View Full Version : Estimate cost of garage slab please?

27th November 2005, 10:36 AM
Hi guys,

I was just wondering if anybody know's what a fair price for a concrete slab in Sydney would be right now.

I am getting a metal kit garage built soon and the slab is 6.0m x 12.0m.
It is 100mm slab with a 200mm deep beam across the 12.0m front edge.

I would appreciate if anybody could give me ideas on what they think is a fair price to prepare and lay the slab, mesh and everything included. The site is almost flat already.

I have been given a price by someone for $8500 cash and he says that only really covers costs and they are putting very little profit into that price.



27th November 2005, 11:01 AM
Hi - see comments in thread "boxing in my slab"

27th November 2005, 11:34 AM
Hi aabb,

Thanks for the reference, but how does that help me?
I'm not looking to do it myself as I just don't have the time.



27th November 2005, 11:50 AM
Hi aabb,

Thanks for the reference, but how does that help me?
I'm not looking to do it myself as I just don't have the time.



Adrian - didnt realise you didnt have time .. twas a suggestion and certaly cheaper than you have been quoted.

27th November 2005, 12:28 PM
Not Sydney but my shed is the same size and cost me $40000.00, that was everything, base, mesh, chairs, concrete 100mm and 150mm in places deep and labour.
That was about two years ago.
$8.5 sounds a bit steep.

27th November 2005, 12:34 PM
Originally posted by Iain
cost me $40000.00,

Thats one helluva slab!!!!:eek:

juliussee I had a slab for a shed done about the same size 12 months ago. Total $7300. I think the rate was $65 per sq M and $68 per ln M for piers with a 200mm thickened edge. (+GST of course)


27th November 2005, 12:42 PM
Whooops, like that one, one 0 too many $4k:D

27th November 2005, 07:50 PM
Rough guide, work out how much concrete you need, get the price per cubic meter double it and add $90 per sheet of reo :)

Roughly 8.5 meters of 20mpa concrete at about $150m3 (melbourne) so about $1200 for concrete

Reo, f72 around $90 per sheet x5
bag of 50/65 bar chairs about $20

So a rough price would be somewhere around $3,500 - $4,000 I would guess.

Or you could do it yourself for about $2,000 (I did my 6m x 7m slab, ranged from 150mm - 300mm thick for under $800 - got the 25mpa concrete cheap :)


27th November 2005, 11:07 PM
Thanks for the replies guys.

It seems that prices can vary greatly.
Looks like I'll just have to get a few quotes and take it from there.



27th November 2005, 11:43 PM
We just did 80m2 for a cricket net and I charged the client $5K as there was a bit of muddling around...:D muddling...get it...Oh brother:rolleyes: .

$8500 cash is a very expensive but I haven't seen the site and some jobs can run to that much.

The cricket net was easy because the guy who boxed out the slab area in the Bobcat was a genius!:D :D


28th November 2005, 01:51 AM
Best way is if possible . Ask around as some of your mates will know a granno . Ask for the cash price with you supplying the labor . Put on a BBQ and Crownies for about 10 mates . 1 granno and your mates will do it easy . $8000 is very rich though . Plus check his work . I've seen some shockers lately .

28th November 2005, 02:43 AM
We had one done here in Canada for about $3000 but I guess shipping would be expensive:D

28th November 2005, 09:41 PM
wow . I built my own shed 12m x 8m for that price ( $8,000) complete , roof ( G.I. ) , trusses , slab , walls etc . mind you that was 12 years ago . I did it all myself though .
As stated earlier $4,000 sounds right for materials but I reckon labour would be on top of that . Just my opinion .

28th November 2005, 11:00 PM
Hi guys,

I was just wondering if anybody know's what a fair price for a concrete slab in Sydney would be right now.

I am getting a metal kit garage built soon and the slab is 6.0m x 12.0m.
It is 100mm slab with a 200mm deep beam across the 12.0m front edge.

I would appreciate if anybody could give me ideas on what they think is a fair price to prepare and lay the slab, mesh and everything included. The site is almost flat already.

I have been given a price by someone for $8500 cash and he says that only really covers costs and they are putting very little profit into that price.


Afew months ago 3-4 (approx) I had a slab 5 x 6 mtrs x 200mm thick, 82? reo (3 sheets) was used, a level site but needed a bit of fill (old pool) cost was $5400. So adding the extra for yours seems about right give or take a few buck's!....

29th November 2005, 12:44 AM
Afew months ago 3-4 (approx) I had a slab 5 x 6 mtrs x 200mm thick, 82? reo (3 sheets) was used, a level site but needed a bit of fill (old pool) cost was $5400. So adding the extra for yours seems about right give or take a few buck's!....

5 x 6 x 0.2 = 6m3

6 x 12 x 0.1 = 7.2m3

$8,500.00 cash is very high....(just trying to give a general tip here)

29th November 2005, 09:49 AM
Thanks again guys,

Squizzy, I don't think the calculations work out just based on volume of concrete used. A big flat slab will cost more than a small deep slab of same volume wont it?

I know it does seem a little high.
I was hoping to get it arounfd the 6ish mark.



29th November 2005, 09:57 AM
Go for a drive around a new housing estate and ask the concreters how much for a cash in hand for a weekend, offer a BBQ and a slab too.
Guarantee you will get a result.

29th November 2005, 09:27 PM

My old mans a concretor. If you want give me a call on my mobile which I will PM you. It will be a reasonable amount and done properly by a licenced tradesman.

29th November 2005, 10:01 PM
5 x 6 x 0.2 = 6m3

6 x 12 x 0.1 = 7.2m3

$8,500.00 cash is very high....(just trying to give a general tip here)
Maybe I should have mentioned that it was a "cashie" by a tradesman, supplied cold/hot drinks and I didn't mention another slab for my boat, so I appologise for the misleading information in my previous post.:o

10th March 2008, 08:56 PM
I have just put in a slab 10m x 8.6m x 100mm (86 sq metres) at a cost of:
9.44metres 25 mpa concrete delivered 40km return trip x 2 loads $1450 cash, 6 - 6m x 2.4m m-62 reinforcing mesh delivered 40km return trip $240 cash, 6 tonne of grade 3 crushed rock delivered 20km return $130 cash, 3 men over 2 days to box for slab, fill low spots with crushed rock, lay mesh and lay concrete (13 hrs) over 2 days, 80km return travel, $1200 cash. A total of $3020, completed by tradesmen start to finish.
I would recomend that you get quotes from as many tradesmen as possible.

17th March 2008, 05:21 PM
Hi could I get the link to the thread "boxing in my slab" as I cant seem to find it.


17th March 2008, 06:35 PM

My old mans a concretor. If you want give me a call on my mobile which I will PM you. It will be a reasonable amount and done properly by a licenced tradesman.

And judging by your avitar he would have been born with a trowel in his hand :p