's a bunch of d1ck heads having a crack at another bunch of d1ck heads and the first d1ck heads don't get that there are innocent people getting stuck in the middle.
13th December 2005, 11:51 AM
I think we all agree that it is nothing to do with anything. It is just bad people.
The trouble of calling people names is you are offending 99.9% of the good ones.
13th December 2005, 11:56 AM
I'm sorry to say, Scott, that the policy did exist in this country until the 1950's - and you are proof that it did not work, for which we are grateful.
You are a bit out in your dates; the White Australia policy was alive and kicking until the early 1970's. But for that policy, I would have been a 10 pound pom in 1970. However, my first wife was Jamaican by birth, although a British Citizen, and it still stuck in the craw of the Australian government to import a black person with a cheap fare. The White Australia policy finally died in 1972, although it was substantially weakened in 1966.
Having said all that, I believe that Australia should extract from immigrants an undertaking to accept and adhere to Australian values, notably democratic principles, freedom of religion, and the primacy of the rule of law. I also believe that immigrants who wilfully fail to adhere to these principles should run the risk of deportation to their countries of origin.
13th December 2005, 12:10 PM
I got the dates from the article in Wikipedia, which states that "various of the policy's official aspects were operative from the late 1880s until the 1950s, with certain elements of the policy surviving until the 1970s." It was enacted in legislation as the Immigration Restriction Act 1901 which was repealed in 1958 but apparently the WAP was not officially abolished until 1966.
I guess it was a gradual phasing out but until 1958 you had to sit a dictation test to prove you could speak and understand English amongst other things.
The main problem here is that the idiots causing the problems are not immigrants, they were born here.
13th December 2005, 12:25 PM
An interesting perspective from a retired Detective who worked in South West Sydney:
13th December 2005, 12:35 PM
Maybe the White Australia policy was not officially acknowledged after the 1950's, but it remained more or less in place through administrative decisions until the late 1960's to early 1970's. As I mentioned in my earlier post, if my first wife had been English by birth, she and I would have received a 10-pound fare to come to Australia in 1970 without question. But, presumably because of her Jamaican origin, an administrative decision was made not to grant her a cheap fare, so we both paid the full fare. However, by that time, it would have been too politically embarrassing to have excluded her altogether, so she was not refused entry. Again, the granting of cheap fares to encourage British people to migrate to Australia, was an aspect of the White Australia policy that persisted until the early 70's.
13th December 2005, 12:40 PM
No doubt some elements of it persisted beyond the early 70's too. Mark Latham reckons it is alive and well in the ANZUS alliance.
13th December 2005, 01:26 PM
Rocker, I was talking to my sister about the 10-pound fares last night. It seems that they had to surrender their passports on arrival to meet the requirements. She recently tried to go to school again and found she needed to be an Australian citizen or pay full fees, for which she needs her passport.
Immigration said 'lost ages ago' and now she is an "illegal" in no-man's-land. They have now given her three lifetimes worth of paper to fill out.
Gotta luv the buraucracy.
13th December 2005, 01:50 PM
Bloody multiculturalism...... what's wrong with being Australian??
If you want to be Lebanese (or insert other nationality of choice here), that's fine, come and visit your Australian relatives at Christmas.
100% correct.
If they claim to be Australian too, why do the say that they are prepared to die for Lebanon?
If you don't like being Australian, Pissorf and leave.
Regards, Trevor
13th December 2005, 01:57 PM
I think we all agree that it is nothing to do with anything. It is just bad people.
The trouble of calling people names is you are offending 99.9% of the good ones.
You cat lover you. :p
13th December 2005, 02:01 PM
You cat lover you. :p
Hey not all cat lovers are bad. They are just a bit odd.:D
13th December 2005, 02:11 PM
Rocker, I was talking to my sister about the 10-pound fares last night. It seems that they had to surrender their passports on arrival to meet the requirements. She recently tried to go to school again and found she needed to be an Australian citizen or pay full fees, for which she needs her passport.
