View Full Version : Any cooks here?

10th March 2021, 09:00 AM

Anyone able to help, please?

10th March 2021, 10:17 AM
That's because you're boiling it in water. If you use thinners I guarantee they will go soft real quick. :doh:

10th March 2021, 02:20 PM
And he's not even plugging a brand name. :doh:

10th March 2021, 03:12 PM
Pasta? To me they look like liners for screws in sheet rock.

You drill a hole just a bit smaller than the liner and then use a screw into the liner to hold up your project. The screw causes the liner to expand behind the sheet rock and things are held securely.

10th March 2021, 03:39 PM
I thought liners for screws were boat trips for prison officers.

10th March 2021, 05:30 PM
My wife knew so little about cooking when we were first married that she asked me how long she had to boil eggs before they were tender.

10th March 2021, 08:45 PM
My wife knew so little about cooking when we were first married that she asked me how long she had to boil eggs before they were tender.

theres a joke I could add to this but the thread would finish up in the naughty section.
something along the lines of how long does it take to boil an egg?
she... " about the same time as it takes you to boil over". :oo: :D