View Full Version : Not dead yet.

31st August 2021, 06:40 PM
I don't know if anyone noticed my absence, but just in case...

Last year I had 2 strokes. I am now blind on the right side of both eyes.

Unable to drive I took to a pushbike to try and get to the shops. Ended up through the windscreen of a car.

Please note I'm not looking for sympathy. Just pointing out I am now limited in what I can do.

Reading is a challenge as is pretty much everything now, so I don't expect to be very active here anymore.

Sir Stinkalot
31st August 2021, 07:16 PM
Hi Damian …… sorry to hear the news. I can only imagine how hard it must been for the transformation to be so sudden.

My wife also has vision issues and in the past few years has lost the ability to drive, but has been able to remarkably adapt to the new normal. Hopefully over time you will be able to adapt to your new situation.

31st August 2021, 07:19 PM
Sorry to hear. Hope you are able to modify your hobbies for your limited sight

Log Dog
31st August 2021, 08:52 PM
Crikey...really do wish you a speedy recovery mate
Strokes are nasty to say the least
Again,all the very best going forward
And stay part of the forum family if you can
Log Dog :)

31st August 2021, 08:56 PM
Wow, from someone who has had a stroke, I hope you get well soon.

31st August 2021, 10:17 PM
Sorry to hear about this.
Hope you can get back to something engaging soon.
All the best

1st September 2021, 09:05 AM
All the best with your health Damian.
Have similar issues as SS above, plus getting on I appreciated every day.

1st September 2021, 09:39 AM
Sad to hear Damian. Remain positive, enjoy every day as a bonus day of your life.

That's how I have approached recovery from a nasty damaging heart attack back in 2007, which is now manifesting in various not helpful ways. It doesn't always work, some days are worse than others, but overall I've enjoyed another 14.5 years with loved ones, friends through the incredible skills of others and amazing technology - a defib / pacemaker. Support comes in many forms, including virtual mateship. :D

Participate as much as you can. :)

​ Bump up your screen resolution to 300%

1st September 2021, 10:35 AM
Sorry to hear about your health challenges. A friend who is also partially blind has great success with custom browser settings/extensions to reduce all the cr*p on pages and increase font size and contrast. He also has a screen-reader, where he can mark a bunch of text and push a button, and the computer reads it out to him.

2nd September 2021, 04:25 PM
Sorry to hear about your health challenges. A friend who is also partially blind has great success with custom browser settings/extensions to reduce all the cr*p on pages and increase font size and contrast. He also has a screen-reader, where he can mark a bunch of text and push a button, and the computer reads it out to him.

So far I've only tried NVDA which reads out whatever you hold the mouse over. It's good but as you can imagine there is a lot of stuff it won't read, while at other times it reads out random stuff.

I had considered at various times over my life what the worst thing would be to lose. Every time I thought sight. If I were paralised down one side there is rehab. There is nothing for this.


clear out
2nd September 2021, 11:39 PM
Yikes tough stuff mate.
A mates wife has bad sight from diabetes and she has a wall mounted screen on an arm near where she sits which shows the pages she’s reading at a decent size.
I can find out more if your interested.

3rd September 2021, 10:32 AM
No thank you.

My vision on the left is as it was before. It's the field of vision that's lost. The aphasia is a completely different problem. When I look at text it's like it in french or something. I have to decipher each word.

Frustrating and inconvenient, but the real problem is losing my driver's licence. Where I live there is no proper public transport. There is an intermittent council sponsored community transport. Getting to the shops is a nightmare as is getting stuff home etc.

I have qualified for the NDIS but setting it up is a nightmare. Still waiting on the disability pension. They are taking their time.

3rd September 2021, 08:43 PM
Hang in there Damian, all the best.


19th September 2021, 02:29 PM
Having lost my mother in her 50's, my father in his early 60's, youngest brother at 44, a brother at 54 (work accident) and my last brother a month short of his 65th I count myself lucky and just keep on keeping on for as long as I can. Hang in there Damien all is not lost :U

20th September 2021, 08:53 AM
Hi Damian you sure have been through the mill.

I've moved from Sydney 5 yrs ago now at Flinders View so not to far away, it was almost Mnt Crosby as estate agent tried selling us a place on Mnt Crosby Rd thank goodness we didn't even look at it no shed space.

I've been through both DSP many years ago it is worse now I believe. NDIS well what can I say I use to have nightmares with no meaning I think they have come to the fore. Hang in there take no prisoners!!


No thank you.

My vision on the left is as it was before. It's the field of vision that's lost. The aphasia is a completely different problem. When I look at text it's like it in french or something. I have to decipher each word.

Frustrating and inconvenient, but the real problem is losing my driver's licence. Where I live there is no proper public transport. There is an intermittent council sponsored community transport. Getting to the shops is a nightmare as is getting stuff home etc.

I have qualified for the NDIS but setting it up is a nightmare. Still waiting on the disability pension. They are taking their time.

20th September 2021, 12:30 PM
The biggest problem with this area is there is no public transport. RE will try to sell you anything. There are a lot of nice properties and some huge sheds. Mt Crosby Rd is an arterial, far too noisy.

I hope you love your new home.

Dealing with the government is always difficult.

27th September 2021, 10:22 PM
Glad I don't use Public transport I'd be picking the divers faults after 26yrs doing that as my job. LOL

Love the new home suits us to big a place would mean far more to do this one is enough at our age.

One of our neighbours just bought his 1st Aussie home 1acre with 4 sheds newest is 15m x 6m with 3 bay doors middle is large enough to drive a truck in. one other is double size garage with carport out the front. Man cave seperate with pool table left behind.
