View Full Version : On Facebook today

1st July 2020, 05:20 PM
I was at the bank today and the teller was handing out condoms. The man in front of me smiled and winked and as he gave it back said “Oh I need a MUCH bigger one than this.” The teller said “No sir. It goes on your finger for the ATM.”

clear out
4th July 2020, 02:54 PM
I used to have those little finger stalls for gluing up windtunnel test buildings at the Uni using cyanoacrylide
glue and zip kicker to prevent my fingers becoming permanently attached to the job whilst holding bits together.
It was fun to leave a few around the other guys benches.
Always brought the ‘gee you must have a tiny one’ comment.

KBs PensNmore
4th July 2020, 07:18 PM
Has anyone ever noticed the serial number on them???
NO, obviously you haven't rolled them on far enough.:D

7th July 2020, 03:18 PM

I remember getting a laugh in high school. Some wag looking to throw me off balance said out loud in front of a group of kids, "what's a condom?" to which I immediately replied a piece of gladwrap and a rubber band. Laughter all round and protagonist put in his place...

With innovations like that no wonder I ended up in engineering....