Immigration said 'lost ages ago' and now she is an "illegal" in no-man's-land. They have now given her three lifetimes worth of paper to fill out.
Gotta luv the buraucracy.
I think your sister was a bit remiss in not reclaiming her passport after the two years during which the poms had to whinge in Oz before they could go home, if they didn't like the place. She is now suffering the revenge of the clerks for not becoming an Aussie as soon as she became eligible to apply for citizenship. She should not have too much difficulty in obtaining another British passport, I would think.
13th December 2005, 02:25 PM
Been away for a month and come back to this post. Haven't read it all yet will do so later but need to clear up something first.
Bodgies and widgies never fought each other, a widgie was a female bodgie. Some of them had a bit of a beef with beetnicks, and jazzers many had a beef with the police, so much so that the Victorian police formed the bodgie squad to try and prevail over the gangs of bodgie & widgies who ran riot in the 50's and early 60's.
Want to see a bodgie get a copy of Marlon Brando's "The Wild One" or watch Grease. Some of the bodgies became rockers and went to war with mods, jazzers, sharpies, and often other gangs of rockers. Some became Sharpies and went to war with rockers, mods and jazzers etc. Almost all at some time had a beef with the surfies. Lots drifted off into bikie gangs Hells Angels, etc etc. Many bodgies and widgies are the retiring community and business leaders of today.
Mostly there was no racial justification for fights, usually it was teritorial but was often as simple as someone being looked at sideways, sometimes inflamed by booze (Dutch courage). Always there was verbal abuse (name calling) mostly it wasn't racist it was just a verbal way of trying to hurt someone.
Nothing seems to have changed, this lot in Sydney, from what I have seen, is a territorial thing between gangs. The only major difference is the press and the way it's being portrayed in the media. They say it is so terribly un Australian. Rubbish it's just a good old Aussie pub brawl. I have seen bigger and better in the 60's in Melborne and at Lorne. Can recall all the furniture and the rest of the contents of the Lorne Hotel beer garden being bumped onto a few police cars while 3 - 4,000 rockers and surfies brawled in and around the pub. Later they all sat down and drank the place dry.
Still I have to admit, I'm glad that me and mine are well away from it all.
Cheers - Neil :)
13th December 2005, 02:35 PM
Although my "idiot post" may have been over the top and tongue in cheek,read Silent C's post#70 and you may see similiarities as to what I'm on about.If i have offended some,i appologise,..........Al
13th December 2005, 03:06 PM
Heh heh, Neil is really showing his heritage now. Sounds like he was a bodgy, and progressed through sharpiness to attain enlightenment as a mod, he has now settled down as a rocker.
Hey not all cat lovers are bad. They are just a bit odd.
Your missus looking over your shoulder then? :p :rolleyes:
13th December 2005, 03:10 PM
How can he say the fights weren't racially based when by his own admission they needed "Dutch" courage???
:D :D :D
13th December 2005, 03:10 PM
I am surrounded by cat lovers. 3 in my own house and 2 next door.
Sigh! Talk about racial differences.
Too many cats to hate but only 1 Wongo.:(
13th December 2005, 03:12 PM
Although my "idiot post" may have been over the top and tongue in cheek,read Silent C's post#70 and you may see similiarities as to what I'm on about.If i have offended some,i appologise,..........Al
If you can cop the "idiot" tag in good humour, there's probably no need for an apology!
P (that's tongue in cheek too! ;) )
:D :D :D
13th December 2005, 03:17 PM
Apparently it's a sign of a disaffected youth. Do a search on that and the first few hits are on UK sites, so it's all their fault - they obviously invented the term.
According to the dictionary, it means "discontented as toward authority". Sounds like all kids to me, in particular mine. So I have two disaffected youths in my house. I think I need extra riot powers, like those just given to the NSW police, to combat dissent in my house. Zero tolerance tonight, kiddies. Bedtime is 7:30 PM - as soon as the Prime Possum says so.
