View Full Version : I’m pretty P....... off about this “Saws”

5th February 2021, 10:17 PM
So I was going to make another saw actually I could have made a couple “But”

Well literally this was out of my hands I had zero control on me not being able to for fill this deep desire to make another saw or three.

So it was around 7 January, I was enjoying some well earned time in the Steel palace,possibly playing on my phone one night while the lovely Sally was watching TV,
I’m a serial Internet screen shopping browser guy,so I would have probably given Sally a innocent smile, then done the big index finger on the buy button trick while she is watching TV.
Knowing full well that Sally has know idea of my devious plan for world domination through the power of “SAW”.

Un till she sees the bank accounts later, while doing our banking, for which my plan and fool proof response is “O Ye I forgot to tell you about that, must have slipped my mind darling”

Sometimes the punishment is less than the crime [emoji6].

So I’m eagerly following my purchase an it’s route travailing the globe wondering if it’s excited to be involved in world domination!,
Thank you Amazon!!

So my beautiful precious all mine package is in the land of OZ some time around the 22 of January,
I’m starting to get jittery like a dogie politician waiting in there office late one night to count the contents of a brown paper bag.

Immmmm I can just smell that fresh new steel immmm.

Then it goes seriously pear shap, an I revert back to using four letter words my father would make me look up in a huge dictionary.

Wednesday 27 of January my loverly Sally is back in Melbourne as I am, I’m out working Sal is in the office and can easily hear the Door bell ring.
It’s on the outside of said office wall, even I can bloody hear it.

But on Wednesday 27 of January it didn’t ring the bell !!

Then this arrives in my email

So ok I try contacting “Fastway”
No phone number a re direction to another company errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr[emoji35]rerrr.

I google Fastway reviews Omg They seem to be the most hated Company on Earth not one good review!! .

Emails sent panic stations armed.
I sent polite emails no harsh words or terms.

Check emails around the clock every 30 seconds, nothing.

Waiting for takeaway tonight, check emails nothing
Check Amazon “Your orders”

I get this

Bloody hell it seems it was right out side the front door in Melbourne,now I can’t have my new toys.
It wasn’t a dangerous good,it would not have been heavy,I had my people listing for the door bell,(thank you Sally)
There is no human killing dog on the property that hates courier drivers.

There is no people to call an ask
Just bloody computer generated emails.
So now I will wait for my money to be returned, than bloody try again.
Rant over


6th February 2021, 08:48 AM
I would be too...Commiserations


6th February 2021, 08:52 AM

i sympathise. I am waiting on a parcel from France ( no, not a letter :) ) which was dispatched on 24 November and has not been heard of since. Saw blade material makes the hurt even worse!


6th February 2021, 10:50 AM
This evening in Glen Waverley at sunset there will be a lone middle aged guy a little chubby having a silent quite tear, for the fallen an lost saw plate.

Cheers Matt.
I’m still P.......

6th February 2021, 02:35 PM
You have an overemotional attachment to these sawplates dude.

People might think its a euphemism given the description in your first image....

6th February 2021, 02:42 PM
You have an overemotional attachment to these sawplates dude.

People might think its a euphemism given the description in your first image....

My entire family would possibly agree with you [emoji6]

Cheers Matt.

Bernard Zhang
6th February 2021, 02:48 PM
Hey Simplicity,

You should try

Dawborn Steels Trading Pty Ltd
54-84 Boundary Road (PO Box 550), Braeside Vic 3195

They sell SAE1074 H&T and I picked up a 300mm x 1500mm piece of 0.7mm piece sheet for arond $150

They stock all different thicknesses

Save you the hassle of having it shipped around the world. Or not even shipped at all :p



6th February 2021, 04:14 PM
Hey Simplicity,

You should try

Dawborn Steels Trading Pty Ltd
54-84 Boundary Road (PO Box 550), Braeside Vic 3195

They sell SAE1074 H&T and I picked up a 300mm x 1500mm piece of 0.7mm piece sheet for arond $150

They stock all different thicknesses

Save you the hassle of having it shipped around the world. Or not even shipped at all :p



Hi Bernard,

My basic understanding is 1075 is softer than 1095
1095(high carbon) is preferable because of its edge retention.

Cheers Matt.

6th February 2021, 07:45 PM
None available locally?

6th February 2021, 08:20 PM
It is difficult to source steel in Australia that is of a suitable thickness for saw making. Back saws are in the typical range .020" - .029": Hand saws are from.025" up to .036" depending on length of saw. 1mm thick is the equivalent of .040". This is a quick guide to the three common steels used for saw making with 1095 being the preferred metal. The last two digits reflect the carbon content which will be a range. So 1095 implies a carbon content of approximately 0.95%.


