View Full Version : Polishing of timber floor boards

15th November 2005, 10:05 PM
I have just had my new timber floor polished by a pro: the floor has been coated three times. I have noticed that the polish has not flooded into the minor cracks of the timber and currently appears to sit around the edges leaving a crevice in the center. Could anyone give me some indication if the coated polish should have flooded the entire surface including the minor crevices.


Wood Butcher
15th November 2005, 10:45 PM
I recently did some polished floors at a house I owned using Feast Watson's Floorproof. I found that the finish did not flood the gaps in the floors like I thought it would. After asking a couples of pro's they siad that it was because of the surface tension of the finish. One way to do it is to force the finish into the gap with a brush, but on the downside, if the timber has any major movements along the gaps ro cracks the finish will crack!!

15th November 2005, 11:01 PM
I have just had my new timber floor polished by a pro: the floor has been coated three times. I have noticed that the polish has not flooded into the minor cracks of the timber and currently appears to sit around the edges leaving a crevice in the center. Could anyone give me some indication if the coated polish should have flooded the entire surface including the minor crevices.

G'Day Russ,
Firstly welcome, yes I am sure it should have found its way into the cracks, I say this because I did my own floors several years ago in another house we had, it also had new floors. Chasing some advise from several places i.e. the hire shop for the sander, the paint shop for the 2 part estapol and the local hardware, all gave advise on different aspects of the process. When it was all put together I ended up with a first rate job, and the envy of others who had paid good $$ for a pro job.
It went like this, sand around the skirtings then with the drum-sander work from the center to the wall for full length of the room, turn around and do the other half (taking care not to lift the handle of the sander when at end of stroke).
Vacuum the floor, damp mop and when dry a big wad of steel wood rub over the floor damp mop again and let dry.
Apply the first coat (using lambs wool applicator) let dry, then next day, steel wool again, damp mop, when dry apply second coat, let dry.
Next day, steel wool again, damp mop, apply third coat, let dry, sit back and admire your new glass finish floor and have a beer or three!...
The others told me afterwards that the pros never mopped, vacuumed or steel wooled the floor, they sanded and applied one coat after another, then left.