13th December 2005, 03:22 PM
I think your sister was a bit remiss in not reclaiming her passport after the two years during which the poms had to whinge in Oz before they could go home, if they didn't like the place... Perhaps you're right. But to be fair, after the two years expired she was only 2 1/2, and she hasn't had a need for a passport since then. She'll get over it.
13th December 2005, 03:48 PM
Bedtime is 7:30 PM - as soon as the Prime Possum says so.
Is that still around, I thought we trapped it relocated it years ago:D :D :D
It would be good to humiliate the thugs with it though.
I saw the powers allocated to police today, about bloody time, watching these thugs stand there and taunt and abuse police and anyone else they deem fit.
Going to be a few hotrods for sale soon I think.
Might even get to offload some o0f my old BMX's to them on Ebay:D :D :D
13th December 2005, 04:24 PM
Been away for a month and come back to this post. Haven't read it all yet will do so later but need to clear up something first.
Bodgies and widgies never fought each other, a widgie was a female bodgie. Some of them had a bit of a beef with beetnicks, and jazzers many had a beef with the police, so much so that the Victorian police formed the bodgie squad to try and prevail over the gangs of bodgie & widgies who ran riot in the 50's and early 60's.
Want to see a bodgie get a copy of Marlon Brando's "The Wild One" or watch Grease. Some of the bodgies became rockers and went to war with mods, jazzers, sharpies, and often other gangs of rockers. Some became Sharpies and went to war with rockers, mods and jazzers etc. Almost all at some time had a beef with the surfies. Lots drifted off into bikie gangs Hells Angels, etc etc. Many bodgies and widgies are the retiring community and business leaders of today.
Mostly there was no racial justification for fights, usually it was teritorial but was often as simple as someone being looked at sideways, sometimes inflamed by booze (Dutch courage). Always there was verbal abuse (name calling) mostly it wasn't racist it was just a verbal way of trying to hurt someone.
Nothing seems to have changed, this lot in Sydney, from what I have seen, is a territorial thing between gangs. The only major difference is the press and the way it's being portrayed in the media. They say it is so terribly un Australian. Rubbish it's just a good old Aussie pub brawl. I have seen bigger and better in the 60's in Melborne and at Lorne. Can recall all the furniture and the rest of the contents of the Lorne Hotel beer garden being bumped onto a few police cars while 3 - 4,000 rockers and surfies brawled in and around the pub. Later they all sat down and drank the place dry.
Still I have to admit, I'm glad that me and mine are well away from it all.
Cheers - Neil :)
It's strange that brawls and riots are called 'unaustralian' when we have such a long history of it.
WW2 saw some pretty vicious clashes between the yanks and aussie soldiers in brisbane.
Various strikes have occurred in Australia which had violent acts occurring in them (wharfies strike in Cairns was broken up with a large brawl in the 20's)
Another little incident called the Eureka stockade...
Miners riots back in the 19th century against the influx of asians, very nasty stuff with many serious bashings and a few deaths.
Rum rebellion riots even earlier than that.
Seems like it's an Aussie tradition to me.
For some information and an overall perspective on violence in Australia have a look at this site:
Barry F
13th December 2005, 05:23 PM
Its really a law & order problem
Used to have mobs from Collingwood arriving on the buses and attacking St Kilda bodgies yonks ago - gee must be getting old
Also the Westy troglodytes and the Northern Beaches surf bums quite enjoyed the odd stoush 20 - 30 years ago
Its a territory thing that the white supremists and other racist groups have hijacked and escalated
Easy for them when our cops are allowed to keep turning a blind eye
We badly need New York style zero tolerance policing to stop these guys in their tracks before they get traction and develop this kind of momentum
Happy Days!:D :D :D
13th December 2005, 05:33 PM
Easy for them when our cops are allowed to keep turning a blind eye
allowed or forced?