AISI 1075 Carbon Steel (UNS G10750) (azom.com) (https://www.azom.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=6559)


1085 Carbon Steel Review - Is 1085 steel good for knives? - Knife User (https://knifeuser.com/1085-carbon-steel/#:~:text=The%201085%20Steel%20is%20a%20High%20Carbon%20Steel,blade%201%%20of%20Manganese:%20Increases%20hardness%20and%20brittleness.)


SAE AISI 1095 Steel, High Carbon Steel Heat Treat, Properties & Hardness (theworldmaterial.com) (https://www.theworldmaterial.com/sae-aisi-1095-high-carbon-steel/#:~:text=AISI%201095%20Mechanical%20Properties%20%20%20Steel%20(UNS),%20%2018%20%201%20more%20rows)

1075 is frequently referred to as a beginners material: This is primarily for knife making possibly because it is easier to work and more forgiving when heat treating and tempering. To be considered high carbon steel there has to be a minimum content of 0.5% carbon. However that is far too low for the purpose of making saws.


6th February 2021, 09:16 PM
None available locally?

None that I’ve found, in hobby quantities!, that’s not to say it not available, it’s just I haven’t found any local yet.

But the real think that P.... me off was it had actually made it 95 percent into my hands, then for no reason I have know idea why it’s being sent back.

Cheers Matt.

6th February 2021, 10:08 PM
Simplicity, did you email Amazon and talk to a human?

Mr Fiddleback
6th February 2021, 10:09 PM
But the real think that P.... me off was it had actually made it 95 percent into my hands, then for no reason I have know idea why it’s being sent back.o

Cheers Matt. That would do my head in :C
Kudos for your great patience sir
Best of fortune tracking your goods down :;
Mr Fiddleback :)

25th February 2021, 03:18 PM
An update on all this,

I re ordered some more 1095 Spring Steel through Amazon on 11th of February, and it arrived today.

Exactly the same order as the previous order and I’m very happy with that.

But, now regarding the first order,well we went back through the bank details, regarding the first order.

And low and behold the first order, funds were never actually removed from my account, ($70.11)

So ,it seems they had a ....... mistake sent them halfway around the globe, then realised an issue, I think.

Short story, I’m happy.

Cheers Matt.

1st July 2021, 08:15 AM
good to hear it arrived, the question is would you order it from there again? ;)

how do you personally attack that material to cut to the size of the blade you require? find that hacksaw works or something like a small dremel bit can cut it noting to keep heat away etc to not warp the edge


1st July 2021, 10:15 AM
good to hear it arrived, the question is would you order it from there again? ;)

how do you personally attack that material to cut to the size of the blade you require? find that hacksaw works or something like a small dremel bit can cut it noting to keep heat away etc to not warp the edge



I am not sure how Matt will be doing this as he may be locked down away from his tool base. Most people use an angle grinder with a thin (1mm) cutting disc. They cut through this thin steel so quickly that almost no heat is transmitted to the point that the cut edge can be held with bare fingers. An added precaution is to clamp the saw plate between heavier section steel to act as a heat sink. The top piece of steel acts as a guide for cutting too. See post # 8 in this (https://www.woodworkforums.com/f278/crazy-service-223133) thread for some pictorial idea of the process.

The plates can be cut with a fine (32ppi) hacksaw blade when other methods are unavailable.


1st July 2021, 07:35 PM
good to hear it arrived, the question is would you order it from there again? ;)

how do you personally attack that material to cut to the size of the blade you require? find that hacksaw works or something like a small dremel bit can cut it noting to keep heat away etc to not warp the edge


Nathan, Paul is right and wrong, I’m currently away from Creative Den, but I’ve created a Sub den to feed my tool needs.

I haven’t used any of the spring plate yet, but plan on using it very soon.
Now that the Plane challenge is done an dusted, I may get stuck into it.
With regards cutting the steel, the really thin stuff under .5 mm I’ve used a large pair of Tin snips in the past, but I’m a maverick.
Paul is on the money if your comfortable using a small angle grinder with a thin cut of disk, they will do the job well.
I’m comfortable using small or big angle grinders, I just hate the noise an sparks and all the carry on(snob)

Cheers Matt.

1st July 2021, 08:08 PM
It's not needed for something thing like saw plate but otherwise this variable speed thin kerf mini table saw is the ducks nuts for cutting any tool steel.
Cuts are pretty accurate especially if the mitre is used.

Because the grinder that drives the cutting wheel is sealed and the wheel is separated from the grinder by a belt I can even drip water into the cut line.
It makes a mess but I can cut quite thick tool steel without it bluing.

Sorry don't have a photo but here's one when I was using my old 8" table saw with the water cooling attachment.