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13th December 2005, 06:44 PM
Revocation of US Independence

John Cleese on handover of power to the Queen of the USA; Revocation of the Independence of USA.
Very funny, but it wasn't John Cleese (http://www.snopes.com/politics/satire/revocation.asp).

13th December 2005, 07:48 PM
American bashing.......200 posts.........are they bloody dead enough yet. :rolleyes:

13th December 2005, 09:00 PM
American bashing.......200 posts.........are they bloody dead enough yet. :rolleyes:

249,999,800 of the bastards to go!!


:D :D :D

Cliff Rogers
13th December 2005, 09:20 PM
But, apart from them.... who is counting? :rolleyes:

13th December 2005, 11:07 PM
249,999,800 of the bastards to go!!
According to the CIA Factbook (http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/rankorder/2119rank.html), make that 295,733,934 to go!!

14th December 2005, 07:32 AM
I hesitated whether to put my gripe into this thread; but since it exemplifies one characteristic of some Americans that riles non-Americans, it seemed suitable.

I am making the card-table featured in the December FW. The table requires inlay strips and ovals. I would have been happy to order from Timbecon, but they stock only large ovals that are too big for the table legs. I therefore got a quote from the American firm that makes the inlays. The ovals were $6.23 each and the strips were $2.50 a yard, but the shipping was US$90:mad: I wrote back to say that if the inlays were sent by regular air mail the cost including handling should not be more than $30. They replied "We ship by UPS". This may be a reasonable policy for American orders, where UPS charges are comparable to regular postage, but for light items that could easily be sent by air mail for a cost of less than $10, it is absurd.

Anyway, I have replied that, unless they are prepared to send the items by air mail at a reasonable cost, I shall be compelled to cancel my order. This story seems like an example of the American attitude that "We do what suits us, and the rest of the world can go hang".


14th December 2005, 07:43 AM
Had an American software supplier refuse to ship a modelling CAD package outside of the US, quoted a security problem yet a mate bought it while over there to bring back???

Also some CNC router designs will also not be sent as they do not want the hassle of supporting outside the US.

14th December 2005, 08:17 AM
Cabela's the sports goods company have that same attitude, shipping is 20% surface and 40% air, this is on the retail price, with a rider that states if shipping is more they will charge that amount.
So I want to buy a $200 GPS which weighs 100g max I am obliged to pay them US$80 shipping.
It also goes UPS who charge a landing fee.
Purchase from another company who are prepared to send US mail (air) and it will cost about US$15.00.
So effectively Cabelas are making another profit on freight but it is not even swings and roundabouts for if it costs them a little more it is passed on.
UPS charge like wounded bulls and do charge for customs clearance, for the individual using mail, Aust Post do not charge for clearance, only pick up the duty if applicable.