View Full Version : A Small Ouch
7th December 2005, 01:38 PM
Decided to place an add in the Tender's section of the Saturday and Wednesday West Australian newspaper to suss out house demolishing contractors.
The add was 14 lines. The Saturday add goes in and during the next week I get the paper's bill for $208. I thought not bad for two adds, thinking it included the Wednesday.
Yesterday I received the paper's bill for $142. Thinking I'd already paid I phoned the paper, yes that’s correct Saturday $208, Wednesday $142. $350's Ouch.
No wonder the free advertising papers like the Quoker are chock a block.
7th December 2005, 02:51 PM
Decided to place an add in the Tender's section of the Saturday and Wednesday West Australian newspaper to suss out house demolishing contractors.
The add was 14 lines. The Saturday add goes in and during the next week I get the paper's bill for $208. I thought not bad for two adds, thinking it included the Wednesday.
Yesterday I received the paper's bill for $142. Thinking I'd already paid I phoned the paper, yes that’s correct Saturday $208, Wednesday $142. $350's Ouch.
No wonder the free advertising papers like the Quoker are chock a block.
And who said you couldn't print your own money. :rolleyes: :D
7th December 2005, 03:01 PM
And who said you couldn't print your own money. :rolleyes: :D
Too True
7th December 2005, 04:01 PM
Did the ads work for you,
or was it a dead loss?
7th December 2005, 05:16 PM
Yep. I wanted it done for free, giving them total salvage rights to make their money from that. But the buggers want more from me as well.
Can't afford em now cause of the cost of the adds (LOL).
7th December 2005, 05:37 PM
I thought I had seen this opening comment before:D
another woodie in the BYOH forum huh?:) and dual ID too same here mine in the other starts with O and is sorta hyphenated and related to our bush :). I'll cut and paste it in the other one and give ya another clue
Bleeding dear alright but this would have been in a major paper? I guess circulation is the key there but the contractors wanting extra depends I guess on what they can actually salvage
7th December 2005, 07:30 PM
They need to charge such high rates otherwise they can't stick it up us by posting indecent amounts of profit.