View Full Version : FIXED Images will not upload to marketplace

13th July 2021, 12:45 PM
I have been able to upload images easily in the past, but they will not do so now. I have edited the size of the images down to less than 1 MB each.

Any help appreciated.


DJ’s Timber
13th July 2021, 02:15 PM
I’ve just tried and it worked for me.

Some more info would help, for example, which sub-forum, type of device PC, MAC, Tablet or phone etc. Broswer type (Windows, chrome etc) or Tapatalk?

13th July 2021, 03:24 PM
I'm using a 2017 Mac (27 inch iMac) with the most up-to-date OS version, Big Sur. The Browser is Chrome and the subforum is marketplace - timber for sale.

13th July 2021, 05:55 PM
I had some trouble putting images up on a regular post.

The site had an outage for a while the other night. I assumed it was related to that.

I cleared my caches completely. After a few thumps, it worked again :)

13th July 2021, 06:48 PM
Thanks woodpixel. That’s very helpful. I’ll try again.
Best wishes for your woodworking