13th December 2005, 05:37 PM
Happy Days!:D :D :D
Yeah! Happy Days! Was the Fonz a rocker or a greaser? :D
13th December 2005, 06:03 PM
Was the Fonz a rocker or a greaser? :D
Tosser I thought. :p :D
13th December 2005, 06:20 PM
Tosser I thought. :p :D
Your just jealous - he appeared to tongue kiss some awesome girlies! :D
Oh and this thread has been way tamer than bashing yanks so I don't see it going anywhere :D :D
13th December 2005, 06:50 PM
Bring back the White Australia Policy.......Enoch Powell ,RIP.
No, now maybe I'm a bit thick, but tongue in cheek or whatever that still needs some explaining, due to its offensiveness.
If the White Australia Policy is to be re-implemented, at the very least as a bad solution to a complex problem, who will give my wife and I a lift to the airport, and will you want my Australian Active Service Medal and my "Campaign" medals back?
White Australia Policy - idiocy then, idiocy now. Being a decent human asks for more than that.
13th December 2005, 06:55 PM
I have them too but they won't let me vote.......(Australian Active Service Medal and my "Campaign" medals)
Just never got around to the naturalisation process, I hate the parade and all the crap associated with it.
I would be happy to take an oath, with an official, in an office but not put on public display, I just don't like it.
13th December 2005, 07:01 PM
in an office but not put on public display, I just don't like it.
Same here, thats what I did.
Al :)
13th December 2005, 07:02 PM
Oh and this thread has been way tamer than bashing yanks so I don't see it going anywhere :D :D
Bashing a Seppo is just good fun, and they know it, but bashing a Lebbo will get some innocent bystander thumped from behind with a baseball bat!
Studley 2436
13th December 2005, 08:04 PM
Need to send the super nanny down to Cronulla and sort it out.
OK out of the play pen the coppers are meant to do it. Bit of old fashioned policing would work wonders I think. Mind you the courts have to be pulled into line and enforce the law to community standards. The standards they use too often are the standards of an academic minority who do not have to live with the consequences of their philosophy. The notion that the perpetrator is a victim and shouldn't be punished is complete nonsence. Tonight A Current Affair ran old video of police parked and suffering abuse and intimidation from gang members. Should have charged the guy with drunk and disorderly and locked him up. To often the Police seem timid and that is the fault of their political masters.
13th December 2005, 09:53 PM
Hi , was I censored on my post last night?
Probably fair enough if so. Guess I didnt adhere to my own sentiment's as stated at the begining of the thread :o.
Now I know why the back of my neck really hurts, must be from that well tuned axe! :D
14th December 2005, 09:33 AM
Re. the media: A case in point. There's a story in the SMH about a church hall in Auburn that was burned down last night. Pretty suspicious, it's right next to an Islamic centre, however you cannot jump to conclusions.
The headline? "Church Fire Linked With Riots". Then you read the story: 'Asked if the blaze was related to the riots, Mr Iemma said "it may be".'
It may be. Does that justify the headline Church Fire Linked With Riots? Well, you could argue that the word 'linked' referred to Mr Iemma's suggestion that it could be related. But most people would read 'Church Burned Down By Lebanese Muslims in Retaliation For Cronulla Riots'.
The other thing that annoys me is the way they keep referring to "Sydney's Racial Tensions". It has nothing to do with racial tensions.
Oh, and did you see the Bra Boys meeting the Comancheros on the news last night? It's like some bizarre other-dimensional world. Why didn't the cops lock them all up while they were all together? It's just bizarre that these guys are being given any credence, let alone being portrayed as messengers of peace.
The whole place is going to hell in a handbasket, I tells yah. Get out while you can....
14th December 2005, 09:36 AM
I enjoyed the medias reference to a 'spokesman', the pathetic sod could barely put two words 'tergevver'....