View Full Version : Blisters in Wattyl Solagard

28th May 2021, 12:50 AM
Hi all!

I'm so over painting my gables! See attached blisters that have come up for the second time!!

The house is about a 1992 build and has three gables. There were no blisters in the paint work when I bought it in 2002. I painted the gables in about 2018 with Wattyl Solargard and within weeks I got some blisters on just one side of one gable, on just the tile scribe. I actually left it until April this year to revisit it. It hadn't rained for weeks, and that day it was around 25-27 degrees C. I did them all again, and now on that same section ( the tile scribe on one half of a gable) it is blistering up again!! :(( See pics attached.

To prep them last time I sliced the blister off with a razor scrapper and applied some Zinsser Smart Prime then painted the next day with Wattyl Solargard.

None of the other gables barge boards or tile scribe have had an issue except this piece of tile scribe. I am so sick of it!!

Does anyone know what could be going on here?
What can I do to avoid the big blisters?


30th May 2021, 12:20 AM
Id ring wattyl.
But my guess is damp.

30th May 2021, 01:08 AM
:whs: As per above post. Get in touch with Wattyl and see what they have to say. They are a great company and most helpful.

Blisters are usually the work of heat and poor adherence to undercoat or previous coat(s). Also mixing one brand with another isn't always be the best idea.

Cheers - Neil :U

31st May 2021, 03:27 AM
A call to Wattyl it'll have to be.

From memory when I sliced off the blisters, the wood was quite bare underneath, and the old paint was stuck to the wattyl paint. I've a feeling that I'll have to scrape that whole tile scribe piece right back.

I've read elsewhere on the forum that someone swore by using oil based primer followed by water based top coat.

I spent about $100 for the 4l of Zinnser primer so I hope that will be OK.


This post suggests that a primer isn't needed with Wattyl Solagard wattly solagard to zinc need primer?? (https://www.woodworkforums.com/f79/wattly-solagard-zinc-primer-70068-post713975#post713975)

31st May 2021, 12:33 PM
Moister in the timber sweating under the paint and I also suspect that particular side of that particular gable gets the prevailing wind driven rain. Also, the tiles appear to slope upwards away from the scribe board which makes it worse. Another possibility is the scribe board could be Oregon with a very prominent gum vein which can take decades to settle down and stop sweating.