View Full Version : U-Beaut Polishes - NEW WEB SITE

30th November 2021, 11:54 PM
Back in January 2021 I started work on building a new Online Shop for U-Beaut Polishes thought it was about time to get rid of the old, 1990's, baby poo coloured, dinosaur, website and crawl kicking and screaming into the 2nd decade of the 21st Century.

Took almost 12 mths but it is now up and running.... hopefully bug free and just a bit more modern and user friendly. Hopefully!

You can get to it a couple or few ways as listed below:

URL: shop.ubeaut.com.au/​ (https://shop.ubeaut.com.au/)
URL: ubeaut.biz (https://shop.ubeaut.com.au/)
or click this link >U-Beaut (https://shop.ubeaut.com.au/) or one of the above
If you already have a link to U-Beaut Polishes (http://www.ubeaut.com.au/ubhome.htm) in your favourites it will also work in the next day when the old site disappears.

The new site if fully secure and reasonably easy to navigate. It also has (for want of a better word) a blog "Articles, Information - From the Maker" with one 11 month old post in it for now. Hopefully it will fill up with more. I get lots of enquiries from people wanting help and information so I will be putting some of those enquiries and help in there as I get them or if I remember.

Come and have a look. Let me know what you reckon (only nice comments accepted):rotfl: Nah, I'll take the bad as well as the good.

Cheers - Neil https://www.woodworkforums.com/image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhIQAiAPcAAAAAAAAAMwAAZgAAmQAAzAAA/wArAAArMwArZgArmQArzAAr/wBVAABVMwBVZgBVmQBVzABV/wCAAACAMwCAZgCAmQCAzACA/wCqAACqMwCqZgCqmQCqzACq/wDVAADVMwDVZgDVmQDVzADV/wD/AAD/MwD/ZgD/mQD/zAD/zMAADMAMzMAZjMAmTMAzDMA/zMrADMrMzMrZjMrmTMrzDMr/zNVADNVMzNVZjNVmTNVzDNV/zOAADOAMzOAZjOAmTOAzDOA/zOqADOqMzOqZjOqmTOqzDOq/zPVADPVMzPVZjPVmTPVzDPV/zP/ADP/MzP/ZjP/mTP/zDP/2YAAGYAM2YAZmYAmWYAzGYA/2YrAGYrM2YrZmYrmWYrzGYr/2ZVAGZVM2ZVZmZVmWZVzGZV/2aAAGaAM2aAZmaAmWaAzGaA/2aqAGaqM2aqZmaqmWaqzGaq/2bVAGbVM2bVZmbVmWbVzGbV/2b/AGb/M2b/Zmb/mWb/zGb/5kAAJkAM5kAZpkAmZkAzJkA/5krAJkrM5krZpkrmZkrzJkr/5lVAJlVM5lVZplVmZlVzJlV/5mAAJmAM5mAZpmAmZmAzJmA/5mqAJmqM5mqZpmqmZmqzJmq/5nVAJnVM5nVZpnVmZnVzJnV/5n/AJn/M5n/Zpn/mZn/zJn/8wAAMwAM8wAZswAmcwAzMwA/8wrAMwrM8wrZswrmcwrzMwr/8xVAMxVM8xVZsxVmcxVzMxV/8yAAMyAM8yAZsyAmcyAzMyA/8yqAMyqM8yqZsyqmcyqzMyq/8zVAMzVM8zVZszVmczVzMzV/8z/AMz/M8z/Zsz/mcz/zMz/8AAP8AM/8AZv8Amf8AzP8A/8rAP8rM/8rZv8rmf8rzP8r/9VAP9VM/9VZv9Vmf9VzP9V/ AAP AM/ AZv Amf AzP A// qAP qM/ qZv qmf qzP q///VAP/VM//VZv/Vmf/VzP/V////AP//M///Zv//mf//zP///wAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACH5BAEAAPwALAAAAAAhACIAAAj/APcJHEiwoMGDCPfpS8iwocOD0QRG3Dcx4TJNkyiloTRJTceMbzRq2rjxjaZ6FQtqEjOmZZqWMF OyQFzjMwxYjQdnMRykk2XP3 mSZNDTRodacj8mJmmILGWjaK2FNMIKk6cMmn VDNT58CqUauKIVbPoaYxSIvaJEg1KtWyq9k1tM7jJ3deG TMM1xzKBxMIealTWFxdGXAw1YiSGEaMxiHMKbKmG5t99yhrdagSI2L5ehm4duhW6EaxGgxcTo7pv2U8cl91xEc1onztDsQzBIg3IkG/FXMrWE1O2JaUcnm2bBhTrM6NYsHIbIluvXmAu7uLK8LXPZ8vL9HCH//6s xagXnEHlh0mplej6d2rjrn8Tvfuz7sNMSrr7hajW 6UBdotYuDS3RiNcAGeIeHc1wssthiyniG2wOIbevX8xt0kUikjUHi2vBLOZxXeok89jNhSIiyFlHWLeb7Uw2EjYrwjkDuMwAILL/UMAwsj6LVToS3gQGhIdrfAcgh6myV4mTIqErnPMCGeo487KmqTZSHZgRaajKEFdyMj4LzCYy 12MILPShGWeR9wSITpxDmaIh/vQ84qK4OgjjC211ELPlYsEakgh7eSZ4peg0WijbUTWwss 5tjyjaQKucOLmmzuoyKL5 wTVW70fAjoK bQIwwv5ZhTizCDFv/04Ke91AMaYtnlGeg3vOjTTi3m7FIOL8K0M49tQqapoiHn1PMeabkqA2yr ujDCzvslCNMsLzsAui34NhSSKn/WfioO8JWOmg7uwiDbbatlgMOOLXQWwiPt0mXKz3dlsMOrPu0I8yqwQizi7eB1vLKIjx6GkuOR364iznYCjNPtfrMo/HG87TjsTsn7pNjkrGIKZAw6wRTscUYt wyPULakqSFhgzkq7vrCCMPO8gU284w7AwjzDC8FG1Lip/KCUiuAwmMLTLsyCMP1PK4W3E5ltZLJISA2GLQze5OPc/O2BZsjjm8XHoqhYWgl55EAlWbzDz0zDO33Rr/HHTRvfAS0sswcBW0kM0KLWS4QoUjnlBAADs= (https://www.instagram.com/ubeaut_polishes/)

