9th October 2021, 06:35 PM
I have been offered a large quantity old timber from a very old shearing shed, my question is will it take a clear finish.
9th October 2021, 08:11 PM
Do you know what part of the shearing shed it came from? Timber from the floor, chutes or lower parts of posts will be saturated in lanolin if my Uncle’s shearing shed was a typical example.
10th October 2021, 12:14 AM
As per Lappa, anything in contact with the wool will be saturated with lanolin, flooring and pen sides to a degree probably also liberally dowsed with sheep urine over a protracted period as well.
Depending on where the timber was used, and what you want to use it for, you might find that you can buff it to a great gloss finish once it is dimensioned and smoothed, which could be an interesting finish and preservative for outdoor use. Haven't tried it so I don't guarantee it.
Log Dog
10th October 2021, 10:11 AM
Timber will have a 'woolly' grain though :;
Log Dog :)