View Full Version : Dinner time.

Old Croc
2nd May 2021, 10:56 PM
One night a Duck, a Skunk and a Deer went out for dinner at a restaurant. When it came time to pay, the Skunk didn't have a scent, the Deer didn't have a buck, so they put the meal on the Ducks bill.

3rd May 2021, 02:33 PM
Please forgive the double click, no pictures needed.

Funny though!

Old Croc
3rd May 2021, 07:53 PM
Please forgive the double click, no pictures needed.

Funny though!
Well we have Ducks here, also invasive Deer, but I don't think I can wrangle up a Skunk.🤣 A dead Roo stinks nearly as bad though.

clear out
4th May 2021, 06:12 PM
You have no idea how bad a dead skunk smells.
You can’t drive fast enough to get away from it.
My wife told me when I got out of the motor home to photograph a couple of cute baby skunks that if the mother sprayed me I wouldn’t be getting back in the van or house again.

KBs PensNmore
4th May 2021, 08:35 PM
Well we have Ducks here, also invasive Deer, but I don't think I can wrangle up a Skunk.🤣 A dead Roo stinks nearly as bad though.

I ran over a fox once, NEVER AGAIN!!!! I'd rather run the car into a ditch!!!!

5th May 2021, 10:09 AM
The serviceman put a dead goanna in the cab of the truck I was driving, on a Saturday afternoon for me to find on Monday morning.
Pretty darn funny, but I got my own back, later in the week, by running over a dead 'roo, then enjoyed a cup of tea and a snigger, sitting at a safe distance watching him gagging as he greased the truck.

5th May 2021, 12:58 PM
It was early October and we were driving from West Palm Beach, Florida to Phoenix, Arizona for a new job.

Somewhere in West Texas there was an armadillo crossing the road. Foolishly I tried to brake and lowered the front end of the car. Even at 60 MPH the armadillo seemed to bounce 3 times between road and car as we ran over the creature. We stayed in a motel for almost a week before we rented a house. Every time we went near the car the same question arose, "What is that stink?" Finally I was looking in the engine compartment and could see an armadillo carcass wrapped around the rear suspension "A" arms. The car was a Corvair. A trip to the self car wash and three cycles using the car wand washing, I was able to get the carcass off of the car.

clear out
5th May 2021, 01:35 PM
I wondered what make from engine compartment and rear axle.
If it had been a Veedub it might have caused real damage.
Wombats here do major damage to your front suspension.

Old Croc
5th May 2021, 11:04 PM
You have no idea how bad a dead skunk smell,
Actually I do. When we lived in the US in the 80ies, we were in Texas and I had stopped to photograph a particular species of Cacti when I spotted a Skunk, so I followed it trying to get a good picture. As I was doing this the Highway Patrol pulled up to check if we were ok and he nearly died laughing at me trying to get a picture. He then told us how bad they are. I think we were in Tennessee somewhere and stopped at a visitor information Centre, but the place was barricaded off as a Skunk had died under the building. We could smell it from quite a distance away. She told us that they have to use special chemicals to neutralize the smell.

6th May 2021, 02:46 AM
...wrapped around the rear suspension "A" arms...
A-huh - it was an armsadillo...

Cheers, Vann.

10th May 2021, 12:46 PM
I read somewhere that mercaptan (the chemical they put into natural gas to give it an odour) is based on the skunk's scent.

11th May 2021, 04:47 PM
I lived in Ohio in the early 70ies. We were almost rural but still citified.

A neighbor's dog got sprayed. The neighbor is trying to clean the dog up in the basement and the dog is going crazy. Finally the dog is sort of cleaned up. The neighbor lets the dog go out. The dog promptly gets sprayed again. Back to the basement for more cleaning. The dog is going crazy again but this time sort of jumping at one of the windows. The skunk releases another bomb and the smell permeates the house and basement. The neighbor figures out that the dog is trying to tell him that the skunk is trapped in the window well.

The neighbor calls the police of the small town, 16,000 population. The police size up the situation and offer to "take care of" the skunk. My neighbor agrees. The police go back to the station and return with a .22 rifle with some ammunition from evidence. The police officer apparently never fired a .22 rifle. After missing three shots from the second story window, the neighbor offers to try to kill the skunk. First shot the neighbor takes out the skunk.

Then the neighbor asks how do we get rid of the skunk now. The police being much smarter than he was skilled with a rifle says, "It is all yours now."

It gets better.
For the next week, the neighbor is really troubled at work because he can still smell the skunk. He is very self conscious about the smell and asking people around him if they can smell the skunk. At work he is eating a sandwich and saying that every bite smells like skunk. Finally he takes his school ring off to discover that smell is under the ring.

11th May 2021, 05:36 PM
When we lived in PNG a rat somehow got into the car's ventilation system and died. Put together a warm engine bay, a hot, moist tropical climate and a dead rat and you can imagine the smell.
I had to completely remove the dashboard and all the ventilation ducting and wash it, first with detergent & hot water, then with vanilla, to get rid of the smell.