View Full Version : Ppls Reputations
Ivan in Oz
28th November 2005, 08:46 PM
G'Day All,
I've just read FAQ:rolleyes:
I'd like to say "AGAIN" but No! I cannot:cool:
After reading all I can say is FAQ:eek:
I have NOT given out one Reputation to Anyone:o
Time to do some reading and Point scoring for others.
Thanks to those who have done so for me.
I now know what the Pretty Green Cubes are.
Kev Y.
28th November 2005, 09:00 PM
I bet you thought they had something to do with your magnetic personlity:p
28th November 2005, 09:05 PM
G'Day All,
I've just read FAQ:rolleyes:
I'd like to say "AGAIN" but No! I cannot:cool:
After reading all I can say is FAQ:eek:
I have NOT given out one Reputation to Anyone:o
Time to do some reading and Point scoring for others.
Thanks to those who have done so for me.
I now know what the Pretty Green Cubes are.
I can give you a red if it'll make you feel any better. :p :p
(just kidding)
Cliff Rogers
28th November 2005, 09:14 PM
G'Day All,
I've just read FAQ:rolleyes: ....After reading all I can say is FAQ:eek:
I have NOT given out one Reputation to Anyone:o ...I now know what the Pretty Green Cubes are.
Did you read far enough to work out that if you look here you will see who gave it to you & why? :D
28th November 2005, 09:25 PM
what does FAQ stand for? Don't tell me if its rude though.
28th November 2005, 09:33 PM
or ill behave lol
doug the slug
28th November 2005, 11:03 PM
Did you read far enough to work out that if you look here you will see who gave it to you & why? :D
well that will give the last 25 anyway, i strongly suspect that ivan has received many more than that to get to the level he is at. i think it took me a month before i worked out the reputation system so i guess we all assimilate at our own pace, its all good.
Kev Y.
29th November 2005, 12:25 PM
so i guess we all assimilate at our own pace,
Resistance is futile :rolleyes:
29th November 2005, 01:30 PM
I'll give you a red one so you know what they look like :D :D :D
29th November 2005, 05:40 PM
:o :o :o :o i only found out about em recently aswell:o :o :o :o
Brick Breaker
6th March 2006, 11:53 PM
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8th March 2006, 05:06 PM
Ohhh now I get it...duh!