View Full Version : Speaking of Jokes.....

15th November 2005, 09:50 AM
Is their some sort of Ho Ha about some boring old game in South America somewhere? Pity they are dragging it back here, waste of time lets get on with cricket......

Ok let em rip, sure to find a soccer supporter somewhere here in Aust. lol:D :D :D

Kev Y.
15th November 2005, 12:45 PM
:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
just WHAT are you on benny? I have no idea what this post is about...:rolleyes:

Ratbag Oz
15th November 2005, 12:57 PM
I think he is discussing football?
but not the kind we are used too, not Aussie rules football
or Rugby league football
or gailic football
or gridiron..........

Now imagine what a world changing event it would be, if they could all be combined to make 1 world-wide football game, which everyone (footy fans anyway) actually liked??

Yeah it'll be a cold day in h#ll...........

15th November 2005, 01:11 PM
Lost me when the Aussie coach was on the box telling us all to intimidate the vistitors, (Uraguay is it? Can't even spell it). He reckoned customs should hold them up and everyone should block the road from the airport to their motel etc. Basically just treat them very un-Aussie like.

If thats "Football" then we are better off without it.

Give me a pie and sauce and a good heated crowd yelling abuse but not punches, preferably at a country game of Aussie rules, or rugby, or gailic but it's the culture of soccer voilence I find disgusting. Not the players fault more the crowds.

Ratbag Oz
15th November 2005, 01:16 PM
Yup, those that are Un-Aussie like in general I reckon, including those coaches an stuff if they're saying things like that *Big frown* (I actually didn't bother turning it on in the first place :p )

Hang in there Benny, we each have our own little happy things, and for some people, soccer is it I guess ;)

Auld Bassoon
15th November 2005, 06:41 PM
Give me a pie and sauce and a good heated crowd yelling abuse but not punches, preferably at a country game of Aussie rules, or rugby, or gailic but it's the culture of soccer voilence I find disgusting. Not the players fault more the crowds.

What's the old adage? "Soccer is a game for gentlemen, played by thugs, and Rugby is a game for thugs, played by gentlemen". Ahem, enough said!

Runs for cover:eek:


15th November 2005, 08:58 PM
Auld Bassoon,
Quite right old chap. used to be a gentleman player myself. Jolly good time when you can belt the bejeebies out of the other team.

15th November 2005, 11:02 PM
Give me a pie and sauce and a good heated crowd yelling abuse but not punches, preferably at a country game of Aussie rules, or rugby, or gailic but it's the culture of soccer voilence I find disgusting. Not the players fault more the crowds.

You've overstepped the line there sunshine, though I find your attitude pretty offensive anyway. There is more violence in Australia related to AFL than there is with soccer - it's just not reported. How do I know this? I've got a mate who's a sports reporter.

If you want to have jokes about another sport, go for it, and you'll get the same back. But you aren't making jokes, you're just being offensive.


15th November 2005, 11:50 PM
Well put Richard.

I think my avatar shows you what I think of the sport. I guess billions of people and myself must be deluded.

Im really looking forward to the game tommorow.

Wood Butcher
15th November 2005, 11:59 PM
Must admit I am not a huge soccer fan I would prefer to watch hockey, volleyball or baseball. But I will be watching the soccer match with a few mates and I hope that Uruquay have their butts kicked, mainly as payback for the crap that they hae already put us through.

doug the slug
16th November 2005, 12:13 AM
well, all codes of "football" have good and bad supporters i guess and the public image of each code does to some extent depend on the press reporting of it but the main yardstick which is used is the behaviour of the fans, and well, sorry , some measure up better than others. as do individual teams within each code. I will not support any team in any code whose fans cannot conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner, win, lose or draw.

16th November 2005, 07:18 AM
You've overstepped the line there sunshine, though I find your attitude pretty offensive anyway. There is more violence in Australia related to AFL than there is with soccer - it's just not reported. How do I know this? I've got a mate who's a sports reporter.

If you want to have jokes about another sport, go for it, and you'll get the same back. But you aren't making jokes, you're just being offensive.


Missed my intent or maybe I was too vague. It's was the attitude that was portrayed by the coach that I'm against. True I find soccer boring to watch but it's the over the top supporters. And yes AFL supporters may be similar.

What I actually was trying to convey is it's a sport and should be fun, without being told by a coach to blockade the streets to intimidate a foreign team. Do it on the field with a better team.

Sometimes a bit of a carrot gets conversation flowing if it's spiced up a bit.:D :D :D

16th November 2005, 11:28 PM

Guus for GOD
Harry for his PROPHET
Swartzer for DISCIPLE


17th November 2005, 01:51 AM
I usually don't give a hoot about most sports, but in this case I think they have done alright.

17th November 2005, 07:08 AM
Is Garlic Football what the Italians play:confused:

17th November 2005, 07:16 AM
Who won?
Oh don't bother, no interest really.........

Would be a victory if the crowd behaved themselves I guess?

17th November 2005, 08:18 AM
Off much more interest was the English collapse to secure Pakistan a win!
So much for the new challengers for the world title.

Maybe they can only win on their own pitches?

17th November 2005, 09:05 PM
Off much more interest was the English collapse to secure Pakistan a win!
So much for the new challengers for the world title.

Maybe they can only win on their own pitches?

you notice that too? and here I was thinking I was a conspiracy theorist:D

18th November 2005, 07:32 AM
I just realised I'm a mathematics supporter.

AFL scores, the challenge of converting goals and point to a score.
Cricket, all the ratios, batting figures run chases etc.

Soccer 1 or 0, somtimes maybe up to 5. Not a real lot of interest in such limited maths....................