View Full Version : Best stuff yet for gloss finish..IMO

3rd August 2021, 12:48 PM
several months ago I was searching WWF for best polish to use to redo our kitchen bench tops

I had considered poly down to hard burnishing oil

I noted that a China (a member) had recommended to someone else on here to use Rustins Plastic coating his project.

I contacted China via message with a few questions I needed to answers for about it

anyways I bought some and commenced with first coat...sheesh this is going to take forever...... took a long time as we had to use kitchen at end of day so sink and cook top had to come out and go back in.

And then I read the instructions...as one does after the event...and saw that you can put 3 coats on in a day....but I opted for two as I had floors to clean before she came home from work

6 coats later, rub down last coat with 1500 wet n dry, some burnishing with and Juice cutting compound (a $50 Ozito polisher from Bunnings with after market pads came to rescue here) , a new cook top and new sink and I am once again allowed out.

I must say I am also very pleased with the result

Sad news is, I now have to do the rest of the cupboards before I can go fishing....I am allowed out but not allowed to stray too far

thanks China.

3rd August 2021, 01:12 PM
Good to see it all worked out.