View Full Version : Wooden Balls, erm, Spheres?

30th November 2005, 06:45 PM
there have been some double sided jokes over to "wanted" thread, so I thought I'd show how innocent my intentions were/are; here's what I use wooden spheres for:


and yes, they are almost completely useless; I make them for fun, and they mostly sit in bowls being pretty


www.ulj.com.au (http://www.ulj.com.au)

30th November 2005, 06:53 PM
Nice work Yulia
Like your website.
I wonder how many red faces are there in the wanted thread:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

30th November 2005, 07:15 PM
G'Day Yulia,
Have you thought of using styrene ball's they are available from most craft shops and would be cheaper, they also come in various sizes too.:)

As for the double sided meaning, yes, you are right, we are just a bunch of naughty boy's and girl's here, you know, like at school someone would say the word " :eek: f a r t :eek: " and the whole room would erupt in laughter:p :p . In every school and in every class had one and this is where we all ended up!....Ha!...Ha!..:D .
You will get used to it, and you will cack yourself laughing.:D ..:) :) :)

30th November 2005, 07:26 PM
Some one has patience to do all that work.
Ooh my eyes would fall out.

Nice. Have a greenie.

30th November 2005, 07:31 PM
thanks, Bob! =)

30th November 2005, 07:36 PM
Eric, if you mean those white poly balls, I can't use them for beadwork - they're not sturdy enough

actually, wait, I did use one of those once, here - http://www.yuliacrystal.com/SBall.jpg; but those are sequins, not beads, and they are stuck in with wire

the BeadBalls in the picture are beaded using fishing line, the tension is high, so wood is the only answer

thanks anyway!

30th November 2005, 07:38 PM
ha! imagine a painting out of beads =)

my last one took me a year and a half to finish

how 'bout that? =)

(to David)

30th November 2005, 07:44 PM
I just thought they where glued on, my S.I.Law made some xmas deco's for us one year and she bought the beads ready to go (by the metre) from a craft shop and hot glued or PVA'ed them on to the styrene balls, we use them every year on the tree.

30th November 2005, 09:43 PM
oh, nah, they are woven around

but I have seen some nice glued on ornaments as well

1st December 2005, 07:45 AM
Rugby players have leather balls:rolleyes:

1st December 2005, 08:26 AM
Yulia, do you have a price list, I think some of those would go down well with my granddaughter for Xmas.

1st December 2005, 08:40 AM
Have a look at www.yuliacrystal.com

You will see some beautiful work, and just by the way a beautiful lady too. :D

1st December 2005, 02:41 PM
Yup!...Have too agree on both points there Temite!...:o :o Pretty girls always make me blush!....:o

2nd December 2005, 01:53 AM
Termite, do you mean prices for the BeadBalls? quite frankly, I haven't tried to sell them, so there's no price list as of yet.

and they are quite useless, their only quality is that they're pretty =) oh and unique, of course =) I don't think anyone else on the planet is making such weird things

are you seriously going to buy some? erm, come to think of it, they might probably make quite an unusual Christmas present; good idea, by the way =)

um, the smallest ones I've made are about 2cm and, if I was selling them, they would be $8 each; the middle size ones (they're all pretty random, as I use what I can buy here and there) are 3 - 3.5 cm, and they would be $14 each; the biggest ones are about 4 - 4.5cm, and they would be $21.

now, just to make sure: they are wooden balls beaded around with glass seed beads, the beads are woven with fishing line, so the spheres are quite sturdy, but if you dropped one on a stone floor, some glass beads might break. oh, and they have no holes. so all you can do with them really, is to put in a pretty bowl and place it where sunlight is - they sparkle like mad

oh, and they're all different and very random; I've made about a hundred during last five years, it takes 3 to 5 hours to make one, so I often end up spending a week on one, that's why they're never the same

if after all this, you still want some, I could photograph different colours separately for you to see and pick, just let me know

(sorry for being so long winged, it's almost 2 am, it's been a long and chaotic day, so I'm, erm, slow =) )

2nd December 2005, 02:01 AM
wait, I AM slow, I have in fact found a use for some of them, and even created a page for what I had back then, couple of years ago, I think, - key rings! or, those can be put on a zipper pull on a bag or backpack, or purse, what have you

they're here: http://www.yuliacrystal.com/BBaccents.html

but mind you, I have almost none of it left now, given away to friends and family, they make cute "thank you" gifts for little things

but I could make up something for you, if you wanted, you could pick colours etc.

have a think and let me know, okay? =)

2nd December 2005, 02:06 AM
oh, now, you're too kind, Termite, but thank you =)

don't tell anyone, but I was made up for that pic - an american magazine had one of my articles on beadwork published and they wanted a photo, so I was a fully made up nervous wreck =) I'm sure you can tell by the frozen smile =)

and ha! they ended up publishing a tiny-weeny sized photo in a corner of "authors" page =) I laughed so hard - all that effort! oh well, it still makes me smile every time looking at it

2nd December 2005, 02:12 AM
and a thank you goes to you, Eric, as well =)

I have to say though, I'm kinda proud of the website considering that I built it myself, from scratch, the idea and all, took the photos, made the graphics, etc, not mentioning the beadwork, so I take all the compliments about it with my chin up =)


2nd December 2005, 06:52 AM
Will discuss with my wife and get back to you , thanks.