View Full Version : Moths!

11th December 2005, 10:29 PM
Jeez: had to evacuate the shed tonight to avoid asphyxiating from moth inhalation. Is it just because it's the first warm day of the summer (37°C), is there a plague, or is it just a quirk of Eden Hills mothdom?

Tried turning on all the other outside lights and turning the shed lights off, they quickly emptied the shed, but I haven't been game to turn the shed lights back on. Will let you know how it goes.

Funnily enough, I spent the day making a new flyscreen door for the back entrance to the house. Were the buggers trying to tell me something?

11th December 2005, 11:43 PM
Know the feeling mate we get the yearly migration of bogong moths here

Went out on the bike four years ago when the moths were in full force, got two blocks and couldn't see through the viser.

Some of our problem however is the bottle brush in the yard but its just too good to get rid of so we batten down and put up with the moths for a couple of weeks each year

If your moths are anything like ours fly screens wont stop them though


12th December 2005, 12:29 AM
None around here Zen, were in plauge proportions not long ago... so we sent them your way!

12th December 2005, 12:52 AM
Died down a bit later on, but the odd one or two kept getting down me t-shirt.

Not sure if they were moths, as such. Looked a bit like flying grubs: ant size but fatter.

12th December 2005, 01:11 PM
Not sure if they were moths, as such. Looked a bit like flying grubs: ant size but fatter.
Hmmm. Sounds like they could be termites on their mating flight. Heat & humidity brings them out. Watch out for them streaming out of a hole in the ground. If the hole is near your house or timber stash, watch that they aren't in it.

14th February 2006, 08:00 PM
Jeez: had to evacuate the shed tonight to avoid asphyxiating from moth inhalation. Is it just because it's the first warm day of the summer (37°C), is there a plague, or is it just a quirk of Eden Hills mothdom?


Moths taking over Stirling too. Most nights my motion sensor lights are on all night because of the moths. Seems to happen most years about this time.

Cheers Martin