24th September 2020, 06:53 PM
During the Friday prattle session last friday one of the topics was a general purpose finish for benches, tool handles and other general wood things that were not in contact with food.
Doug shared his recipe of 1 litre of Pure Gum Turps, 1 litre of boiled linseed oil and enough Beeswax to dissolve into the mixture as possible without actually melting it.
I wanted to try it but don't have any pure gum turpentine on hand and some of the data on it looks a little scary so I said i would try it with Mineral Turps as it is a recognised though not as good substitute for pure gum.
Couple of people commented that this was not ideal and it could be cloudy and patchy when applied.
So a little experiment is underway..... since my granulated beeswax turned up really fast.
first step was to dissolve some beeswax into mineral turps so i threw a couple handfuls into a bottle added around 300ml of min turps and left over night. This resulted in a quite yellow looking liquid with the remaining beeswax chips looking bleached.
Filter this through some lycra to remove larger solids and then mixed 50/50 with linseed.
about 36hrs later and a colder day that mix seems to have settled some of the beeswax out of solution
in the horizontal photo you can see the slightly cloudy solution and in the vertical one the beeswax at the bottom.
Shake well and everything goes a little cloudy but well distributed.
At the time in mixed the above together i added 500ml of fresh mineral turps to the beeswax pellets already used to see if more would dissolve.
What somewhat surprised me is that what looked like very bleached pellets still yielded a lot of yellow colour.
What's quite obvious though is the clear layer, the cloudy layer and the solid pellets still left, when this is shaken it goes very milky.
The cloudy part looks a bit like the paste type wax mixes you see online.
i'd like to decant the milky layer out to use with just the boiled linseed limiting the amount of mineral turps to see what it behaves like.
I have tried the 50/50 mix on some hardwood and it seemed to leave a smooth feeling behind.
Next time i'm in Bunnings i'll grab some pure gum turps to try out and see what it does.
Doug shared his recipe of 1 litre of Pure Gum Turps, 1 litre of boiled linseed oil and enough Beeswax to dissolve into the mixture as possible without actually melting it.
I wanted to try it but don't have any pure gum turpentine on hand and some of the data on it looks a little scary so I said i would try it with Mineral Turps as it is a recognised though not as good substitute for pure gum.
Couple of people commented that this was not ideal and it could be cloudy and patchy when applied.
So a little experiment is underway..... since my granulated beeswax turned up really fast.
first step was to dissolve some beeswax into mineral turps so i threw a couple handfuls into a bottle added around 300ml of min turps and left over night. This resulted in a quite yellow looking liquid with the remaining beeswax chips looking bleached.
Filter this through some lycra to remove larger solids and then mixed 50/50 with linseed.
about 36hrs later and a colder day that mix seems to have settled some of the beeswax out of solution
in the horizontal photo you can see the slightly cloudy solution and in the vertical one the beeswax at the bottom.
Shake well and everything goes a little cloudy but well distributed.
At the time in mixed the above together i added 500ml of fresh mineral turps to the beeswax pellets already used to see if more would dissolve.
What somewhat surprised me is that what looked like very bleached pellets still yielded a lot of yellow colour.
What's quite obvious though is the clear layer, the cloudy layer and the solid pellets still left, when this is shaken it goes very milky.
The cloudy part looks a bit like the paste type wax mixes you see online.
i'd like to decant the milky layer out to use with just the boiled linseed limiting the amount of mineral turps to see what it behaves like.
I have tried the 50/50 mix on some hardwood and it seemed to leave a smooth feeling behind.
Next time i'm in Bunnings i'll grab some pure gum turps to try out and see what it does.