View Full Version : Positive - Excellent service - shout out - Timbecon and Toll

23rd March 2021, 11:18 AM
It's wet, it's miserable but nearly like the old US postal service "the mail must get through"

THANK YOU to Timbecon and i can't believe i'm saying it,, Toll

I buckled and ordered a 500x610 pleated filter for my old DC on Sunday night.

Monday morning this had been processed by Timbecon and booked in with Toll.
Got the emails from Timbecon and Toll during Monday.

Tuesday morning 11am less than 24hrs later Toll rings the doorbell to deliver the filter.

Melbourne -> Canberra delivered next door ... damn impressive

Huge thanks to my local Toll guy who had already backed up to the garage and dropped it inside once the door was opened.

Credit where it's due, thanks all.


23rd March 2021, 01:31 PM
Hi Phil, before you get too excited check the filter. I ordered the same and when it arrived the shaft the holds the paddles was left looses inside and punched a hole in the filter [emoji30].

I took photos and rang/sent email to Timbecon they said they would need the filter returned before sending a new one and it still wasn’t guaranteed replacement. This was just before Xmas so it would have been likely I had no filter for a month or so while I was on holidays.

Timbecon wouldn’t budge and send a new one so I repaired with hot glue and made a promise to myself to never buy from Timbecon again due to their very poor customer service.

23rd March 2021, 01:47 PM
Hi Phil, before you get too excited check the filter. I ordered the same and when it arrived the shaft the holds the paddles was left looses inside and punched a hole in the filter [emoji30].

I took photos and rang/sent email to Timbecon they said they would need the filter returned before sending a new one and it still wasn’t guaranteed replacement. This was just before Xmas so it would have been likely I had no filter for a month or so while I was on holidays.

Timbecon wouldn’t budge and send a new one so I repaired with hot glue and made a promise to myself to never buy from Timbecon again due to their very poor customer service.

I did turn mine upside down to check the two paddles out before posting the thread, one paddle was not in the correct place and had obviously moved somewhere between China and my door but really all was good.

Crap timing for you to have that happen around Xmas but whilst some places do a replace then return it's not that common and if my experience with the Sherwood thicknesser is to go by Timbecon would have turned it around pretty quick...

This was a case where roses were due considering the bricks i have been throwing.

Thanks for the warning but all looks good


23rd March 2021, 03:26 PM
I’m with Jonsey850.
I bought an igaging digital read out ( at full price) that turned out to be faulty. They replaced it (thanks Timbercon:2tsup:) but the replacement got damaged in the mail. They didn’t have any replacements. Australia Post offered to pay me out with a value from Timbercon. HOWEVER, as the unit was now on special, Timbercon would only supply an invoice to Australia Post at the special price (fair enough) but would not pay me the extra so I would be reimbursed what I actually paid. Timbercon’s argument was that it was the one on special that was damaged, not the original one so they only had to match that amount.
It took over two weeks and finally getting on to one of the managers to get back the extra so it matched what I actually paid.
Shouldn’t be that hard!

23rd March 2021, 03:34 PM
I’m with Jonsey850.
I bought an igaging digital read out ( at full price) that turned out to be faulty. They replaced it (thanks Timbercon:2tsup:) but the replacement got damaged in the mail. They didn’t have any replacements so they offered me my money back. HOWEVER, as the unit was now on special, they only offered me the special price, not what I paid for the original unit. Their argument was that it was the one on special that was damaged, not the original one so they only had to reimburse that amount.
It took over two weeks and finally getting on to one of the managers to get back what I actually paid.
Shouldn’t be that hard!

I've done my fair share of hanging it on various people including Timbecon and Toll, however at least in the experienced instance everything was good and they deserved a positive shout out. The collective we (human race it would seem) finds it easy to remember the bad but so very rarely will sing out praise.

not sticking up for them but your replacement no doubt got a fresh invoice and it would have been at the special price and therefore they offered that value.... not right not fair, glad it was sorted, should never have taken over two weeks......