1st December 2021, 12:33 AM
Nice change, flows well and looks good and works well in mobile mode on my iPhone.

Back in January 2021 I started work on building a new Online Shop for U-Beaut Polishes thought it was about time to get rid of the old, 1990's, baby poo coloured, dinosaur, website and crawl kicking and screaming into the 2nd decade of the 21st Century.

….but, but we’re now in the third decade. :)

1st December 2021, 02:02 AM
Looks good, you state if something is out of stock, unlike a unrelated company I am dealing with who took my money then informed me it was on backorder been waiting 3months checked the website and they are still selling the item not listed as out of stock
Sorry for the rant!

1st December 2021, 08:06 AM
….but, but we’re now in the third decade. :)

Yeah but it feels like I lost a decade working on the new site.

Couple of things I forgot to mention in initial post.

Today is day one of our first real price increase for a few years. So all the prices on the new site are what will/should take effect across all our distributors sites and shops from today on, or at least after their next restock.
Sometime in the not too distant future we will have a section for Trade & Bulk Sales been left off for the moment to avoid utter confusion.
I am working on a couple of new food safe products that will be safe for Vegans and those with nut allergies.
We have just taken possession of many thousands of all new 250mm HDPE jars and lids that will also be more food safe and tougher than the old jars.
There has to be a #5 but can't think of it right now. Ahhh, anyway.

Thanks for the comments folks.

1st December 2021, 08:46 AM
Looks good, well done.

1st December 2021, 09:51 AM
Has a nice clean uncluttered look and easy to navigate. :2tsup:

1st December 2021, 12:57 PM
Looks good, you state if something is out of stock, unlike a unrelated company I am dealing with who took my money then informed me it was on backorder been waiting 3months checked the website and they are still selling the item not listed as out of stock
Sorry for the rant!

Its actually illegal to do so - it falls into the misleading conduct category - check your consumer rights under Australian Consumer Law.

Same as a company who advertises a "bait" special only to tell the customer it is unavailable for "rain check" but then steers the customer to a "like product."

Misleading and Deceptive Conduct | Australian Consumer Law (awbrisbanelawyers.com.au) (https://www.awbrisbanelawyers.com.au/misleading-and-deceptive-conduct-under-the-australian-consumer-law/)

Misleading and Deceptive ConductUnder s18 of Australian Consumer Law (ACL) a person must not, in trade or commerce, engage in conduct that is:

misleading; or
likely to mislead or deceive.

This section focuses upon conduct rather than representations that a person may make.
What Is Misleading and Deceptive Conduct?The law defines conduct as doing or refusing to do any act.
A person has engaged in conduct that is misleading if they have made a misrepresentation. A misrepresentation may be either express or implied.
The conduct does not need to mislead or deceive. There also does not need to have been an intention to mislead, only that such conduct tends to mislead.

FAILURE TO DISCLOSE INFORMATIONSilence may constitute misleading or deceptive conduct under the ACL. This can be where a person fails to state information which impacts the accuracy of what they have said.
Liability may result from silence if there is a reasonable expectation of disclosure."

1st December 2021, 01:04 PM
Neil, its a very nice clean site. Hope it is very successful.

1st December 2021, 01:25 PM
Only had a quick look at the new web site,

But VERY IMPRESSIVE [emoji120][emoji120][emoji120][emoji120]

Cheers Matt.

Mr Brush
1st December 2021, 03:47 PM
Nice job - clean, loads fast, easy to navigate :2tsup:

John Saxton
1st December 2021, 04:26 PM
A change is also good for any business with online exposure ,it shows that you are aware of your market in an ever evolving market.
Looks great.

1st December 2021, 09:40 PM
I'll admit I've held off making purchases directly previously because of the cumbersome nature of it. The update looks great and will happily try again ;) you have Hide glue!

Sent from my Nokia 3.4 using Tapatalk

2nd December 2021, 12:48 PM
Old website (U-Beaut Polishes (http://www.ubeaut.com.au/ubhome.htm)) will be taken down at 5:00pm Sunday night. Bearing in mind that all the prices on our new site are from our newest price list Dec 1st 2021

So anyone wanting to get something directly from us at old prices will need to get in quick.

Cheers Neil :U

4th December 2021, 11:27 AM
Order placed :D

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

5th December 2021, 10:41 PM
Old site now closed. :hpydans2: Old prices now gone. :C
New site fully up and running, :U fully operational, :U fully all new prices. :o:censored2::gaah:

Sorry! :U

22nd December 2021, 11:10 PM
Order arrived recently. Thanks so much! New site is great